The conspiracy to get rich read. Features of rituals for wealth and money. The effect of strong conspiracies on wealth and good luck

If you are feeling completely penniless, here are some simple tricks
you will be helped to attract money. You shouldn't expect millions, but you will significantly improve your magnetism in monetary terms.
The most important places to lure money are the front door and the kitchen. After having thoroughly washed the floor, put three 5-teak coins under the doormat inside the apartment, eagle-side up.
The same coins, wrapped in paper or a plastic bag, should be placed in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer), in the bread bin, in cereals - they will take care of you not to go hungry. Make sure that the coins placed in the food do not get moldy - then, on the contrary, they will hinder welfare.
You can hide "treasures" of coins in other places - in cupboards, under carpets, among books. It is forbidden to do this only in the bathroom, toilet and bedroom.
It is good to carry "treasures" with you - one coin in each pocket, in each compartment of your purse, in a cosmetic bag.
The point of such transactions is that money attracts money. Many hidden coins symbolize the wealthy person that you should become.

Money conspiracy for pantry keys

This conspiracy was read over the keys to the storerooms, so that they were always full of goodness. The same conspiracy can be read over the keys to safes, jewelry boxes, and even just over a wallet. Take the keys (wallet), throw them in the middle of the room and say:
I will get up, blessing, go, cross myself, go out of the bedroom into the maid, throw the keys in the middle of the maid, turn around to the holy icons, bow to our Christ our Savior, pray for a good meal, for a golden execution, for all good, for my soul. Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the God of all mercy and generosity, His mercy is immeasurable, and love for mankind is an unsearchable abyss: falling to Your Majesty, with fear and trembling, as if a servant unworthy of thanksgiving to Your benevolence about Your good deeds on Your servants who were, now as if we glorify the Lord, Vladyka, and the Benefactor, praise, sing and magnify, and gratefully thank the packs, Your immeasurable and ineffable mercy humbly prays. Yes, as now, accept the prayers of Thy servants, and mercifully fulfill Thou, and beforehand in Thy and sincere love and in all the virtues of those who are ripening. Receive your good deeds from all your faithful, your holy church, and this city (or all this), rescuing all evil of the situation, and thus granting peace and serenity to you with your beginningless Father, and the Most Holy, and good, and your Consubstantial Spirit , in one being to the glorified God, always bring thanksgiving, and praise and praise and praise. Glory to Thee God, our Benefactor, forever and ever. Amen.

Pick up the keys (wallet), drop it again, and read the plot again. Do this three times.
(From the book "Conspiracies of the Altai Healer")

The magic of money

Light a green candle. Cut nine identical strings from the skein of green yarn. Fold these ropes all together, pinch them between your palms and rub your palms together, rolling the ropes and forming a cord from them. Doing this, pronounce the conspiracy: "Nine roads, nine ways will come to me what I want, copper nickels, silver rubles, gold ducats, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals."
Then tie nine knots on the cord. The general order of the knots on the cord should be as follows: 1-6-4-8-3-7-5-9-2. That is, first you tie the first knot at one end of the cord, the second at the other end, a third in the middle of the cord, the fourth in the middle between the first and third knots, the fifth between the third and the second, and so on.
Tying each knot, repeat the conspiracy: "I fasten this knot all in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power."

Old money in magic

If you unexpectedly find money that has already gone out of circulation (those that you set aside for memory or from your target collection are not counted), then they have a certain magical meaning.
If you want to get rid of something, then such a bill must be burned in the flame of a green candle with the waning moon at sunset, formulating at this time in your own words how the problem will turn out, and flush the ashes down the toilet or down the drain.
If you want to buy something, then at sunrise with a growing moon, take this money to the intersection closest to your house and leave it there. While you are walking, in your own words mentally imagine the desired situation in front of you as figuratively as possible.
In both the first and second cases, after completing the manipulations, wash your hands with running water.

For the safety of money.

This ritual should be performed on the day when your debt was returned or your salary was given. Wait for the evening. Stay alone in the room, light a church candle. From the money received, take a medium denomination banknote, put it on a smooth surface (this can be a wooden table surface or the surface of a good expensive green fabric - green cloth, for example) and close your eyes.
For three minutes (time is counted offhand, not by the clock, but by your own feelings), stroke the bill with the tips of the index, middle and ring fingers of your right hand: first along the length, then along the width. Hold the money with your left hand. Say quietly:
Dove dear,
I flew into the house
She sat down at the window.
Whoever offends you is out of sight.
Who will steal you - that eye out.
Be my shepherd boy
Guard the lambs
Brothers and sisters,
Don't let go of yourself
Don't be offended.
Key, tongue, lock.
Then open your eyes, take the bill with both hands, shake it, blow on it from above and say: "Money in the house is found - not to be translated, to enemies and envious people - not to be transmitted." Cross the coin and put it in a secret place. And read "Our Father" nine times yourself. That's it, now within six months the money will not be lost and go out of your hands to nowhere. Six months later, you can spend the money you talked about and say a new word.

Gold candle will help you become richer

Gold has traditionally been associated with wealth and prosperity. If you want wealth and prosperity to come to your home, you need to do the following: take a gilded candle and coat it with peppermint oil. Light this candle on a growing moon on Tuesday, the candle should burn out completely.
From Sky Alexander's book "10 minutes of magic spells"

To make money flow.

Comb your hair with a fine comb, each time you run it through your hair, say:
So that the money comes in, does not go away,
Gathered, did not end.
Locking, installing, predicting.
Forever and ever. Amen.

