How much water at 9 months of pregnancy. Ninth month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's sensations. Analyzes and examinations in the ninth month of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy begins at 33 weeks and lasts until delivery. It is believed that this is the last month of pregnancy, but this calculation is not very accurate. Pregnancy normally can last up to 40 weeks, that is, the ninth is followed by another tenth month.

The beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy is suitable for the last screening test. It is necessary to a greater extent to determine contraindications to natural delivery.

What happens at the 9th month of pregnancy

By the 36th week of obstetric pregnancy, the height of the fundus of the uterus reaches its maximum value - about 36 cm above the level of the pubic symphysis. This is accompanied by a significant displacement of the internal organs of the expectant mother and an increase in some unpleasant sensations. Thus, the displacement and contraction of the stomach in combination with the pylorus weakened by progesterone is accompanied by severe and painful bouts of heartburn. It develops after eating and sometimes even after drinking. Compression of the bladder with a weakening of the tone of its sphincter leads to increased urine output and urinary incontinence when laughing, coughing or sneezing.

Some women report an increase in vaginal discharge. It should be remembered that in the last month of pregnancy, a mucous plug leaves the cervix - visually it can resemble jelly, have a transparent yellowish color, and in some cases - blood streaks. Removal of the plug is possible both two weeks before the onset of labor, and two or three days before it.

The level of progesterone and hCG is still increasing. In addition, oxytocin is released before childbirth, which triggers labor along with prostaglandin G-2. The level of prolactin, which is responsible for the development of lactation, increases. In addition to stimulating the contraction of the myometrium, oxytocin is considered a hormone that has a complex psychological effect: it contributes to the appearance of a sense of trust in another person and is one of the factors that form the attachment of the mother and the child.

The abdomen does not increase in size, but the skin on it under the influence of strong tension can have increased dryness and itching. You should pay attention to caring for it and regularly use either special remedies for stretch marks, or lubricate the belly with olive oil.

The expectant mother may also be bothered by a feeling of dizziness, which is caused either by compression of the inferior vena cava (after lying on the right side), or by displacement of the lungs. This is not considered an alarming sign, but if this condition is accompanied by severe weakness or repeats too often, then you need to visit a doctor.

From 36 weeks, the dominant of childbirth starts in women. This is a behavioral instinctive complex aimed at creating conditions for childbirth. The woman is focused on thinking about the upcoming birth and how she will take care of her baby. The fear of childbirth disappears, and the woman listens carefully to the state of her body so as not to miss the important moment of the onset of labor.

The onset of labor is manifested:

  • Regular and strong contractions (with a frequency of at least 2 contractions in 5 minutes for at least 1 hour).
  • The discharge of amniotic fluid. They look like a clear, odorless liquid and resemble ordinary water. After the initial discharge of water, there is an almost constant leakage for 2-3 hours.

In the presence of these signs, a woman should urgently call an ambulance or immediately go by car to the hospital.

Fetal development at 9 months of pregnancy

The child is already almost fully formed and ready to face the outside world. There is a sufficient amount of surfactant in his lungs, and the hormonal system already produces hormones by itself. The baby has a sufficient supply of subcutaneous tissue, and now his skin is pale pink. The proportions of the body correspond to those of a newborn. The vellus hair (lanugo) gradually disappears. The marigolds are fully formed. In children born from the 38th week of obstetric pregnancy, they will already be regrown and quite long.

The baby's gastrointestinal tract is ready to digest milk. All the digestive glands are already working, but so far they are "training" only on the digestion of amniotic fluid swallowed by the child. The peristalsis of the intestines in the crumbs is sufficient for independent digestion.

Meconium (original feces) is formed in the intestines. It consists of desquamated cells of the epithelium of the stomach and intestines, remnants of blood cells, products of digestion of amniotic fluid. Meconium is greenish in color and is usually excreted by the baby after birth.

Neural connections are established and strengthened, designed to be responsible for the baby's unconditioned reflexes. Although the brain is almost fully formed, its cortex will continue to develop over the next 6 months. Immaturity of the cerebral cortex in babies manifests itself in the form of a set of meningeal signs - unconditioned reflexes based on the work of the subcortical centers and fading away after 6 months. At this time, the control of nervous activity passes completely to the brain. These signs are normal in babies, but are considered abnormal after 6 months of age.

The baby is already quite large and hardly fits in the uterus. His movements are now difficult, so the baby most often does not actively move in his mother's tummy, but stretches, resting his legs against the hypochondrium. This may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations and slight soreness in the mother, since the baby in this way can slightly press on the liver or pancreas.

Analyzes and examinations at the 9th month of pregnancy

Pregnancy at 9 months is coming to its logical conclusion, and now the parents-to-be are beginning to actively prepare for the hospital, if it has not been carried out earlier. The bag has already been collected and is waiting in the wings.

Usually all analyzes and examinations have already been done. But sometimes women can undergo a third screening as early as 33-34 weeks. It consists of CTG and ultrasound.

Cardiotocography (CTG) is performed to determine the fetal heart rate, as well as the tone and contractile activity of the uterine wall.

On ultrasound, the doctor first of all identifies contraindications for natural childbirth. This:

  • breech or transverse presentation of the fetus;
  • entwining a child with an umbilical cord;
  • a large fetus in combination with a narrow bony pelvis of a woman.

Most children are in an upright presentation, that is, head down. If, during the third screening, the doctor discovers a breech or transverse presentation of the fetus, then a second ultrasound is performed 2 weeks later. If the position of the baby has not changed, the question is raised about the delivery of a woman by means of a cesarean section.

It may happen that the basic tests, which are taken before the 30th week of pregnancy, have not yet been completed. In this case, without fail, upon admission to the hospital, a woman is tested for:

  • blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood clotting (coagulogram);
  • the presence of infectious diseases (HIV infection, viral hepatitis, syphilis);
  • the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, candidiasis).

Nutrition at the 9th month of pregnancy

The diet of the expectant mother does not undergo significant changes. Food should still be rich in vitamins and macronutrients, especially iron. It is actively absorbed in the baby's liver, since in the first few days after childbirth, the restructuring of red blood cells will begin. Now cells are produced that contain A-hemoglobin instead of fetal hemoglobin. The process of destruction of "old" erythrocytes is accompanied by physiological jaundice of newborns.

  • You should eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day.
  • Food should be steamed or baked.
  • All harmful products should be excluded: fast food, carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, all industrial sauces, snacks, smoked products and sausages.
  • It is necessary to exclude all allergens: citrus fruits, chocolate, cocoa.
  • Avoid foods containing raw eggs and unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses, and moldy cheeses.
  • The diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, a significant amount of dairy and fermented milk products. The share of protein consumed with dairy products is about 45% of their total. The same amount is accounted for by meat products, and 10% by eggs.
  • It is useful to eat the liver, rich in iron and B vitamins. It is also worth giving preference to red lean meat - beef and veal.

Sex at 9 months pregnant

If the doctor has not identified any contraindications to sexual activity, then a woman can have sex for up to 36 weeks, but a position should be chosen in which there is no pressure on the tummy, and the expectant mother feels comfortable. If you are not sure that you have calculated the gestational age correctly, then it is better to refrain from intimacy.

Dangers and risks at 9 months of pregnancy

The main dangers are over. Babies born at 9 months of pregnancy are fully prepared for life outside the womb. Nevertheless, babies born from 38 weeks of obstetric pregnancy are considered fully term.

Among the alarming conditions there may be those that are indications for a cesarean section: entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord and incorrect presentation. In this case, starting from 38 weeks, an operation can be performed. It is advisable to go to the hospital in advance so that when labor appears at an earlier date, doctors immediately begin preparations for a cesarean section.

Among the dangerous complications of 9 months is premature placental abruption. It can lead to profuse bleeding. It threatens the life of both the mother and the baby. Manifested by bloody vaginal discharge.

Errors in the mother's diet can lead to the formation of a large fetus. In this case, in the process of natural delivery, ruptures of the woman's birth canal may occur. Sometimes an obstetrician may use an episiotomy to prevent rupture. He artificially makes an incision in the woman's crotch area. Among the advantages of such prevention of tears are the smooth edges of the wound, which can be easily matched and sutured, as well as the presence of one wound instead of multiple injuries of the vagina.

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And the most exciting period in your life will be filled with useful information. All about pregnancy and childbirth.

You are already 9 months old. Your whole life now passes under the sign of the birth of a child. What is happening to you and what you need to know about the development of the baby at the 9th obstetric month of pregnancy, about possible childbirth at this time - in all this we will try to help you figure it out.

In the ninth month, you already need to tune in to prepare for the upcoming birth. You need a good rest, the absence of heavy loads and stress.

9 months pregnant: how many weeks is it? If you count from the start of your last menstrual period in obstetric weeks, then this is the period between 33 and 36 obstetric weeks. The midwife month is exactly four weeks (28 days). It is in the obstetric months that the date of birth of your baby is determined. The real age of the fetus at the beginning of the 9th obstetric month is 31 weeks (counting from the moment of conception / ovulation).

9 months pregnant: what happens to the fetus?

