How to properly care for a money tree
How to properly care for a money tree
“Money tree” is a deciduous ornamental plant that belongs to the Crassulaceae family of the genus of succulents. In indoor conditions, the tree can reach a height of up to 1.5–2 m, but it very rarely blooms. The plant has several leaf colors -
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Drying wood at home
Drying wood at home
Wooden products made from oak belong to the premium class. The wood is used to make furniture and interior parts. Oak is rarely used for construction, as the price of the material is high. So that the tree lasts longer and does not crack over time
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How to build a house roof correctly: main steps
How to build a house roof correctly: main steps
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To save money, owners of country houses prefer to do some of the construction work with their own hands. How to make a roof in a private house is a question many developers ask. But before you carry out the work,
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