The hostess is denyuzhka.

Any “working” coin that has been in use is suitable for the role of the Mistress (a feng shui coin will not work). It is best if it is an ordinary penny. First, you need to clean it and bury it in salt for a day, and then dig it up and put it in the middle of a clean white handkerchief, while saying:

"I went to a feast, to the world, to good people, to God's temple; now I sit at home and wait for guests. Come in, dear guests, rubles, chervonets! Be at home, live a long time!"
After that, wrap the Hostess in gold paper or sew it in a bright shred and put it where you keep money and important documents.
Now there is a Mistress in your money house, and therefore money will be found.
Sometimes you can ask her for money:
"Mother-penny, invite guests into the house (name the amount you need)"
When you put new money on her, be sure to say:
"Mother penny, welcome guests."
And when you take money from your house of money, say:
"Dear guests, come back soon!"
The Hostess also helps to look for important documents. If you can't find it, ask her about it.

From the book Zolotukhina "Rituals of money magic"

Water conspiracy.

On the night when the new month was born, pour into a glass of water, say over it: "Jesus Christ, help, ever since Mary, bury." Place it on the windowsill behind the curtain, and let it stand there until the full moon. On a full moon, wash yourself with that water, soak a comb in it, comb your hair and say seven times: “As the month was thin, but it became full, so would my servant of God (name) be full of all good. No sooner said than chopped off. Forever and ever. Amen".

Your lucky bill

Who doesn't dream of always having money in their wallet? Yes, and multiplied? There is a good way - always wear an unchangeable bill in it. She will attract her own kind. How do you know that magic money?
For many centuries in a row, there was a tradition in our country - the cash received was thrown over the table. The coin or bill that was closer to the owner than others became his talisman. It was believed that it brings good luck to the owner and brings other banknotes to him. With one condition: in no case should it be exchanged or spent. Today, this rule works just as effectively.
There is another way to find your lucky bill - find it in the pockets of seasonal clothes, which after a long break you take out of the closet. Since the bill itself did not want to leave you, it means that it is yours. Do not waste it, do not change it, but put it in a safe place, and it will serve you faithfully.
With modern money, you can also conclude a special monetary contract. To do this, you just need to find your personally, "registered" bill. How? There are proven ways. The main thing when you are holding bills in your hands is to pay attention to their series and numbers. These are special monetary names.
But you also have a name, patronymic, surname. It is clear that bills whose letter series match your initials or the first syllables of your name. - this is exactly your money that can help you.
For example, a banknote of the "AN" series is suitable for Anna, Anatoly or Andrey. "OL" - for Olga or Oleg, "IL" - for Ilya. If you prefer to call yourself by name and patronymic, then Anna Petrovna will be "AP". Svetlana Alekseevna - "SA". Well, if you want to be named by your last name, look for its initial letters in the series of bills: "SI" - Sidorov. "PE" - Petrov, etc. You can find other happy combinations. For example, put together the words: say, "rich" (BO + GA + TA).
What about foreign exchange? The principle is the same. Only corrected for the English alphabet. For example, one of my friends made a sentence "GO TO ME" from letters of different foreign money (English - "come to me"). Is it funny? And the money, by the way, soon really came. Moreover, dollars, euros, and pounds. No wonder: the whole world understands English, and money is no exception.

Lucky number
You can also find your happy one using numerology.
Write your name, patronymic and surname on paper. Write a numerical value under each letter.
Table of numerical correspondence of letters of the alphabet
1 - A AND C b
2 - B & T S
3 - B K Y L
4 - G L F E
5 - D M X Y
6 - E N C Y
7- OO H
8 - F P W
9- 3 Р Щ
Now determine the numerical code of each word separately by adding all the numbers and reducing them to a prime number.
For example, Anna Vasilievna Terekhova.
Anna 1 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5
Vasilievna 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2
Terekhova 2 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 39 = 12 = 3
So your lucky numbers are 5, 2, 3. Look for bills with numbers starting with these numbers!

Whisper to the wallet
As there are many stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet must have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen.

Whisper to the ceiling
If your neighbors are happy and rich, go to them, look at the ceiling and whisper.
As your harmony and treasure, what you, will be for us Amen.
So that money goes to money
If you say what you read below when you are given money, for example, change in a store, you will always have money:
Your money is in our wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen

a source


Man has always strived to become the owner of material wealth. The whole story is a constant struggle for survival, and subsequently for money and power, with which it becomes much easier to survive.

A conspiracy for prosperity and wealth is a universal magical rite, the main purpose of which is to obtain money from a variety of sources. These rituals include magic that can ensure promotion through the career ladder, helping in the search for treasure, helping to increase earnings, and others.

Today, money conspiracies are more relevant than ever, they are extremely popular with beginners and advanced practitioners. In a world where finances decide everything, it is difficult to resist and not try to improve your financial situation with the help of special rituals. Anyone can try such magic, since many effective rituals are posted on the Internet in the public domain.


For most rituals for wealth, the performer must use valuable items and materials. Most often, such rituals are used:

  • coins;
  • banknotes;
  • precious stones and metals.

The use of such things increases the effectiveness of the rite used, and also increases the speed of manifestation of the results. In addition to materials, the actions of the performer play an important role in money conspiracies. In many rituals, the practitioner must collect, cleanse, sharpen, or decorate the items used. All these actions are also associated with material wealth and symbolize financial well-being.


Most of the known money conspiracies have a fairly long lasting impact. Those of them that are carried out with the help of special objects can work throughout a person's life, provided that he always keeps the charmed object with him.