From the 29th to the 32nd week, the improvement of your baby's body systems continues, and he significantly gains weight. What does a baby look like at 9 months of pregnancy, what is the weight and size of the fetus at the end of this period? The main parameters of vital activity are determined using ultrasound. By the end of the 36th obstetric week, the baby weighs about 2700 g. Its height is approximately 43-47 cm.

These characteristics are individual and may vary depending on genetic predisposition, intrauterine developmental characteristics, etc. Whether everything is normal with the baby can only be said by your doctor, who observed the entire process of your pregnancy.

What are the features of the development of a baby in the 9th month:

  • the baby's head has already sunk into the pelvic area - there is not enough space in the uterus and it is so more comfortable for him;
  • about 8% of its total weight is subcutaneous fat;
  • the baby's skin becomes brighter, red pigment and fluff disappear;
  • the child is already learning to breathe through his nose - he makes breathing movements not only with his mouth, but also with his nose;
  • he already distinguishes tastes when swallowing amniotic fluid;
  • he already has a developed memory - he emotionally reacts to melodies and rhymes that he hears not for the first time;
  • organs and systems of the body continue to improve and grow;
  • all systems and organs are fully functional.

The activity of the baby decreases during this period. This is due to the fact that he felt cramped, and he cannot turn over freely. The tremors became less frequent, but very noticeable. Almost 95% of babies by the end of the 9th month are in a head-down position - the best for a successful birth.

If the child is located with the pelvis down, then there are still chances that he will turn around.

There are special exercises for turning the child.

If you notice your baby is very active 9 months pregnant, consult your doctor. Perhaps this is due to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

What does the belly look like at 9 months of pregnancy

The belly is already quite large. It prevents you from sleeping and moving freely. From the pubic symphysis to the bottom of the uterus about 40 cm. It rises above the navel in two palms. By the time you were nine months old, you could have gained about 12-15 kg. This is normal weight gain. Remember to wear a special bandage that supports your belly. It helps redistribute the load on the back and prevents large stretch marks.

9 month pregnant sensations

You probably notice increased anxiety about the successful outcome of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, for no apparent reason, mood can disappear. This is normal for this period.

How do you feel at 9 months pregnant?

  • due to the fact that the child took a position upside down, the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm decreased, so the problems with heartburn and shortness of breath become less;
  • from time to time you feel uterine cramps - these are training contractions;
  • pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen may increase;
  • slight swelling may remain

Childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy

Labor in the third trimester can begin at any time. Causes of premature birth at 9 months of pregnancy:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • severe stress;
  • isvico-cervical insufficiency;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • blows to the abdomen, strong vibrations.

Why is it impossible to give birth at 9 months of pregnancy, is it dangerous? A baby who was born before 37 obstetric week is considered premature. But the dangerous consequences of a premature birth at 9 months (between 33 and 36 weeks of gestation) are very few. The baby's lungs are fully formed, he can already breathe on his own. All his organs and life support systems are functioning normally. In the first weeks, he will need special care in the neonatal unit.

The 9th month of pregnancy is the period when the long-awaited baby is about to be born. No matter how hard these months pass, the expectant mother feels more and more the happiness of motherhood. Problems fade into the background, calmness and self-confidence appear. This is the time to prepare for childbirth and keep close at hand everything that the woman in labor will need at first - documents, things for herself and the baby.

What to do at 9 months of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy is the most crucial time. You need to closely monitor your health, stay less on your feet and get more rest.

The expectant mother should remember that at this time:

  • The plug leaves the cervix in the form of mucous secretions.
  • The placenta ages, reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.
  • The center of gravity changes in the uterus.
  • The breast at the 9th month of pregnancy increases even more, colostrum is excreted from it.
  • Overweight should not be allowed, it is dangerous for the child.
  • The first sign of the onset of labor is the discharge of amniotic fluid.

Woman 9 months pregnant

9 months of pregnancy is how many weeks - both the doctor and the expectant mother consider. This is the most difficult period, which is accompanied by great physical and psychological stress. The hormonal background changes, the amount of hormones that cause uterine contractions increases. A sagging belly, relief of breathing and the disappearance of heartburn can serve as a harbinger of childbirth - the child sinks lower and stops pressing on the internal organs. Swelling of the legs at 9 months of pregnancy becomes even worse.

Belly at 9 months pregnant

If the stomach pulls at the 9th month of pregnancy, it still does not mean anything. The severity and pain can be caused by various reasons. Sharp pain in the upper abdomen is not associated with the position, it is a sign of diseases of the internal organs. Pain in the navel is a symptom of gastrointestinal disturbance, and pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of imminent labor. At this time, the abdomen becomes even larger, the number of stretch marks increases. To prevent injury to the skin, you need to use special creams and wear a bandage.

Discharge at 9 months of pregnancy

The discharge should be odorless and colorless or slightly pinkish. Pain at 9 months of pregnancy in the vaginal area is unacceptable, if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. A specialist consultation is also needed if color or bloody discharge is observed. But the abundant release of clear fluid is the amniotic fluid, the first signal for the onset of labor.

Fetus 9 months pregnant

A baby at 9 months of pregnancy is fully formed and ready for an independent life. All organs work for him, the remnants of lubricant disappear from the skin. If there is no breech presentation, the baby will spend the entire last month in the womb upside down. By the time of birth, he will weigh 3.5-4 kg with a growth of up to 54 cm.

Nutrition at the 9th month of pregnancy

Nutrition should be such that the weight gain from the moment of conception is up to 15 kg. The diet should be composed of foods that are easy to digest and do not cause constipation. You need to eat as much fruits, vegetables and meat as possible, it is better to eat more often, but less. In no case should you starve - the child is actively gaining weight, the lack of nutrients in the mother's body will affect him too.

Sex at 9 months pregnant

Sex at 9 months of pregnancy is not recommended as it can provoke labor. Childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy is considered normal if the gestation period does not exceed 42 weeks. As a rule, primiparous give birth later, those women for whom this is not the first birth - a little earlier.

The ninth month of pregnancy is the home stretch of such a long race. Future mothers are significantly tired, but an early meeting with the baby compensates for any fatigue.

9 months is how many weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy is always calculated in weeks. Calculations are made for obstetric weeks and months, starting from the original day of the last menstruation. There are only 4 weeks (28 days) in the obstetric month. This is how it differs from the usual calendar. Accordingly, 9 months of pregnancy is:
  • for obstetric months - 36 weeks;
  • calendar months - 39-40 weeks.
For most women in the position, the last month of pregnancy is a period of "suitcase mood" and the long-awaited expectation of getting to know the "paunchy".

Is sex possible at 9 months of pregnancy

In the absence of any pathologies, sex in the ninth month of pregnancy, according to experts, is allowed. Of course, one should refrain from sharp and energetic movements, but gentle and smooth intercourse is only welcomed.

Some girls fear that orgasm at 9 months will activate labor activity, and labor will begin ahead of schedule. There is a grain of truth in this. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the contraction of the walls of the uterus during orgasm can promote labor. Therefore, for girls who have passed the appointed date of birth (41-42 weeks), doctors recommend “close communication” with their spouse.

It should be noted that having sex and achieving the final result in it, train the muscles of the uterus well and prepare them for full-fledged labor. Therefore, if there are no pathologies and contraindications from the gynecologist, start “love training” from the second trimeter.

During sex at the 9th month of pregnancy, the positions you are accustomed to are not always safe for the baby. Any pressure on the stomach and deep penetration into a woman is strictly prohibited. In this period, the optimal poses can be "Picnic" (man from behind on the side) or "Rider" (woman from above), where the girl independently senses and controls the depth of penetration of the man.

During orgasm, blood flow in the woman's body and blood circulation in the placenta are accelerated, which promotes the flow of oxygen in greater quantities. And this is very favorable for the well-being of the child.

Feelings at the 9th month of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy for most women seems excruciatingly long and especially difficult. Moms both physically and emotionally got tired, hoping to get through this period faster.

The baby in the tummy is rapidly gaining weight, becomes overgrown with subcutaneous fat, so the tummy seems overwhelming and immense. Due to the fact that the fetus is gradually directed "to the exit", dropping lower, it becomes easier to breathe. The breath is gone. But instead of it, pressure on the lower abdomen increased, and spasmodic sensations appeared in the area of ​​the pubis, inner thighs, and sometimes the coccyx.

The problem of insomnia in the ninth month of pregnancy continues for many women. And no matter how many future mothers do not count the sheep, thoughts about the upcoming birth still take up. Nervousness is connected to insomnia, in some girls hysteria, tearfulness - as they say, "hormones have gone wild."

Some doctors advise during this period to drink sedative sedatives (valerian preparations) or to pamper yourself with tea with mint, lemon balm. Perfectly soothes the nerves, and sets in a positive mood meditation, breathing exercises.

Due to the increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone, which causes the uterus to contract, the swelling in the last month of pregnancy only intensifies. This hormone retains fluid in the body, so at 9 months the face, hands, feet, fingers become somewhat plump.

