How does the human papillomavirus manifest in women. Human papillomavirus (HPV). Risk factors influencing the infection with human papillomavirus infection

Papilloma virus in women Is an infectious disease caused by a virus from the papillomaviridae family. The disease leads to pathological changes in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes of a woman, which manifests itself in the form of warts and papillomas.

The most common type of transmission is sexual contact with an infected person, therefore this ailment belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases.

The human papillomavirus in women is caused by the human papillomavirus, in total there are more than 600 of its species. Less than 10% of them can affect the anogenital tract of women and manifest as genital warts. This disease in some cases leads to cervical cancer, in 70% of cases it is provoked by two types of HPV - 16th and 18th.

The World Health Organization provides statistics according to which about 60% of the world's population are carriers of this virus.

Virus Facts:

  • HPV occupies a leading position among all infections spread through sexual contact.
  • The period of the highest infection rate is the beginning of an active sexual life.
  • Almost all types of HPV do not cause any harm to a woman's health.
  • In the vast majority of cases, the infection goes away on its own within 2 years.


The human papillomavirus in women is most often diagnosed in those of the fairer sex who lead a promiscuous sex life and often change male partners. However, for infection and the development of the disease, having an active sex life alone is not enough.


  • Weakened immunity.
  • The presence in the female body of other serious infectious diseases.
  • The immense use of medications.
  • Uncontrolled use of oral contraception.
  • Alcohol and smoking abuse.


In a woman, papillomas appear within 3 weeks to 8 months after infection. The duration of the manifestation of the disease is directly related to the type of virus, as well as the general condition of the body. The incubation period for the manifestation of viruses of the types that provoke the progression of cervical cancer is often up to 20 years.

The papillomavirus in the female leads to the appearance of neoplasms on areas of the skin, as well as on the mucous membranes, which can have several variations. These variations are the main symptoms of this disease.

Clinical manifestations of papillomas:

  • Vulgar... HPV appears as a lump with a hard-to-touch coating and a diameter of 1 cm or more. Most often, neoplasms are found on the back of the hands.
  • Filiform... They appear in the form of small yellowish cones, which gradually grow and thicken. Older women are most susceptible to this type of papillomas.
  • Plantar... A callus-like lesion appears on the sole of the foot. The difference from corns is that the growth does not contain liquid inside and looks like a shiny bump.
  • Flat... The appearance of this type of papillomas is preceded by redness and severe itching of the skin at the site of the neoplasm. In appearance, papilloma is flat and round in shape, often does not differ in shade from skin color.
  • Pointed... Neoplasms are found on the female genitals, oral mucosa and around the anus.

Of the specific symptoms of the disease in women, bloody vaginal discharge after sexual intercourse, an irregular menstrual cycle, and a slight itching in the genital area are also distinguished.


An appropriate specialist (venereologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist, immunologist) will tell you how to treat the human papillomavirus in women after diagnostic procedures. Due to the high prevalence of the virus, preventive examinations are recommended for all women who have reached the age of 30.

Diagnosis in the treatment of HPV begins with a general clinical examination and determination of the type of papillomas on the body. Given that the disease is often asymptomatic, a whole system of studies has been developed for the presence of HPV in a woman's body.

Research methods:

  • Polymerase chain reaction... This test helps to identify the type of virus in the body. The downside of this study is that it does not measure the amount of virus particles.
  • Hybrid capture method... More effective research that helps not only to accurately establish the type of virus, but also its quantitative composition (viral load).
  • Colposcopy... Examination with specialized equipment of the cervix to identify pathologies.
  • Cytological examination... Helps to identify the presence of a virus with a high risk of cancer.
  • Biopsy of the cervix.
  • Histological examination.

Women under the age of 30 should undergo a preventive examination every three years. In the case of a positive result for a type of virus with a high oncogenic risk, examination should be carried out annually.

Older women in the absence of types of virus with a high oncogenic risk in the body are examined every five years. In the presence of such viruses, a colposcopy procedure and a PCR study are recommended. In some cases, the treating specialist will order a cervical biopsy to better treat women with human papillomavirus.