At the same time, one should not hope that immediately after the monetary ceremony, wealth will fall on the performer like snow on his head. This does not happen. To get a good result, a person will have to work, do something in order to get material benefits in standard ways. The work of the performer not only increases the chance of a favorable outcome of the conspiracy, but also increases the possible speed of the first results.

Most often, ceremonies aimed at obtaining financial resources begin to work almost instantly, however, this is a slow magic that takes time, magic for the future. Therefore, the first results should be expected no earlier than a few months after the ritual.


This magic ritual must be performed early Monday morning, standing in front of the door lock. The key must be in the lock. We read the words of the conspiracy:

“The gray wolf went into the dark forest to look for a white hare. He did not catch up with the hare, but he found a forged casket, upholstered in steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is hefty, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. Not for an ordinary man, not for a gray wolf, but for me, God's servant (name), that key is intended. I will find the key, I will open the chest, the stones, I will take gems from it, I will collect gold, silver. I will hide the key to make it come true. "

After that, you need to get the key out of the lock and wear it around your neck as a pendant. For security reasons, it is better to use a new key and lock,

which are not used anywhere.


“As the king will give dear gifts, so the servant of God (name) will get from those gifts. He (I) will not refuse, I will take a gift, I will say words of gratitude. The round ball will spin, the damask sword will shine, and gold will ring forever in my pockets. I will go to the king-king barefoot, naked, and bring a human cup, a simple cup. I will not rub my feet in blood, I will not work my hands in calluses. The king will give gifts, so I will be the first. I say I am a servant of God, I will do the deed. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse. "

Conspiracy for honey

To carry out the ritual, you will need a bowl of honey, a handful of oats and some peas, which must be added to the honey. Stirring honey with our hand, we pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“I will give sweet porridge to the marten, I will appease her with honey gingerbread. The marten will bring me monetary wealth, fertile lands, high houses, jewelry, and gold coins. If the black raven takes away the gingerbread from the marten, I (name) will drive it from the marten with a stick. If the bear becomes that gingerbread army, I will drive him and scold him. And for that I will receive wealth from the marten, monetary grace. "


Do not be stingy - take the freshest and best apples for the ritual.

For the ritual, you will need 20 fresh apples. It's best if you can pick them yourself, but store-bought products will work as well.

If you buy apples, then in no case should you take change from the seller.

On the first day, 14 apples should be distributed to the beggars on the street.

On the second day, hand out half of the remaining apples as well. On the third day, you need to go to church, put them on the memorial table and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let the wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".


To carry out the ceremony, you need to light five white church candles, cross yourself three times and read a prayer:

“Jesus Christ is my hope and support, Yes Blessed Mother of God support. Angels walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags were opened, but all the money fell out. I was a servant of God (name) walked the earth, I found that money, collected it, and took it home. Now I lit the candles, I distributed the wealth to my own. Burn out the candles, come to my house. Till the end of time. Amen".

Now you need to wait until all the candles burn out, roll the remaining wax into a ball and carry it with you. You can put some of the wax into your wallet.


This ritual must be performed on a full moon on even numbers. With a coin of even denomination we go to the church, where we consecrate it. Now with the same coin we go into the forest, we find an aspen. You need to dig a small hole under the aspen, put a coin there, sprinkle it with earth and pour clean spring water. At this time, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, bless. Let what I have planted grow, and let it spike with harvests. The mouse will not gnaw a coin, the worm will not grind off, let no one waste my money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Throughout the history of existence, mankind has not been indifferent to obtaining all kinds of wealth. Indeed, material independence gives people great opportunities, which explains the desire of every person to become rich.

To become the owner of material prosperity, you need to work hard and efficiently, but this approach does not always allow you to quickly acquire a large amount of funds. In such cases, people resort to magical rituals that attract money and success. All rituals and rituals for money and wealth are aimed at attracting unexpected financial revenues. It can be a good bonus, a salary increase, winning the lottery, and so on.

Rites to raise money cannot be performed without the use of coins and banknotes. Also precious metals and stones are used in rituals.

If financial benefits are used for magical rites, then these should be coins cleaned to shine (jewelry made of precious metals) or new banknotes.

In the process of carrying out the ceremony, it is important to imagine the desired picture in the smallest detail, because without visualization it is impossible to imagine a single magic ritual. Since all the rituals of magic to attract money are aimed at multiplication, therefore it is customary to perform them for a growing month.

All magical actions for big money have a short-term effect, so they have to be performed at regular intervals. To consolidate the result, you need not only to perform magic rituals, but also to have money talismans with you.

Wealth rites

There are a wide variety of rituals aimed at prosperity and increasing money:

Ritual for Monday

The ritual is performed early Monday morning. A man wakes up at dawn, walks to the front door and inserts a suitable key into its lock. Concentrating on your desires, you need to read such a conspiracy:

The gray wolf will go to the dark forest to look for a white hare. The wolf will catch up with the white hare, but find in it a forged casket, upholstered in gilding and solid steel, blued. On that casket weighs a heavy lock, a strong lock, a silver lock. The key to the casket is hidden in the dark water, hidden from the eyes of strangers. Only me, the servant of God (name), was given the key in the water surface to find, honey with water herbs, and old stones. That key is not intended for a gray wolf, not for a passer-by, not for fast fish, it is only me, the servant of God (name), assigned by fate. Only it was given to me to open that casket, stones, silver, and gold in it to find and collect. I, the servant of God (name), will hide that key, so that everything said will come true, that fate is appointed. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen

After the plot has been read, the key must be hung on a string and worn around the neck as a talisman, but so that no one can see it.