You can remove swelling in the last month by excluding salty, smoked, fried foods, active physical activity from the diet, minimizing walks on a hot day. You should wear comfortable clothes, shoes, apply special medicinal ointments. Cool baths are recommended.

You can prevent the appearance of edema by eating foods such as dried apricots, milk (preferably warm), tea with lemon without sugar. If severe swelling is accompanied by pain in the kidney area, diarrhea, fever, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist. After the baby is born, the swelling goes away.

Belly in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, the tummy does not grow so rapidly. And although the weight of the child increases, the volume of the belly remains the same. It often happens that in the last month of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts. This is due to the advancement of the fetus into the pelvic area. The mass of the child presses on the pelvic, pubic bones, pressing down on the nerve endings, which explains the pulling pains at the bottom of the belly and cramps in the pubic area.

Even visually, you can see that the recently rounded, raised tummy has taken on a pear-shaped shape and sank slightly. As a rule, in primiparas, abdominal prolapse is observed two or more weeks before the birth of the child, with repeated births - directly in the very process of birth.

What else can signal problems with a "pregnant" tummy:

  1. the stomach turns to stone at 9 months or hardens - this indicates that the uterus is in good shape at this time, that is, it is ready to "push the baby out." Labor activity can begin at any moment;
  2. the stomach itches terribly: as the people say, it means that you will soon give birth. And it is true. In the third trimester, the belly expands rapidly and the skin becomes taut like a bowstring. Therefore, it itches and even flakes. It is recommended to use creams or natural vegetable oils to moisturize the skin;
  3. if the stomach is twisting, bloating appears, accompanied by heartburn, it is strongly recommended to correct the diet: give up carbonated water, foods with high acidity, eat often and in small portions;
  4. pulling pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by contractions at a certain interval (about 10-15 minutes) indicate the onset of labor. It is necessary to call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own.
If any pain in the abdomen bothers you and worries you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. The life and health of the child, first of all, will overestimate from you, mommy.

Miscarriage in the ninth month of pregnancy

Freezing of the fetus in the last trimeter does not happen often. Often, a miscarriage at 9 months of pregnancy occurs due to the presence of a thrombus in the umbilical cord, formed as a result of thick blood, and its poor coagulation. The child dies from lack of oxygen. Because of this, in the eighth or ninth months of pregnancy, it is necessary to be especially sensitive to the movements of the baby. If they are infrequent or, conversely, too active, this indicates a lack of oxygen. You should immediately report any suspicions to your doctor.

Various inflammatory processes or an infection not detected in time can lead to the death of a baby. Various genetic diseases can cause miscarriage in the ninth month of pregnancy. Therefore, at the stage of gestation, pregnant women so often pass all kinds of tests.

The main factors causing the threat of miscarriage:

  1. Smoking, uncontrolled alcohol consumption, immoral lifestyle;
  2. Infectious diseases;
  3. Depression, stress;
  4. Injuries, falls, excessive physical activity;
  5. Rh-conflict among spouses (a woman's Rh is negative, a man's is positive).
Severe abdominal pain accompanied by bleeding indicates a serious problem. You should immediately seek medical help.

Nutrition at the 9th month of pregnancy: watching the figure

Nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy must be healthy and balanced. The menu is well-chosen and scheduled by the hour.

During pregnancy, many girls pampered themselves with fresh buns, grandmother's delicious pies, could not refuse the "last" chocolate. As a result, extra grams and a disapproving look from the gynecologist.

In order for the nutrition in the last month of pregnancy to be correct, the following dishes and products should be introduced into your diet:

  • dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • Lean meat (beef, turkey, rabbit), steamed or baked in the oven;
  • vegetables and fruits rich in fiber (fruit should preferably be eaten in the morning);
  • all kinds of cereals;
  • exclude soda, drink fresh compotes from dried fruits.
Doctors recommend organizing a fasting day once a week: eating apples or drinking kefir.

Do you need multivitamins in the last months of pregnancy

A very frequently asked question on the forums of expectant mothers: is multivitamins needed in the last months of pregnancy, and which vitamins are preferable to take?

Multivitamins are preparations containing several vitamins and minerals in one dose (tablet). It is advisable to take such a "complex vitamin" in early pregnancy, where the lack of folic acid, vitamin E, calcium is especially noticeable and required for the full formation and development of the fetus.
The appointment of a vitamin and mineral course at the 9th month of pregnancy is primarily due to:

  • the health of the woman in labor (weakened body, colds);
  • with pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • unbalanced nutrition of a woman.
Some women refuse to take multivitamins in the last trimester, motivating their decision with a reluctance to "clog" the body with chemistry and fear of the formation of a large fetus. The best multivitamin, according to pregnant women, is a balanced diet.

If the brain has forgotten about taking the vitamin, and the hand, out of habit, does not reach for the jar, it means that the body itself is talking about oversaturation with "usefulness" and the need to pause.

Nausea at 9 months pregnant

Nausea, malaise, vomiting in the last month of pregnancy are the harbingers of late toxicosis, preeclampsia. Often, toxicosis at the 9th month of pregnancy occurs in women over 35 years old or in very young mothers.

Vomiting in the last month of gestation can simply be due to banal overeating. The enlarged uterus leaves little room for the stomach to "feast", so a huge amount of food simply does not fit.

Some women, just before the very process of birth, have problems with the intestinal tract and stomach: vomiting begins. This suggests that the body, as it were, gets rid of excess load, is cleansed so that the birth process takes place lightly.

Discharge at 9 months

Female discharge is a common natural phenomenon. Through secretions, the body cleanses and moisturizes the vagina. Allocation in the last month of pregnancy is considered normal if they are abundant, transparent and without a sour smell. Gray, unclear leucorrhoea indicates vaginal infections.

Cheesy white discharge at the 9th month of pregnancy is an indicator of the occurrence of thrush, which must be gotten rid of.
If there is a discharge with a little mucus and an admixture of blood, this is a signal of the discharge of the mucous plug, which protects the fruit membranes. This means that soon you will become a mother
A bad sign is bloody discharge or bleeding in the last month. You should immediately seek medical help, because there is a risk of premature birth or miscarriage.

Baby development at 9 months of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby took a comfortable position. As a rule, head down (cephalic presentation). If the baby is sitting on the bottom (breech presentation) or has taken a longitudinal / oblique position, the obstetrician recommends performing a cesarean section.

The child is already quite small in size, he is strong and sturdy. Weight gain in the last month of pregnancy from one to two kilograms. So, if at 8 months the weight of the fetus was 2-3 kg, then at 9 months - 3-4 kg. The length varies from 45 to 53 cm.

All vital organs and systems of the baby have formed and are functioning, therefore, in the event of premature birth, the child has every chance of full life activity.

The energy of the crumbs decreased slightly. The small size of the uterus does not make it possible to fully roam. But if the child is very active at the 9th month of pregnancy, you should inform the doctor. This dynamics is characteristic of oxygen starvation.

In the last month of pregnancy, the child is characterized by:

  1. The baby's skin takes on a pink tint, and folds are formed due to subcutaneous fat;
  2. Thanks to the formation of the immune system, the crumb can resist various viruses;
  3. The child reacts to the voice and touch of the mother, and can respond with "buzzing". More often, of course, the baby sleeps, but you can feel 10 shocks in 12 hours.
Like a mother, the baby is looking forward to meeting and acquaintance with the world, therefore, at the beginning of the 9th month, it gradually moves towards the "exit".

Dos and Don'ts in the Ninth Month of Pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy is a time of internal conflict between mind and heart. The long-awaited birth of a baby is “on the nose”, and you will have to give up many culinary preferences for some time. But in the last month of pregnancy, it is even useful to treat yourself to delicious treats. Therefore, if you want a little wine or herring, ignore the mind, and listen to your heart, provided that everything is in moderation.

The use of alcoholic and low-alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Cigarettes are out of the question. If you still smoke, think about what kind of milk your baby will drink?

Visit your dentist if possible. Dental treatment at 9 months is not contraindicated. A beautiful mother is a happy mother, so go to a beauty salon, get your hair done, manicure, pedicure.

Feeling and pain in the last month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy is the most difficult for most women. The stomach sank, breathing became easier, but the feeling of heaviness and pressure on the pubic bone increased.

For women, the issue of heartburn in the ninth month did not change. The grown fetus continues to put pressure on the abdominal region, due to which the burning sensation and unpleasant bitterness in the mouth intensify. You can alleviate the condition through proper nutrition:

  • exclude fatty, smoked foods from the diet;
  • do not overeat flour products;
  • observe the diet: there is little, but often.
The burning sensation is removed by pharmaceutical preparations, for example, "Rennie", "Mezim". You can try folk remedies: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, decoctions of mint or lemon balm.