Raising money at sunset

Another ritual for attracting material wealth and prosperity should be performed at sunset. To obtain the desired effect, the ritual must be carried out 3 days in a row. They stand so that their gaze is fixed on the western part of the sky and read the following spell:

As a king becomes a rich gift to people dear to give, so I, the servant of God (name), from those gifts will get a part. I, the servant of God (name), will not refuse gifts, I will take all the gifts, but I will say the words of gratitude to the king. As the white ball will spin around the world, as the damask sword will shine in the light, so gold will always ring in my pockets. I, the servant of God (name), will go to the king naked and barefoot, I will carry a human cup to him, a simple cup. I will not erase my white feet in blood on the way, I will not work my hands in calluses. The king will be presented with gifts of people, and I, the servant of God (name), will be the first among those people. I will accept gifts. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

Pea conspiracy

There is another effective ceremony that will easily allow you to attract financial prosperity, luck and an increase in material wealth into a person's life.

For the ritual, you need to prepare some peas, a thicket of honey and a handful of oats. Add oats and peas to honey. While mixing the ingredients, you need to whisper the following words:

I am a wild marten, a servant of God (name), I will give sweet porridge, I will appease her with honey gingerbread. That marten will bring me wealth, he will give me fertile lands, he will give high houses, he will give expensive jewelry, he will bring all the gold coins. If the black raven will take away the honey gingerbread from the marten, I, the servant of God (name), will drive that raven from the marten with a stick. If the bear takes away the gingerbread from the marten, I will drive him away, and scold him with human words. I, the servant of God (name), will receive a great monetary grace from the marten for this. May the said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen

Rite of passage with apples for money

An ancient rite with apples will help to effectively attract money into a person's life. For the ceremony, take 20 fruits. These should be the most beautiful and ripe apples.

It is optimal if a person picks fruits on his own in the garden, since the energy of such fruits will be incredibly strong.

If you cannot harvest the apple tree with your own hands, then you can purchase them, but you cannot take change from the seller. This ceremony will take several days. First you need to wait for the first day of the growing month phase and then treat 14 apples to the poor on the street.

On the second day, 3 apples are given to those in need, and the rest of the fruits are left on the third day, when you need to go with the rest to an Orthodox church. In the temple, apples are laid on the memorial table and the following conspiracy is read:

Remember my poverty, servants of God (name), for peace. May wealth flow to me like a river from this day. Let the wealth remain with me forever. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen

Golden rite

There is a very effective rite of passage for raising money, and it is called the golden rite. For a magical action, they take an earthen pot and a red church candle.

The pot is placed on the floor near the bedroom door, where a person usually rests and keeps his things there. In the next 6 days, you need to put one coin at exactly 17:00. When a person puts the first coin in a pot, you need to read such a conspiracy:

Money flow to me. Shine, money, me, the servant of God (name), hurry to make rich

For the rest of the coins, another conspiracy is suitable:

Money, you money, you are my strength. You do not leave me, the servant of God (name), do not leave for an hour, do not leave me in difficult times. Amen

After the last coin is placed in the pot, you can cover the wooden table with a linen tablecloth and put the pot of money on it.

Each coin needs to be laid out and laid out all around the pot. The ceremony must be organized so that the last day of the ritual falls on the full moon.

The bowl of coins must be removed from the table, but in the same place put a glass filled with fine salt, in which you must put a burning candle. Without taking your eyes off the candle, you must read such a conspiracy:

Immediately after reading the conspiracy, you need to go to bed. The candle should be left to burn out on the table. Shortly before sunrise, you need to get up and put all the coins back into the bowl. A glass with salt and a candle stub should be wrapped in a natural cloth towel and taken to the intersection.

For the next week, you need to put a coin into the bowl every day. At the same time, you need to read the prayer "Our Father". After a week, all the coins need to be put in a column, wrap them in paper and put the bundle in hidden for 3 years.

The most effective ritual for financial well-being

There are rituals of financial magic, the effectiveness of which is beyond doubt, and they are performed on Christmas Day. For example, there is a magic ritual for money for which you need to prepare 3 large green candles, a flower pot and earth.

The container must be brand new. A sufficient amount of earth is poured into the pot, candles are placed in the ground and their wicks are set on fire. A finger is passed along the neck. In this case, it is necessary to read the following words:

Over the blue sea, over the endless ocean, on the distant Buyan island, lies a white stone, a combustible stone - Alatyr. As the dawns on the stone close, as the dawns on it are comforted, and the songs are singing, so I, the servant of God (name), sang songs on it, comforted the dove of a gray-winged falcon, a black raven. Tight sorrow sucked my zealous heart, blackened it in black need. There is no necessary prosperity in my house, which is why I do not feel sweet either day or night. As I, the servant of God (name), light a candle, put the money in, so my money will multiply, as my candle begins to vibrate. The wax on my candle melts and melts, so my need decreases, and wealth arrives. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

After the conspiracy has been read, it is necessary to put the pot in a conspicuous place and light the candles so that they burn continuously for 12 days and burn out by the thirteenth day.

Prayer for money

Not only a magic ritual, but also prayer will help to attract big people into a person's life. First you need to buy 5 white church candles (the candles must be consecrated), light them, cross yourself three times and read a prayer:

Jesus Christ is my hope and support, Yes Blessed Mother of God support. Angels walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags were opened, but all the money fell out. I was a servant of God (name) walked the earth, I found that money, collected it, and took it home. Now I lit the candles, I distributed the wealth to my own. Burn out the candles, come to my house. Till the end of time. Amen

Ancient ritual

The most powerful and reliable rituals are considered to attract money, which have come to mankind since ancient times. The ceremony is carried out as follows: they buy dry St. John's wort in a pharmacy, several branches of which are poured into a tea strainer.

The grass is set on fire and a large water container is smoked. The container is turned over, wax of a lighted candle is dripped onto the center of it and on the sides of the bottom. When the wax has solidified, the jar must be turned into the correct position.

They hug the bank as tightly as possible with their arms and legs, close their eyes and imagine a picture of wealth. After that you need to get 4 coins, one of them needs to be held in a fist and say "I want money to come to (surname, name, patronymic)!"

After that, over the stone three times you need to pronounce the name of your favorite gem, which favors a person. The coin is thrown into the bank. Above the second coin, instead of the name of the gem, they pronounce the name of their favorite natural fur three times, above the second - the name of the brand of the desired car, on the third - a cherished desire that requires significant financial costs.

Burnt St. John's wort must be sprinkled with coins in the bank. The jar is closed with palms and a picture of wealth is visualized. It is necessary to light the candle again, sprinkle it with wax on the edges of the neck so that 4 drops are formed (in a square). The fifth drop must be placed in the center. The jar itself is hidden in a closet away from prying eyes. Every day you need to invest a coin in the bank.

Talismans to attract money

There are charms and talismans that allow you to quickly attract money:

  • under the linoleum at the front door, you need to put a coin found on the street (but it should not be a coin not from the intersection);
  • it is recommended to carry a large denomination in the wallet, and this must be donated or won money;

Black magic to attract money will work quickly and accurately - you will receive the required amount or other material benefit in a few days. However, the money spell has its own price, and in the case of black witchcraft, it is not about money.

In the article:

What you need to know about black magic at raising money

The rites of black magic to raise money are quite effective - you will get everything you want. Black magicians are rarely in need. They can usually be called rich people. Their secret is simple - ceremonies and are able to enrich in a short time.

But recourse to dark sorcery is not nearly as easy as to white. The dark forces require the literal performance of rituals as a sign of respect for them. Failure to pronounce spells can be costly. In addition, you will have to cultivate courage - nocturnal cemeteries should not scare you. On the churchyard, the black magician feels almost more protected than in his own home.

The rituals with sacrifices... No, you don’t need to sacrifice people and puppies. Usually these are black chickens and roosters, sometimes wild rats - with the exception of the latter, these animals, even without black magic, are killed for food. But few people get dinner in this way - for a modern person, even killing a chicken cannot be called a familiar and simple occupation.

If you believe the opinion of the church, the road to the temple for the black magician is closed. This is not entirely true. If you decide to enrich yourself with the help of dark forces, you will not be able to consider yourself a believer. However, you can go to the temple and repent of what is perfect - however, after that you will very quickly lose everything that the powers of darkness have given you, they are quite touchy. Many dark sorcerers also use the temple worshipers. You can still see them in the church, but witches and sorcerers come there with their own dark goals.

If these conditions do not bother you, you can come to the dark craft in order to enrich yourself. Most likely, you will go ahead and learn other rituals - some of them will benefit you and your loved ones, some will harm your enemies. The life of a dark magician is capable of arousing envy and admiration, and the purpose of an interest in magic in the form of wealth is quite understandable to dark forces.

Conspiracy for money with tarot cards

Tarot cards
- a sacred instrument, and not only fortune-tellers use it. This deck can be used not only for fortune telling. There are many rituals in which they serve as the main component. Most of them are directly related to black magic. So, one of the powerful spells for money from black magic requires the presence of the most money cards of the deck, as well as the personification of the patron saint of dark magicians.

The ceremony is performed at three o'clock in the morning on the growing moon. You cannot spend it on Sunday and a church holiday, otherwise, at best, witchcraft will not work, and at worst, it will hit your biofield. Turn off the electricity in the whole house or go to your special place for magic - a forest, an abandoned house, an old cemetery. No one should bother you and no one should be present during the ritual. Loneliness is the best companion for a black magician when he needs to turn to black magic conspiracies for wealth.

Light six black candles. Choose from the deck the three cards listed above. Place the green fabric triangle made in advance on the altar or clean table. Green is the color of money, not all attributes of dark witchcraft are black. Lay out the cards at the corners of the triangle, the Devil should be on top, at the top of the triangle.

After that, you should get some of your blood from your finger - you will need a medical scarifier, which can be bought at a pharmacy, as well as alcohol or another means for disinfecting wounds. Draw a pentagram with blood on the green cloth in the center of the triangle. At the same time, cast the spell:

Amidas prenas delas chramos tiberos magnum treos!

In all words of this spell, the stress is on the first vowel sound. After reading it, wrap the cards in a cloth and place them under your pillow. Now it's time to go to bed - before the morning, you should definitely get at least a little sleep.

In the morning, first of all, put the cards in a specially prepared box, where they will be kept permanently. You will no longer be able to use cards for fortune telling, so if you do not want to part with your favorite deck, get a new one in advance. Keep the green cloth in your wallet without reaching it. Within a few days you will start receiving money from the most unexpected sources.

Black witchcraft for money - gypsy sacrifice

O gypsy witchcraft there are legends to this day. The people believe that most of the nomadic people have a magical gift. It is extremely rare that this gift is light, gypsies are very often accused of evil eyes and corruption, and they themselves rarely hide their involvement in black magic. So, how to attract money with black magic using gypsy methods?