The fifth point of our body also suffers under the weight of the fetus. Hemorrhoids in the last month of pregnancy are frequent and, unfortunately, painful. During the process of childbirth, hemorrhoids can worsen to a greater extent and disturb for a long time. It is necessary to treat and prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process of the rectum as follows:

  1. organize a healthy diet (get rid of constipation, diarrhea and improve the proper functioning of the intestines);
  2. systematically engage in physiotherapy exercises;
  3. avoid hypothermia, especially the fifth point, minimize walking (no more than 1 hour);
  4. carry out hygiene procedures after each emptying;
  5. from pharmacy products sea buckthorn candles and various ointments, for example, "Relief", help well.
The last month of pregnancy is very often accompanied by headaches and general malaise. Weakness at the 9th and ninth month of pregnancy is understandable: the girl in the position was physically and morally exhausted, “burned out”. Anxiety about future childbirth provokes nervousness, tearfulness, insomnia and general weakness. Depression and stressful situations are common causes of headaches. Therefore, mothers - take care of yourself and the baby!

The volume and size of the breasts by the 9th month increased significantly. The chest is filled with colostrum, so during this period it is especially sensitive and painful to touch. Doctors recommend using a special non-squeezing bra made from natural fabrics for nursing mothers. If necessary, do a gentle breast massage.

In the last month of pregnancy, cramping symptoms are especially pronounced. Experts explain that before childbirth, the uterus conducts training and with such symptoms it is necessary to lie down on the left side, holding a pillow between the legs. If the contractions become more frequent (every 10-15 minutes), become more painful, you should call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. Perhaps the generic process has begun.

Colds in the ninth month of pregnancy: how to treat

How to avoid a cold at 9 months and how to treat it if you still get sick? To catch a cold or "catch" a virus in the last stage of pregnancy is actually a dangerous phenomenon. The placenta was worn out by the ninth month, and therefore cannot fully protect the child from viruses and toxins that enter the amniotic fluid.

In case of a cold, increased body temperature, do not grab onto antipyretics right away, try to overcome the disease with folk remedies:

  • warm drinking of milk, sea buckthorn, raspberry tea;
  • for a cold, use a saline solution (for 1 tbsp. warm water 1 tsp. sea salt);
  • if there is a cough, use a nebulizer using a solution of soda or "Borjomi";
  • from medicines to give preference to homeopathic remedies;
  • it is very important not to take hot baths and do not steam your feet. Such manipulations can cause labor.
Mom needs to be extremely careful, and before the finish line, minimize trips to public places.

How to get through the last month of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy is a period of contrast: at night expectant mothers suffer from insomnia, while in the daytime they constantly want to sleep. Doctors and experienced mothers advise getting enough sleep, always being in a positive mood and programming yourself for a successful outcome of childbirth. Read more books, different fairy tales, funny children's stories, listen to music, you can even gently dance, visit the pool, courses for future parents.

The ninth month is fleeting: before you have time to look back, you will already be holding the baby in your hands. After a while, you will want to return to this period, to feel a kick in the ribs. Therefore, enjoy this time.

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Your pregnancy is coming to an end, since the last ninth month of pregnancy has already begun. At this stage, you should be prepared for the fact that childbirth can begin at any time and you should not be afraid of this, because the child is already ready to appear in front of this world. Now the expectant mother is looking forward to the harbingers of the start of childbirth: a bag for the maternity hospital and a nursery for the long-awaited baby are ready.

Now the child is already fully formed and full-term. The crumb has already saved up fat and it will be warm after birth. During this period, he increases in weight and height. In nature, everything is perfect, so the child's cranial bones are soft so that he can pass through the birth canal without problems. The same function of the lubricant, which remains on the entire body of the child.

In the ninth month, the child's reproductive system is finally formed. Marigolds grow on the fingers. When a child is born, he screams, and with his first breath, his lungs expand, and he begins to breathe fully.

According to statistics, the average weight of boys at the time of birth is 3600 grams, and girls - 3500 grams. At the same time, growth ranges from 50 to 54 cm.

You may experience all of these symptoms at the same time, or you may have one or the other. Many just get used to them and do not pay attention.

1. The baby is very active, some of his pushes can be painful - this comes from the fact that he is cramped in your uterus.

2. Vaginal discharge has become thicker, you may notice streaks of blood in it.

3. Digestive problems: constipation, heartburn and bloating.

4. Back pain.

5. Insomnia, sleep problems.

6. Pain in the lower abdomen, which can be given to the buttocks.

7. Swelling of the limbs and face.

8. Itching and burning in the lower abdomen.

9. Clumsiness, it becomes difficult to walk.

10. Uterine cramps are more frequent.

11. Colostrum appears.

12. Frequent urination.

13. The emotional state during this period is very unstable.

14. At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother is tormented by anxiety associated with the upcoming birth.

15. A feeling of relief from the fact that the pregnancy is almost over.

16. Dreams about an unborn child.

17. Hyperactivity. Many women wake up the nesting instinct - they constantly clean up, wash and check if everything is ready to meet the baby.

Let's pay attention to the main precursors of the onset of labor, which can occur both a few weeks before birth, or a couple of hours.

1. The abdomen drops. It becomes much easier for a pregnant woman to breathe as the baby's head enters the small area.

2. Frequent urge to use the toilet. The uterus is large and presses on the bladder. The birthing hormone acts on the intestines and may result in loose stools.

3. Weight loss. Before childbirth, as a result of hormonal changes, appetite decreases and fluid is lost, as a result of which the woman loses weight by 1-2 kg.

4. A mucous plug comes out.

5. The fetus is less active. Shortly before delivery, the baby's movements are more like rocking.

All precursors of childbirth are individual. In some women, labor begins without any symptoms, so if something confuses you, seek the advice of your doctor.

At this stage of pregnancy, you should visit the antenatal clinic once a week. Examinations and tests that you will undergo:

Measurement of weight and blood pressure;
- study of urine for protein and sugar;
- determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
- determining the size of the child and his position;
- listens to the baby's heart rhythms;
- viewing the limbs for edema and varicose veins;
- examination of the cervix for the degree of dilatation;
- determination of the frequency of occurrence of uterine spasms.

1. There is bloody discharge. Detachment of the placenta is possible, which is very dangerous for the child.

2. Drained water - immediately go to the maternity hospital.

By the ninth month of pregnancy, you should pack the bag to the hospital. Let's take a look at a basic list of things you'll need:

1. Documents: passport, exchange card, medical insurance and money.

2. Things for mom:
- robe;
- nightgowns 2 pcs.;
- nursing bra 2 pcs;
- warm cotton socks 5 pcs .;
- disposable postpartum panties;
- clothes for the husband, if you have a partner childbirth. Special kits are on sale, which include a robe, a hat and shoe covers;
- rubber slippers.

3. Hygiene products:
- toothpaste and brush;
- soap;
- towels 2 pcs. (bath and face);
- shower gel;
- shampoo;
- hairbrush, elastic bands and hairpins;
- mirror;
- toilet paper is the softest;
- garbage bags;
- disposable circles on the toilet;
- postpartum pads;
- disposable diapers;
- cream for face, hands and nipple cracks healing;
- replaceable breast pads;
- Shaver.

4. Dishes.

5. Take 3 bottles of 0.5 with still mineral water and biscuit biscuits to the delivery room.

6. Things for a newborn:
- diapers;
- wet wipes;
- bodysuits 5 pcs. (you can take undershirts, sliders, but "little men" are much easier to put on and many mothers tend to them);
- chintz diapers;
- disposable diapers;
- socks;
- warm blouses, overalls (depending on the season);
- hats 2 pcs.;
- set for discharge;
- scratches;
- cotton swabs and discs;
- scissors with rounded tips (many babies are born with long nails);
- baby soap, powder, baby cream, oil (it is not known what exactly will suit your baby, so it is better to take miniatures);
- dummy (try to do without it).

All clothing should be washed and ironed beforehand.

7. Other:
- notebook;
- camera, mobile phone and charger;
- book or player;
- medicines (the list will be given to you in the antenatal clinic);
- an electric kettle (if not in the hospital).

You should not take a huge amount of things with you, if you urgently need something, then your relatives will bring everything to you. Please note that strong-smelling cosmetics, perfumes and deodorants are not recommended after childbirth.

You should have discussed this important step with your significant other long ago. If your husband is mentally ready to be present at childbirth, then he needs to pass the following tests in order to be admitted to the delivery room:

1. Fluorography.

2. Blood from a vein for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis.

3. Bacterial culture from the nose and throat for staphylococcus aureus.

Before giving birth, you must visit a therapist and get a health certificate, which will indicate that the person does not have heart disease and blood pressure problems. All these examinations take place at the place of registration.

Be sure to remember: you should not force your husband to give birth together - it should be his desire.

Pros from joint childbirth with her husband:

1. A partner will become a support in a difficult period, support and distract a little.

2. Paternal instincts in men who were present at the birth of their child are much stronger.

3. Control of medical personnel: no one will be able to treat a woman in childbirth incorrectly in the presence of a spouse.

4. A woman in the presence of a loved one is more confident and calm.

Naturally, the partner who will be with you during childbirth must take special courses in order to be ready for the upcoming event.

1. At this stage, labor can begin at any time, and you must be prepared mentally and physically for the upcoming event.

2. Practice good hygiene: shower twice a day, wipe and trim your nails.

3. Walk every day for at least half an hour.

4. Rest as much as possible, because soon you will need all the strength to help the baby be born.

In the ninth month, the most important thing is your positive attitude!

Throughout pregnancy, a woman is looking forward to when the baby will be born. But at the same time, it becomes a little alarming, because a very crucial moment will soon come - childbirth. And the expectant mother would like to know in more detail how the last month of pregnancy will proceed and what can be expected from him. After all, it is better to be ready for anything than worrying over trifles.

Pregnancy lasts an average of 280 days or 40 obstetric weeks. This corresponds to the usual 9 months with the addition of another 7 days. The period of bearing a child for each woman is individual, but it should not go beyond normal values. For example, if a baby is born before 37 weeks, he is considered premature, and after nine months - delayed.

It is extremely important to determine the gestational age itself, because from this all further calculations of the date of birth will be carried out. This is done in various ways:

  1. By the last month or date of conception.
  2. By the first movement of the fetus.
  3. Based on the results of a gynecological examination.
  4. By ultrasound examination.
  5. According to a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin.

The simplest method is to calculate by calendar dates. A woman can even do this on her own, knowing when her last menstruation began, had sexual intercourse and ovulated. The time of release of the egg from the follicle is easily determined by measuring the basal (rectal) temperature. But for this you need to keep a diary for more than one cycle. A woman can find out the gestational age based on the time when she felt the first movement of the fetus. But this will happen much later - at 20 and 18 weeks (respectively, in primiparous and multiparous).

A gynecological examination will be more indicative, when the doctor, focusing on the size of the uterus during a bimanual (two-handed) examination, tells the woman the approximate gestational age. But this method also does not give full accuracy - the range of values ​​reaches 2 weeks. Additional diagnostic methods are considered the most reliable, among which ultrasound is widely used. Chorionic gonadotropin is studied less frequently.

The term of the expected birth is calculated at the first examination by the doctor, when the pregnant woman is registered with the antenatal clinic. First, a preliminary calculation is carried out based on anamnestic data - the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. From it you should subtract 3 months and add 7 days. But this is only an approximate time, and it is difficult to say how it will actually happen. More accurate information is obtained at the first ultrasound screening at 11-14 weeks.

You can find out the duration of pregnancy and childbirth in several ways, but it is better to focus on the most informative and reliable ones.

A baby at 9 months of pregnancy is already fully formed and is considered full-term. Therefore, he is quite ready to be born and live in the external environment. Among the signs of morphological maturity, the following should be noted:

  • Weight over 2.5 kg (typically about 3200-3400 g).
  • Body length is not less than 46 cm (mostly 50–52 cm).
  • Pink and clear skin, no grease residue.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed.
  • Fluffy hair remained only on the head, shoulders and between the shoulder blades.
  • Formed auricles, elastic cartilage.
  • The nails protrude slightly beyond the edge of the fingers.
  • Only the large fontanelle is open.
  • The navel is located in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process and the bosom.
  • Boys' testicles are located in the scrotum.
  • In girls, the genital slit is closed, the small lips are covered with large ones.

If a baby is born in the ninth month of pregnancy, then all systems are already developed, so he is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb. Signs of functional maturity of a newborn include:

  • Shout.
  • The movements in the limbs are active, chaotic.
  • Increased muscle tone (flexion posture).
  • Consistent body temperature.
  • Respiration rate 40-60 per minute, stable and without delay (apnea).
  • Heartbeat with a frequency of 120-140 per minute, rhythmic.
  • Reflexes of good liveliness, symmetrical.

It will not be superfluous for a mother-to-be to know that a full-term baby has well-expressed unconditioned reflexes. Some of them are vital (swallowing, sneezing and coughing), therefore they persist, while others exist for the first 6 months. The most important transient reflexes found in a young child are:

  • Sucking.
  • Proboscis.
  • Prehensile.
  • Search.
  • Supports.
  • Protective.

At birth, the child's condition is assessed according to a special scale that takes into account the most important morphological and functional characteristics: skin color, reflexes and muscle tone, heart rate and respiration. In accordance with it, groups of children's health are formed. Normally, on the Apgar scale, the child receives from 8 to 10 points.

A baby born at the end of pregnancy, namely at 9 months, is full-term and already fully formed.

With the approach of the end of pregnancy, the woman already feels that the baby will soon be born. This can be recognized by a number of changes in the body. Starting at 36 weeks, precursor contractions appear, which prepare the uterus for further childbirth. At this time, muscle fibers contract, which leads to painful sensations in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum. They do not depend on external factors (body position or walking), which makes them different from Braxton-Higgs pseudo-contractions. But, like the latter, they are irregular and are not accompanied by cervical dilatation. Most often they occur in the evenings or at night, causing a woman to wake up.

In addition to precursor contractions, the ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by other changes in the woman's body. The uterus is already decently enlarged. The height of the bottom is 36–38 cm, and the abdominal circumference is close to 100 cm. But about a week before childbirth, the uterus sinks more deeply into the pelvic cavity, so the woman feels some relief: heartburn decreases and it becomes easier to breathe. Due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, she can even lose weight up to 1.5 kg. However, instead, there is distension and heaviness in the lower abdomen, dull pain in the pubic region and sacrum due to the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic nerves. And when walking, a woman can seem awkward and awkward.

Given the growth of the uterus and fetus, in the last stages of pregnancy, discomfort becomes more and more intense, among which the following should be noted:

  1. Constipation and bloating.
  2. Increased urination.
  3. Pain in the lumbar spine.
  4. Pasty of the lower extremities.
  5. Calf muscle cramps.
  6. Itching and stretch marks on the abdomen.

At 37-40 weeks, symptoms characteristic of the early stages may well appear. The woman suffers from mood swings, insomnia, and dizziness and fainting. But the latter are associated with the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome, when in the supine position the uterus presses on the vessels that carry blood to the heart. Other signs, such as increased anxiety, anxiety, excitability, and hyperactivity, also develop. Many are worried about the approaching birth, which affects the psycho-emotional state.

The function of the genitals changes. Physiological discharge (leucorrhoea) becomes thicker and more abundant. They may contain blood (streaks) or acquire a brownish tint. Immediately before childbirth, a mucous plug leaves, which leads to an increase in the amount of discharge. Colostrum - a thick white mass - is already beginning to be secreted from the breast, which indicates that the gland is ready for lactation.

The ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by a mass of changes in the woman's body, by which one can recognize the impending birth.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman should be careful about her health, because a crucial stage is approaching - its completion. For this purpose, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the expectant mother and child. Weekly monitoring is required, which primarily includes a medical examination. First, the specialist determines the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, body weight, position and presentation of the fetus. Then blood pressure is measured, the results of urine analysis (protein, sugar) are checked. This is necessary to identify probable signs of gestosis and other obstetric pathology (for example, gestational diabetes).

To determine the condition of the fetus, an ultrasound scan is performed. The last screening is done at 34–37 weeks of gestation. But if necessary, it is also repeated before childbirth. If the fetus has signs of hypoxia, the doctor will also prescribe cardiotocography. And in the first stage of labor, it will also show the dynamics of contractions (frequency, duration and intensity).

Many women who have stepped into the 9th month of pregnancy are wondering how you can find out that labor is starting. This moment is unlikely to go unnoticed, because it comes with the following symptoms:

  • Discharge of the mucous plug from the cervical canal.
  • Rupture of amniotic fluid (rupture of the fetal bladder).
  • Regular contractions of the uterus (contractions).

The mucous plug comes off about 1-2 days before the onset of contractions. This can be seen by the pinkish discharge. Sometimes this is observed at the beginning of labor, when the cervix begins to open. Amniotic fluid is poured out immediately or in parts. They leave the day before childbirth or directly in the first period: first a small portion (front), and with the release of the baby all the rest.

Labor pains are regular contractions of the muscle layer of the uterus. At first, they last no more than 20 seconds with an interval of 15-30 minutes. Then the contractions become more frequent, longer and more intense. The last contractions come in a few minutes and turn into attempts.

You can find out about the approach of childbirth by a number of signs, which are quite difficult to miss.

When the ninth month of pregnancy has come, the woman should be even more attentive to herself. She will hear important recommendations from the doctor and must carefully follow them. These include the following:

  1. Be in the fresh air more often.
  2. Do not expose yourself to physical activity.
  3. Eat correctly and fully.
  4. Change sanitary napkins regularly.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and if necessary, a prenatal bandage.
  6. Prepare breasts for lactation.

A special place is occupied by the issue of sex in the last month of pregnancy. But only a doctor will unequivocally answer it. Some recommend refraining from sexual intercourse at this time, as this can provoke early childbirth. Others do not prohibit, unless the woman has leakage of amniotic fluid, placenta previa, multiple pregnancies and the risk of premature birth. But before having sex, it is better to consult a doctor about this. If he permits, then positions that eliminate pressure on the abdomen are best suited: on the side or in the knee-elbow position. Sometimes sexual intercourse can be considered a good stimulant if labor is delayed for some reason.

It is important for a woman to psychologically prepare for the approaching end of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Courses for expectant parents help a lot in this. After waiting for the ninth month, you should go through another important stage - childbirth. And after that, you can truly feel the joy of motherhood, relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of caring for a child.