The most important component of a gypsy ritual is sacrifice.
Sorcerers-nomads sacrificed rats, in the old days there were a lot of them near people's dwellings. It is much more difficult to find a wild rat now, but it is still possible. You cannot replace it with anything, you cannot buy an animal either. Before sacrifice, the rat must sit in the cage for three days without food. If the rat dies, this means that the forces do not accept your victim, and it is better to look for another conspiracy for money from black magic.

If the Darkness has accepted your sacrifice, you can perform the rite of black money magic. It is held in the light of six black candles. You will also need a metal bowl - ideally a silver one, as well as a knife with a black handle - atame. Take a rat in your left hand, and a knife in your right. Read the prayer "Our Father" in reverse and with its last words cut the throat of the rat. Blood should be poured into a bowl, not a drop should be spilled.

Place the corpse of the rat back in the cage, it will still come in handy. Blood needs to be said six times:

I dedicate blood to the King of Hell! I call him by his name! Satan! Satan! Satan! As this blood does not return to my veins, so wealth will not turn away from me! Gold will come and diamonds, from now and immediately! I fence in with a damn cross! As the rat does not rise, so no one will deceive my word!

With a bowl, you need to go around the whole house. Draw small crosses with it on each window and door. Pour the rest of the blood down the drain. The process should be activated by fear - many gypsy rituals are built on it. For this, the corpse of a rat will come in handy, which needs to be thrown to neighbors, enemies, rivals or someone else who can be frightened by such a sight on their own doorstep.

Black magic spells for money - knot magic

The creation of nauz witches have been practicing since the Middle Ages. For a long time they were accused of creating special knots, which seemed to tie the harvest, caused drought, and caused pestilence to the area. But few people know that with help you can not only harm others. With the help of science, you can enrich yourself or help a loved one solve money problems.

Monetary institutions

Despite the fact that the rites of nodal magic seem simple and harmless, it is still dark sorcery. You cannot do it on church holidays and Sundays, otherwise you will get a kickback instead of profit. Knot magic for money is practiced on a growing moon or on a full moon. If you perform this rite during the waning of the moon, your income will decrease - but this way you can spoil poverty.

For the ceremony, you will need a green ribbon about 30 cm long. Tie nine knots on it, speak on each of them according to the corresponding part of the spell:

The first knot begins witchcraft. With the second node, the job is done. With the third node, the money goes to me. With the fourth knot, new possibilities are knocking at my door. With the fifth node, my business is booming. The sixth knot fixes witchcraft. With the seventh knot, I have been given success. With the eighth node, income is multiplied. With the ninth node, it's all mine now!

The tape needs to be kept in your wallet, it will attract money from a wide variety of, sometimes unexpected sources. If you do not use a wallet or it does not belong to you personally, for example, you have a common wallet with your spouse, it is better to keep the conspiracy in a secluded place. They should not fall into the eye of strangers, and even more so fall into the wrong hands.

Raising money with a magic ceremony with church candles

Black magic and witchcraft for money may require Christian symbols. Energy Christian egregor very often used by black magicians, do not underestimate its power. So, one of the rituals for money requires going to church. It is performed on the thirteenth of any month, preferably on a waxing moon or on a full moon. On this day, there should not be a church holiday, you cannot enrich yourself with black witchcraft on Sundays.

You need to buy 13 candles in the church. After the purchase, you should get change, its amount does not matter. The change from the purchase of church candles must be exchanged so that only iron coins are obtained. After that you can return home.

At home, immediately throw coins onto the floor. You cannot collect them until the next morning. It is important that no strangers come to you at this time. Ideally, if your family members go somewhere during the ritual. In the morning after waking up, you should immediately collect money from the floor in a pre-prepared bag. It is supposed to be kept under the bed. It is advisable that no one finds the bag of coins.

Money rite at the cemetery

Black magic will help you find money if you are brave enough to perform its rituals. To carry out one of them, you should go to the cemetery at night. You don't have to talk to anyone on the way back and forth. Take with you a coin that is currently used in any country in the world.

By midnight, you need to find a grave where a person with the same name as yours is buried. You need to put a coin on the grave and say:

Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Astaroth. Open the gates of Darkness, give me gold and wealth. Gold pouring down to my feet, gold sticking to my hands! May it be so!

After casting the spell, leave the cemetery without looking back. The dark forces love to test those who turn to them. This is especially true for novice magicians and witches. If you run, look back, or show your fear, at best you will be deemed unworthy of the gift of wealth. It is unlikely that you will be able to engage in black magic in the future. In the worst case, it is quite likely that you will lose your mind and even your life.

There is also a more complex ritual for cemetery junction... To do this, in the evening you need to go to the churchyard with a live rooster in a bag. In addition, you will need seven five-kopeck coins, a red cloth, a bay leaf and a sharp knife. At the cemetery, you need to cut the cock's throat so that its blood drains onto the red cloth, on which coins and bay leaves should lie. While the blood is draining, cast the spell:

Bes Besovich! Satan Satanovich! Judas Judich!
Here is a red bird and seven dimes for you,
Give me seventy-seven years of gold.
A century would not be translated, it wouldn’t become smaller.
As the rooster died, so poverty died.
As a penny from blood is red, so I am lovely and beautiful gold.
As the sun rises, so my libel will grow. Amen!

Wrap the rooster, coins and bay leaf in red cloth. Bury the parcel at the cemetery intersection with these words:

Here is a sacrifice and blood for you, give the slave (name) gold.