  • for obstetric months - 36 weeks;
  • calendar months - 39-40 weeks.

For most women in the position, the last month of pregnancy is a period of "suitcase mood" and the long-awaited expectation of getting to know the "paunchy".

Some girls fear that orgasm at 9 months will activate labor activity, and labor will begin ahead of schedule. There is a grain of truth in this. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the contraction of the walls of the uterus during orgasm can promote labor. Therefore, for girls who have passed the appointed date of birth (41-42 weeks), doctors recommend “close communication” with their spouse.

It should be noted that having sex and achieving the final result in it, train the muscles of the uterus well and prepare them for full-fledged labor. Therefore, if there are no pathologies and contraindications from the gynecologist, start “love training” from the second trimeter.

During sex at the 9th month of pregnancy, the positions you are accustomed to are not always safe for the baby. Any pressure on the stomach and deep penetration into a woman is strictly prohibited. In this period, the optimal poses can be "Picnic" (man from behind on the side) or "Rider" (woman from above), where the girl independently senses and controls the depth of penetration of the man.

During orgasm, blood flow in the woman's body and blood circulation in the placenta are accelerated, which promotes the flow of oxygen in greater quantities. And this is very favorable for the well-being of the child.

The baby in the tummy is rapidly gaining weight, becomes overgrown with subcutaneous fat, so the tummy seems overwhelming and immense. Due to the fact that the fetus is gradually directed "to the exit", dropping lower, it becomes easier to breathe. The breath is gone. But instead of it, pressure on the lower abdomen increased, and spasmodic sensations appeared in the area of ​​the pubis, inner thighs, and sometimes the coccyx.

The problem of insomnia in the ninth month of pregnancy continues for many women. And no matter how many future mothers do not count the sheep, thoughts about the upcoming birth still take up. Nervousness is connected to insomnia, in some girls hysteria, tearfulness - as they say, "hormones have gone wild."

Some doctors advise during this period to drink sedative sedatives (valerian preparations) or to pamper yourself with tea with mint, lemon balm. Perfectly soothes the nerves, and sets in a positive mood meditation, breathing exercises.

Due to the increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone, which causes the uterus to contract, the swelling in the last month of pregnancy only intensifies. This hormone retains fluid in the body, so at 9 months the face, hands, feet, fingers become somewhat plump.

You can remove swelling in the last month by excluding salty, smoked, fried foods, active physical activity from the diet, minimizing walks on a hot day. You should wear comfortable clothes, shoes, apply special medicinal ointments. Cool baths are recommended.

You can prevent the appearance of edema by eating foods such as dried apricots, milk (preferably warm), tea with lemon without sugar. If severe swelling is accompanied by pain in the kidney area, diarrhea, fever, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist. After the baby is born, the swelling goes away.

Even visually, you can see that the recently rounded, raised tummy has taken on a pear-shaped shape and sank slightly. As a rule, in primiparas, abdominal prolapse is observed two or more weeks before the birth of the child, with repeated births - directly in the very process of birth.

What else can signal problems with a "pregnant" tummy:

  1. the stomach turns to stone at 9 months or hardens - this indicates that the uterus is in good shape at this time, that is, it is ready to "push the baby out." Labor activity can begin at any moment;
  2. the stomach itches terribly: as the people say, it means that you will soon give birth. And it is true. In the third trimester, the belly expands rapidly and the skin becomes taut like a bowstring. Therefore, it itches and even flakes. It is recommended to use creams or natural vegetable oils to moisturize the skin;
  3. if the stomach is twisting, bloating appears, accompanied by heartburn, it is strongly recommended to correct the diet: give up carbonated water, foods with high acidity, eat often and in small portions;
  4. pulling pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by contractions at a certain interval (about 10-15 minutes) indicate the onset of labor. It is necessary to call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own.

If any pain in the abdomen bothers you and worries you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. The life and health of the child, first of all, will overestimate from you, mommy.

Various inflammatory processes or an infection not detected in time can lead to the death of a baby. Various genetic diseases can cause miscarriage in the ninth month of pregnancy. Therefore, at the stage of gestation, pregnant women so often pass all kinds of tests.

The main factors causing the threat of miscarriage:

  1. Smoking, uncontrolled alcohol consumption, immoral lifestyle;
  2. Infectious diseases;
  3. Depression, stress;
  4. Injuries, falls, excessive physical activity;
  5. Rh-conflict among spouses (a woman's Rh is negative, a man's is positive).

Severe abdominal pain accompanied by bleeding indicates a serious problem. You should immediately seek medical help.

During pregnancy, many girls pampered themselves with fresh buns, grandmother's delicious pies, could not refuse the "last" chocolate. As a result, extra grams and a disapproving look from the gynecologist.

In order for the nutrition in the last month of pregnancy to be correct, the following dishes and products should be introduced into your diet:

  • dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • Lean meat (beef, turkey, rabbit), steamed or baked in the oven;
  • vegetables and fruits rich in fiber (fruit should preferably be eaten in the morning);
  • all kinds of cereals;
  • exclude soda, drink fresh compotes from dried fruits.

Multivitamins are preparations containing several vitamins and minerals in one dose (tablet). It is advisable to take such a "complex vitamin" in early pregnancy, where the lack of folic acid, vitamin E, calcium is especially noticeable and required for the full formation and development of the fetus.

The appointment of a vitamin and mineral course at the 9th month of pregnancy is primarily due to:

  • the health of the woman in labor (weakened body, colds);
  • with pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • unbalanced nutrition of a woman.

Some women refuse to take multivitamins in the last trimester, motivating their decision with a reluctance to "clog" the body with chemistry and fear of the formation of a large fetus. The best multivitamin, according to pregnant women, is a balanced diet.

If the brain has forgotten about taking the vitamin, and the hand, out of habit, does not reach for the jar, it means that the body itself is talking about oversaturation with "usefulness" and the need to pause.

Vomiting in the last month of gestation can simply be due to banal overeating. The enlarged uterus leaves little room for the stomach to "feast", so a huge amount of food simply does not fit.

Some women, just before the very process of birth, have problems with the intestinal tract and stomach: vomiting begins. This suggests that the body, as it were, gets rid of excess load, is cleansed so that the birth process takes place lightly.

Cheesy white discharge at the 9th month of pregnancy is an indicator of the occurrence of thrush, which must be gotten rid of.

If there is a discharge with a little mucus and an admixture of blood, this is a signal of the discharge of the mucous plug, which protects the fruit membranes. This means that soon you will become a mother
A bad sign is bloody discharge or bleeding in the last month. You should immediately seek medical help, because there is a risk of premature birth or miscarriage.

All vital organs and systems of the baby have formed and are functioning, therefore, in the event of premature birth, the child has every chance of full life activity.

The energy of the crumbs decreased slightly. The small size of the uterus does not make it possible to fully roam. But if the child is very active at the 9th month of pregnancy, you should inform the doctor. This dynamics is characteristic of oxygen starvation.

In the last month of pregnancy, the child is characterized by:

  1. The baby's skin takes on a pink tint, and folds are formed due to subcutaneous fat;
  2. Thanks to the formation of the immune system, the crumb can resist various viruses;
  3. The child reacts to the voice and touch of the mother, and can respond with "buzzing". More often, of course, the baby sleeps, but you can feel 10 shocks in 12 hours.

Like a mother, the baby is looking forward to meeting and acquaintance with the world, therefore, at the beginning of the 9th month, it gradually moves towards the "exit".

The use of alcoholic and low-alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Cigarettes are out of the question. If you still smoke, think about what kind of milk your baby will drink?

Visit your dentist if possible. Dental treatment at 9 months is not contraindicated. A beautiful mother is a happy mother, so go to a beauty salon, get your hair done, manicure, pedicure.

For women, the issue of heartburn in the ninth month did not change. The grown fetus continues to put pressure on the abdominal region, due to which the burning sensation and unpleasant bitterness in the mouth intensify. You can alleviate the condition through proper nutrition:

  • exclude fatty, smoked foods from the diet;
  • do not overeat flour products;
  • observe the diet: there is little, but often.

The burning sensation is removed by pharmaceutical preparations, for example, "Rennie", "Mezim". You can try folk remedies: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, decoctions of mint or lemon balm.

The fifth point of our body also suffers under the weight of the fetus. Hemorrhoids in the last month of pregnancy are frequent and, unfortunately, painful. During the process of childbirth, hemorrhoids can worsen to a greater extent and disturb for a long time. It is necessary to treat and prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process of the rectum as follows:

  1. organize a healthy diet (get rid of constipation, diarrhea and improve the proper functioning of the intestines);
  2. systematically engage in physiotherapy exercises;
  3. avoid hypothermia, especially the fifth point, minimize walking (no more than 1 hour);
  4. carry out hygiene procedures after each emptying;
  5. from pharmacy products sea buckthorn candles and various ointments, for example, "Relief", help well.