Leave the cemetery without looking back. As mentioned above, evil spirits love to arrange terrible tests that show whether the magician is worthy of their help. If the ceremony is successful, financial affairs go up very quickly. It can be done both for yourself and for a loved one. This is done only during the growing moon. Throw the bag in which you brought the rooster somewhere within the churchyard. Do not forget to leave a ransom to the owner of the cemetery.

Love spell for money

One of the most powerful means of black magic - ... As well as a person, wealth can be bewitched. Sometimes such love spells are called the transfer of poverty - all your financial problems go to another person, most often a stranger. Usually, poverty is reduced through coins of any denomination that are currently in use in your area.

Poverty goes to poverty, the wicked go to the wicked, from me (his name) go to you. I give you bad luck, unfortunate one. May it be so, for it is so.

You need to transfer the coins directly into your hands, not into a glass, a guitar case or a beggar's hat. Otherwise, the money spell will not work. It won't work even if you give the coins to a rich or middle-income person. In the life of the beggar, little will change; he suffered from financial problems even without you. But your business will quickly go uphill.

In this article:

Man has always strived to become the owner of material wealth. The whole story is a constant struggle for survival, and subsequently for money and power, with which it becomes much easier to survive.

A conspiracy for prosperity and wealth is a universal magical rite, the main purpose of which is to obtain money from a variety of sources. These rituals include magic that can ensure promotion through the career ladder, helping in the search for treasure, helping to increase earnings, and others.

Today, money conspiracies are more relevant than ever, they are extremely popular with beginners and advanced practitioners. In a world where finances decide everything, it is difficult to resist and not try to improve your financial situation with the help of special rituals. Anyone can try such magic, since many effective rituals are posted on the Internet in the public domain.

Features of rituals for wealth and money

For most rituals for wealth, the performer must use valuable items and materials. Most often, such rituals are used:

  • coins;
  • banknotes;
  • precious stones and metals.

The use of such things increases the effectiveness of the rite used, and also increases the speed of manifestation of the results. In addition to materials, the actions of the performer play an important role in money conspiracies. In many rituals, the practitioner must collect, cleanse, sharpen, or decorate the items used. All these actions are also associated with material wealth and symbolize financial well-being.

How to get rich quick

Most of the known money conspiracies have a fairly long lasting impact. Those of them that are carried out with the help of special objects can work throughout a person's life, provided that he always keeps the charmed object with him.

At the same time, one should not hope that immediately after the monetary ceremony, wealth will fall on the performer like snow on his head. This does not happen.

To get a good result, a person will have to work, do something in order to get material benefits in standard ways.

The work of the performer not only increases the chance of a favorable outcome of the conspiracy, but also increases the possible speed of the first results.

Most often, ceremonies aimed at obtaining financial resources begin to work almost instantly, however, this is a slow magic that takes time, magic for the future. Therefore, the first results should be expected no earlier than a few months after the ritual.

Strong rite of passage for wealth

This magic ritual must be performed early Monday morning, standing in front of the door lock.

Read the conspiracy with concentration, without thinking about extraneous things.

The key must be in the lock. We read the words of the conspiracy:

“The gray wolf went into the dark forest to look for a white hare. He did not catch up with the hare, but he found a forged casket, upholstered in steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is hefty, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. Not for an ordinary man, not for a gray wolf, but for me, God's servant (name), that key is intended. I will find the key, I will open the chest, the stones, I will take gems from it, I will collect gold, silver. I will hide the key to make it come true. "

After that, you need to get the key out of the lock and wear it around your neck as a pendant. For security reasons, it is best to use a new key and lock that is not used anywhere.

Money conspiracy

“As the king will give dear gifts, so the servant of God (name) will get from those gifts. He (I) will not refuse, I will take a gift, I will say words of gratitude. The round ball will spin, the damask sword will shine, and gold will ring forever in my pockets. I will go to the king-king barefoot, naked, and bring a human cup, a simple cup. I will not rub my feet in blood, I will not work my hands in calluses. The king will give gifts, so I will be the first. I say I am a servant of God, I will do the deed. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse. "

Conspiracy on honey

To carry out the ritual, you will need a bowl of honey, a handful of oats and some peas, which must be added to the honey.

Honey, peas and oats symbolize money

Stirring honey with our hand, we pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“I will give sweet porridge to the marten, I will appease her with honey gingerbread. The marten will bring me monetary wealth, fertile lands, high houses, jewelry, and gold coins. If the black raven takes away the gingerbread from the marten, I (name) will drive it from the marten with a stick. If the bear becomes that gingerbread army, I will drive him and scold him. And for that I will receive wealth from the marten, monetary grace. "

The strongest rite of passage for money

For the ritual, you will need 20 fresh apples. It's best if you can pick them yourself, but store-bought products will work as well.

If you buy apples, then in no case should you take change from the seller.

On the first day, 14 apples should be distributed to the beggars on the street.

On the second day, hand out half of the remaining apples as well. On the third day, you need to go to church, put them on the memorial table and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let the wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If you want to turn the cash flow in your direction - you will do it, do not hesitate

Prayer for money

To carry out the ceremony, you need to light five white church candles, cross yourself three times and read a prayer:

“Jesus Christ is my hope and support, Yes Blessed Mother of God support. Angels walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags were opened, but all the money fell out. I was a servant of God (name) walked the earth, I found that money, collected it, and took it home. Now I lit the candles, I distributed the wealth to my own. Burn out the candles, come to my house. Till the end of time. Amen".

Now you need to wait until all the candles burn out, roll the remaining wax into a ball and carry it with you. You can put some of the wax into your wallet.

Powerful rite of wealth

This ritual must be performed on a full moon on even numbers. With a coin of even denomination we go to the church, where we consecrate it. Now with the same coin we go into the forest, we find an aspen. You need to dig a small hole under the aspen, put a coin there, sprinkle it with earth and pour clean spring water. At this time, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, bless. Let what I have planted grow, and let it spike with harvests. The mouse will not gnaw a coin, the worm will not grind off, let no one waste my money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the life of every person there comes a moment when he thinks about conducting a ceremony or ritual to attract wealth. After all, people have always sought to obtain financial benefits. The entire history of human development is based on the struggle: for housing, territory, food, power. But all this is fraught with financial well-being, and power is nothing more than money. That is why many resort to clairvoyants or independently conduct various rituals and slander conspiracies to obtain high income from various sources.

Various conspiracies to attract financial well-being are magical rites that boil down to receiving seemingly unexpected receipts of money. Today everyone can try their luck using magic, because the techniques for conducting rituals and conspiracy words can be easily found using the World Wide Web.

The subtleties of rituals to attract money

It is very important that material values ​​are used to attract wealth during the performance of the rite. As a rule, these are:

  • coins;
  • paper banknotes;
  • noble metal or stone.

This is a prerequisite, since it speeds up the period of the appearance of the first positive effect, increases the chances of a successful ritual. In addition to the materials used for the ceremony, the behavior and skills of the person performing the magical action are of great importance. Most of the rituals for attracting wealth are based on the collection, honing, special processing, purification and decoration of things used in the process of ritual action. All this closely interacts with each other and increases the efficiency of income generation, are symbols of material wealth.

It is important that the person performing the ceremony clearly imagine the picture of how he has money, a happy life in full prosperity, the prosperity of his own family. In order for the ritual to attract finance to really work, you should be clearly aware and understand the reason why you decided to turn to magical powers. Only in this situation will the heavenly forces respond to the request. Also, do not forget that magic is not durable. The rituals you like should be repeated regularly. This will ensure the continuous action of magical powers, and the money that appears will not leave your home.

The main condition of the ritual is concentration of attention

If a person decides to conduct a ceremony to attract money, then for the most powerful action one should seriously approach its implementation and concentrate on the problem, while all existing rules for performing magical actions should be strictly observed. Usually, irreplaceable items are used for this - church candles. But be careful, you should never leave lighted candles unattended, as this can lead to sad consequences.

Rites for attracting wealth: the secrets of

Nowadays, there are many conspiracies with which you can attract money. There are short-term, long-term, valid all life (if the charmed coin or object will always be with the person). However, do not think that instantly after performing a magical action, banknotes of various denominations will fall on you. Everything takes time. To make a profit, you have to work. Only over time will prosperity increase, and obtaining financial well-being will stabilize.

Effective rituals for raising money

This magical action is performed in the early morning of the first day of the week in front of the door lock, which contains the key. It is necessary to pronounce the following words, while it is impossible to repeat and make mistakes:

“The gray wolf went to the forest to find a dark white hare. I did not catch the hare, but found a forged casket, upholstered in steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is hefty, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, safely hidden from people. Only I can find this key in the water surface, between stones and grass. Not for an ordinary man, not for a gray wolf, but for me, God's servant (name), that key is intended. I will find the key, I will open the chest, the stones, I will take gems from it, I will collect gold, silver. I'll hide the key to make it come true. "

When the words are read, then take the key from the hole and wear it around your neck like a pendant. For the safety of the ritual, it is advisable to use a new set of lock with keys that have never been used before.

Money conspiracy, pronounced at sunset

This magical conspiracy should be spoken daily for three days in succession:

“As the king begins to give precious gifts, so the servant of God (name) will get from these gifts. He (I) will not refuse, he will accept the gift, he will say grateful words. There will be a round ball spinning, a damask sword will shine, and gold will always ring in my pockets. I will go to the king-king barefoot, naked, I will bring a human cup, a simple cup. I will not rub my feet in blood, I will not work my hands in calluses. The tsar will give gifts with gifts, so I will be the first. I say I am a servant of God, I will do the deed. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse. "

A very powerful ritual for attracting wealth

To perform the ceremony, you must take twenty of the freshest beautiful apples. Ideally, if you manage to collect them with your own hands, but if this is not possible, then it is possible to purchase fruits from sellers. It is important that when buying apples for the ritual, it is strictly forbidden to take change. Actually, the ceremony consists in the fact that on the first day it is necessary to donate fourteen apples to people in need. The next day, you should also do with half of the remaining fruit. On the third day, you need to enter the temple and put three fruits on the memorial table with the phrase:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let wealth always be with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of passage for quickly attracting finance

This magical action should be carried out on the new moon, while you should take six coins worth ten kopecks, a paper banknote, fifteen large candles. On Tuesday night, you need to put all the candles, and put the prepared money in front of them. Now you need to set fire to a paper bill and light all 15 candles from it. It is very important to light all the candles with exactly one bill the first time. At this moment, you need to concentrate well, imagine banknotes falling to you from all sides, prosperity and prosperity in business and life. Now you should read the words of the conspiracy and wait until all the candles burn out to the end.

“They are illuminated by the fire of the holy money, they are prayed for by the prayer of the saint. Give me money of wealth, countless, endless. Let everything be better for me than for the neighbors, and let everything be good for them. Amen, amen, amen. "

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