The last month of pregnancy is very often accompanied by headaches and general malaise. Weakness at the 9th and ninth month of pregnancy is understandable: the girl in the position was physically and morally exhausted, “burned out”. Anxiety about future childbirth provokes nervousness, tearfulness, insomnia and general weakness. Depression and stressful situations are common causes of headaches. Therefore, mothers - take care of yourself and the baby!

The volume and size of the breasts by the 9th month increased significantly. The chest is filled with colostrum, so during this period it is especially sensitive and painful to touch. Doctors recommend using a special non-squeezing bra made from natural fabrics for nursing mothers. If necessary, do a gentle breast massage.

In the last month of pregnancy, cramping symptoms are especially pronounced. Experts explain that before childbirth, the uterus conducts training and with such symptoms it is necessary to lie down on the left side, holding a pillow between the legs. If the contractions become more frequent (every 10-15 minutes), become more painful, you should call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. Perhaps the generic process has begun.

  • warm drinking of milk, sea buckthorn, raspberry tea;
  • for a cold, use a saline solution (for 1 tbsp. warm water 1 tsp. sea salt);
  • if there is a cough, use a nebulizer using a solution of soda or "Borjomi";
  • from medicines to give preference to homeopathic remedies;
  • it is very important not to take hot baths and do not steam your feet. Such manipulations can cause labor.

Mom needs to be extremely careful, and before the finish line, minimize trips to public places.

The ninth month is fleeting: before you have time to look back, you will already be holding the baby in your hands. After a while, you will want to return to this period, to feel a kick in the ribs. Therefore, enjoy this time.

I partly found a description-explanation of my breakdown the day before yesterday ... otherwise I didn't want to think that the roof had gone ...

The ninth month is the long-awaited

ninth month the last one, but one must also live it. Let him remember you as one of the happiest in your life.

The belly no longer increases in size. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises by 36-40 cm - for everyone in different ways.

By the end the ninth month of pregnancy, the total weight gain is on average 8 to 15 kg... Moreover, in the last weeks, you may not get better at all.

Already from the beginning ninth month your body began to rebuild itself from “preserving pregnancy” to “preparing for childbirth” at an “accelerated pace”. The placental clock, laid down by nature, tells the last days of your pregnancy. Placenta with 36th week begins to reduce the production of hormones, primarily progesterone. Relative placental insufficiency develops, and the fetus begins to lack components for nutrition and respiration. In addition, due to the high growth rate of the fetus and a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, the uterus covers it more and more closely. In response to stress, the adrenal glands of the fetus begin to secrete large amounts of stress hormone cortisol. In addition, it is believed that the normal course of childbirth is possible only with a formed "generic dominant" in the brain of a pregnant woman - a state of the brain that ensures proper regulation of childbirth - while the work of the cerebral cortex is somewhat inhibited, the parts of the brain that control internal organs, in particular organs involved in childbirth.

In response to these processes, the hormonal balance in the mother changes. In a woman's blood, the level of oxytocin, a hormone of the pituitary gland, increases, which ensures the release of prostaglandins and the release of other substances that stimulate the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. The state of readiness for childbirth is most accurately manifested when determining the "maturity" of the cervix during vaginal examination.

Your hematopoietic system intensively produces red blood cells - this is a preparation for blood loss during childbirth, so the manifestations of anemia (a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin) may decrease.

With an occipital presentation in 38 weeks usually the fetal head descends to the entrance to the small pelvis and takes a characteristic position: the baby's torso is bent, the head is pressed against the chest, the arms are crossed on the chest, and the legs are bent at the knee and hip joints and pressed against the tummy. In this position, the baby will move along the birth canal.

Determining the gestational age and the date of birth is often difficult, since it can be difficult to establish the exact date of release of an egg from the ovary during fertilization. Therefore, delivery on time is considered timely. 37-42 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period, provided that there are signs of fetal maturity.

A mature fruit has a body weight of 2600 g and a length of more than 47 cm. On the ninth month of pregnancy the baby gains weight daily from 14 to 28 g per day. It is extremely difficult to determine the exact weight of the unborn child, the error in such measurements is from 0.5 to 1 kg, even when using ultrasound.

The skin of a mature newborn is light, pale pink, the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, in the folds of the skin there are remnants of a cheese-like lubricant. If, for some reason, childbirth is delayed, then a decrease in lubrication leads to maceration of unprotected places - the skin becomes wrinkled, as after a long stay in water, first of all, "bath" feet and palms appear. A mature newborn screams loudly, breathes, sucks well, retains heat and does not need special heating. His face is smooth, there are thick cheeks - the result of an increase in subcutaneous fat and intensive training in thumb sucking. The skull is still soft enough to make it easier for the baby's head to pass through the birth canal. Ear and nasal cartilage is elastic. The child has already lost most of the vellus hair on his body, with the possible exception of only his shoulders and the places that hide in the folds of his skin. The nails on the hands and feet cover the nail beds.

In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum; in girls, the clitoris and labia minora are covered with the labia majora. In very few full-term boys (about 1%), the testicles do not descend into the scrotum at the time of delivery, which requires mandatory observation by a surgeon. A dark substance accumulates in the intestines - meconium, primary feces. Meconium is made up of dead intestinal cells, as well as exfoliated skin cells, disintegrated blood cells, embryonic vellus hair, and other components that are swallowed along with the amniotic fluid.

The child is completely ready for the coming changes. Iron accumulates in his liver, which will help hematopoiesis in the first year of life. The lungs are fully ripe to provide oxygen. The heart prepares for work in a completely different mode: immediately after birth, a hole in the central septum closes, which, in the prenatal period, seems to turn off the lungs from the circulatory system, because when the baby is in the womb, the blood in the lungs is not enriched with oxygen, since the fetus does not breathe. After giving birth, blood will begin to circulate through the lungs. The only thing that hasn't matured yet is the immune system. While your antibodies reach the baby through the placenta, and after birth, he will receive them from breast milk.

Harbingers of childbirth

Ninth month gives you a whole range of new sensations, indicating the approach of childbirth. All these sensations are called harbingers of childbirth... They may appear a couple of weeks before childbirth, or they may appear several hours before.

"Ptosis" of the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the fetal head enters the pelvic cavity. Sometimes women even visually notice that the stomach has gone down, but more often this is judged by indirect signs. As a result of the movement of the child, pressure is relieved from the diaphragm and stomach, it becomes easier to breathe, heartburn passes, appetite changes, since the fetal head descends immediately on the eve of childbirth.

Frequent urination and bowel movements. After mixing the head into the pelvic cavity of the uterus, it presses on the bladder with even greater force, and therefore it has to be emptied more and more often. The hormones of childbirth affect a woman's intestines, and some expectant mothers may experience mild abdominal cramps and loose stools, just like before an exam.

Decrease in body weight. Due to the ongoing hormonal changes before the onset of childbirth, some women lose weight from 1 to 2 kg. Appetite decreases slightly, fluid loss occurs.

Discharge of the mucous plug. As the cervix matures, it becomes softer, shorter, shifts to the center of the small pelvis, and its canal begins to open slightly. All this leads to the fact that a lump of colorless, yellowish or slightly colored mucus is pushed out of the cervical canal, which you will find on your underwear after a while.

Decreased fetal activity. The kid is no longer pushing so actively, it is cramped for him, his movements are more like swaying.

Manifestation precursors of childbirth very individual and optional. Childbirth can begin without forerunners... If you are in doubt, consult your doctor - he will evaluate this or that symptom from a medical point of view.

Normally, the emotional state of the expectant mother is ninth month of pregnancy processes of inhibition and inertia prevail. She becomes somewhat forgetful, absent-minded, withdrawn, with difficulty concentrating attention. This is necessary to create a "generic dominant" in the brain. However, against the background of apparent calmness, mood changes are still frequent, when one moment passes from shed tears to unrestrained laughter. The state of calmness and fatigue can be followed by periods of violent nesting activity, when you may suddenly rush to wash, clean, wash or iron something.

Analyze your emotional state. Maybe you are overly excited, tense. It is very important during this period to communicate with the child. He senses your mood and mood for childbirth and, depending on your condition, receives "hormones of joy" or "stress hormones".

Decide finally where you will give birth. In this case, be sure to find out when the maternity hospital you have chosen closes for a sink, if necessary, select a "fallback" option. Think again about having your husband or someone close to you at the birth. But remember that this is only possible if you both really want it. Not the best option is the presence of the dad at the birth, who was persuaded. This can affect not only your emotional state, but also the very course of labor. It also takes time for a man to realize himself as a father.

In the later stages of pregnancy, you can again remember its beginning - fainting comes back. However, now this may not happen in a stuffy subway car, which would be easy to understand, but at home, in bed, if you are lying on your back. This is how the "inferior vena cava syndrome" manifests itself, when a heavy pregnant uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, disrupting blood flow to the heart. In response to this, blood pressure reflexively drops sharply, causing fainting. To avoid these troubles, you should rest only lying on your side, preferably on the left: in this position, an optimal blood supply to the fetus is ensured.

In late pregnancy, the sense of balance is disturbed, weakness and dizziness may occur. Now is not the time to jump and run after the departing bus as you may have done before. Take care of yourself and your baby - avoid falls in every possible way. Be very careful, especially in winter when it is slippery outside. As you go down and up the stairs, hold onto the railing. Fortunately, falls usually do not have serious consequences for either the mother or the baby: your belly, uterus, and amniotic fluid provide good protection for the fetus. But if you fell, be sure to see a doctor: let him check if everything is in order, because in some cases the fall may not be so harmless.

Postponing pregnancy within a week or two may not cause much concern for doctors, and only in cases where the pregnancy is delayed for an even longer period or there are signs of fetal suffering, they can offer stimulation of labor or cesarean section. Pregnancy is considered post-term if more than 42 weeks have passed since the last menstrual period. The reasons for post-term are: various diseases and the age of the mother, undergone abortions, menstrual irregularities, malformations of the uterus, abnormal fetal positions. With a post-term pregnancy, the placenta has already worked out its term, it ages quickly and worsens the supply of the child with the substances necessary for his life. In this regard, the risk of hypoxia and fetal death increases. At birth, a post-term baby has dry, flaky and tight skin, elongated nails, no vellus hair and no damp grease. If your pregnancy is approaching 42 weeks, you will certainly be offered hospitalization. It is not worth hoping that childbirth will begin if you overload yourself with physical labor: this has no medical evidence.

On the ninth month your doctor visits should be weekly. At each visit, your well-being is assessed, your weight, blood pressure, abdominal circumference and the height of the fundus are measured, tests for protein and sugar in urine and an examination for edema are given.

From additional research on ninth month take the last complete blood count - first of all, to determine the level of hemoglobin and platelets. These indicators are now especially important, since there is always a risk of significant blood loss during childbirth.

At the end of the eighth - early ninth month of pregnancy a vaginal examination is performed. In addition to assessing the degree of maturity of the cervix, such an examination helps to determine the position of the fetus and the position of the fetal head relative to the pelvic bones. A sampling of material for the study of a smear for flora is carried out. If at least minimal changes are found in the smear, the doctor will definitely suggest that you undergo preventive treatment. This is very important, as only a healthy vaginal wall can stretch a lot during labor. With inflammation, it breaks much more easily than stretches. Also, if there is an infection, any trauma during labor heals very slowly. If your pregnancy is over 40 weeks, you will be offered an additional vaginal examination, which re-assesses your readiness for childbirth. If there are no signs of cervical maturity, you may need to be hospitalized to create an artificial backdrop to prepare your body for childbirth. If there is clear progress, then you should not rush to the hospital, you just need to wait a little

On a weekly basis, the doctor assesses the function of the placenta and the condition of the fetus. Most often this is done on the basis of a fetal cardiotocogram (CTG), less often - by simple listening with a stethoscope. In some cases, additional ultrasound examination, dopplerometry (examination of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, placenta, umbilical cord) or a biophysical test may be needed. The latter is used in order to assess the condition of the fetus during prolonged pregnancy, or when there are doubts about its health. With the help of ultrasound, the presence of fetal movements, the frequency of its heartbeat, the amount of amniotic fluid, the tone of the fetus and its attempts to make respiratory movements are assessed for 20-30 minutes.

If the test result is unsatisfactory, prompt delivery can be done. If all is well, then the test is repeated after 3-4 days. If the results are questionable, a control test is carried out after a few hours.

In order to know exactly when to go to the hospital, we will figure out what to consider the beginning of labor.

There are two main signs of labor:

Start of contractions- regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus. It is not the strength of painful sensations that is important, but their frequency. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15-20 minutes, and the intervals between them should be reduced. When you count 3-4 contractions in 30 minutes, go to the hospital.

Discharge of water. When the fetal bladder ruptures, pain is not felt. The amniotic fluid is usually clear. After pouring out the amniotic fluid, you should hurry up with the fees and go to the hospital, even if there are no contractions.

Try not to be away from home for a long time and very far. Always and everywhere carry your passport, exchange card, birth certificate, just in case - a diaper.

You should certainly already have the bag of things you take to the hospital... In addition to personal accessories, it must contain your medical documents and passport. This is to avoid unnecessary last-minute hustle and bustle. By carefully preparing yourself, you can calmly, without nervousness and tension, meet the most important moment. When it comes, you will have a little time to shower, put on clean underwear, trim your nails and rinse off the polish (manicure will interfere with caring for your baby). For many women, shaving the perineum on admission to the hospital is a very unpleasant moment. However, this procedure is necessary, since it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the perineum during childbirth, to prevent its rupture, and in case of injury, it is better to match the tissues when suturing. Feelings of awkwardness can be avoided by doing this simple procedure at home on your own. In the last days before childbirth, reconsider whether everything was bought for the baby, give relatives detailed instructions for urgent purchases.

Stock up on food for the duration of your stay in the hospital and for the first days after returning. Do not forget the main thing - a positive, kind attitude towards childbirth. And you will succeed!

We leave on the home stretch. There is very little left - and the miracle of which you dreamed will come true. The less time is left before this long-awaited moment, the more you think about how it will happen. You listen and watch yourself for signs of impending labor. And though ninth month the last one, but one must also live it.

Let him remember you as one of the happiest in your life.

Woman's condition

So the last month of pregnancy has come, very soon your baby will be born. It is not at all necessary that this will happen exactly on the expected date of birth, the baby may be born a little earlier or later than the due date, therefore, at 9 months of pregnancy, try to avoid long and distant trips, even if you tolerate the pregnancy easily enough, since childbirth may already begin in any moment.

The ninth month of pregnancy will bring some relief in breathing. At this time, the abdominal prolapse occurs, the fetus, as it were, sinks deeper into the lower part of the pelvis, preparing to pass through the birth canal. The abdomen at 9 months of pregnancy usually sinks a few weeks before giving birth, if the pregnancy is the first, or a few days if you have already given birth. Thus, although it will become easier for you to breathe, but the pressure on the pelvic area will increase, so it will become harder to walk, and the need for frequent urination and defecation will become even greater. Your weight at 9 months of pregnancy may decrease slightly - by 1-2 kg.

The movements of the child in the ninth month of pregnancy become softer, he also seems to be gaining strength before childbirth. However, it should still be active, so if it is not active, see your doctor immediately - this could be an indication of serious problems.

Changes at the 9th month of pregnancy, you can also notice in your behavior: there is a need to go to a cozy, quiet place - this is how the "nesting instinct" manifests itself, which consists in the need to find a suitable place for childbirth. Do not forget to take all the necessary things to the maternity hospital. Read more about it here.

Braxton Hicks contractions in the ninth month of pregnancy may become stronger, radiating pain in the groin, back, and abdomen. Pain at 9 months of pregnancy can be significant, since the pressure of the uterus on the muscles is already enormous. In some cases, they may indicate the onset of labor, especially if pains at 9 months of pregnancy begin in the back and then cover the abdomen. To understand that you have started real contractions, counting their frequency will help you: true contractions, unlike Braxtons, are periodic and occur with a frequency of more than 4 times per hour.

Discharge at the 9th month of pregnancy in the form of pinkish or colorless mucus also indicates an imminent birth, since this is a mucous plug that blocked the entrance to the uterus for harmful microorganisms during pregnancy. Abundant discharge at the 9th month of pregnancy in the form of a clear liquid means an outpouring of amniotic fluid and signals the onset of labor. In this case, you need to immediately go to the hospital, even if you only suspect that your water has moved away, but do not observe other signs of the beginning of labor, since sometimes it happens that the water leaves, and the contractions do not start, then the doctors will take the necessary measures to stimulate them.

Usually, a few days before delivery, the cervix softens and its slight disclosure. By conducting a digital examination of the state of the cervix at the 9th month of pregnancy, the doctor can conclude that the birth is imminent.

Sex in the ninth month of pregnancy is contraindicated, as it can force the child to change its position in the uterus to a more uncomfortable one. In addition, sex in the ninth month of pregnancy can stimulate the onset of labor: the hormones prostaglandins contained in semen soften the cervix, and orgasm can trigger the onset of labor. This can be very dangerous for the fetus, as the contractions provoked in this way can be too strong or prolonged, posing a threat to the child's life.

In late pregnancy, one of the complications of pregnancy, preeclampsia, is also dangerous. Signs of it are significant swelling, including of the face and hands, the appearance of swelling under the eyes, severe headache, dark spots before the eyes or any other visual disturbances, severe pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting, as well as an increase in your weight at the end. 9 months pregnant. See your doctor immediately if you experience similar symptoms in the ninth month of pregnancy: all this leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the placenta and, accordingly, poses a significant danger to the mother and fetus.

During the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat, which will contribute to its heat regulation in extrauterine life. All systems and organs of the baby are already fully developed and he is ready for independent life as a separate organism. By the end of the 9th month of pregnancy, the placenta begins to age - its functions in ensuring the life of the fetus are almost complete.

When a child is born, doctors suck mucus from his respiratory tract using a vacuum electric suction, and the baby takes the first real breath in his life - air is already entering his lungs, not amniotic fluid, accompanying him with a loud cry.

By the end of the ninth month of pregnancy, the fetus is about 50 cm long and weighs about 3.5 kg.

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