Upon reaching the age of 65, further examinations are stopped, provided that the last two cytological examinations have been negative for high-risk HPV.


Treatment of papillomavirus in women involves two main approaches - this is antiviral therapy and surgical removal of papillomas... It should be remembered that folk remedies are extremely dangerous, since patients often confuse HPV with other diseases and, in the process of self-medication, aggravate their condition.

Antiviral therapy involves treatment with a wide range of antiviral drugs, as well as the use of immunomodulators. The correct drug is selected in consultation with a doctor, depending on the results of the study and the type of virus in the body.

Surgical intervention involves the removal of a neoplasm on a woman's body by a specialist surgeon under local anesthesia. Surgery is not the most effective treatment, as this procedure can lead to scarring and scarring on the body.

Modern methods of treating papillomas:

  • Laser therapy... During this procedure, neoplasms are removed without further scarring of the skin.
  • Electrocoagulation... Papillomas are removed using an electric current supplied with a special needle.
  • Cryotherapy... This very low temperature procedure has become widely used to treat human papillomavirus in women. A feature of the procedure is its complete painlessness.


Both the symptoms and the treatment of the papilloma virus in women at the present stage of the development of medicine do not cause difficulties for the treating specialists. However, to prevent the disease, experts recommend adhering to simple preventive measures that will help avoid this unpleasant ailment.

Preventive measures:

  • only protected sex with a particularly active sex life, which is characterized by a constant change of men;
  • antiviral vaccination;
  • support of immunity at a sufficiently high level;
  • restriction in the use of alcohol and nicotine.


The human papillomavirus in women is a disease that most often goes away on its own in a short time. The main complication of this disease is the risk of developing cervical cancer. Therefore, constant preventive examinations and compliance with all preventive measures are a prerequisite for women at risk.

The disease is often asymptomatic and does not cause any difficulties in daily life. Treatment of the disease is possible without interrupting the work process.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV) is ubiquitous, affecting more than two-thirds of the world's female population. Official and traditional medicine has proposed many methods of combating infection so that the treatment of papilloma in women has an effect, but none of the methods can be called absolute in terms of effectiveness.

How to treat human papillomavirus in women

HPV is dangerous for women of childbearing age. The virus lives in the blood, under the coincidence of circumstances, the disease becomes chronic, relapses occur. A woman should know: as soon as the immune system is weakened, the activation of the insidious enemy of health begins. It is necessary to strengthen the body, regularly visit a specialist in the field of gynecology. The method of treatment depends on the manifestations of the virus:

  • surgical;
  • conservative;
  • unconventional;
  • radiosurgical.

Treatment of papillomavirus in women by clinical methods

Doctors offer methods of treating papilloma virus and removing growths:

  • Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen. After freezing, a bubble with a serous fluid is formed, it is opened and treated with brilliant green.
  • Electrocoagulation (moxibustion). After the procedure, a dry crust appears, which disappears by itself after a week.
  • Plasma coagulation. Treatment with this method literally dissolves the build-up and has a bactericidal effect.


Laser surgery is an effective way to remove neoplasms. Laser beams seal the walls of blood vessels around the papilloma, prevent bleeding and disinfect the treated skin area. If the size of the papilloma is up to 5 mm, the doctor will remove it without burns or scars. If the growth was large, small scars, weakly pigmented spots may remain on the woman's body.


Electrocoagulation is a method of removing papillomas with an electric current of the desired frequency. The electrode heats up to 70-80 °, causes burns of papilloma, cauterizes blood vessels, prevents bleeding. A scab is formed, which can be treated with a weak solution of manganese; in a couple of weeks it will disappear. Sometimes an electrode in the form of a loop is thrown over the papilloma on the pedicle, and the growth is cut off. One session of electrocautery is enough to get rid of papilloma.

Treatment of genital warts by means of electrocoagulation is used to remove warty elements on the cervix and formations in intimate places. The peculiarity of papillomas in gynecology is that these growths form entire colonies due to the humid environment. Genital warts are injured by linen in the groin area, inflamed, opposing normal sexual activity and labor. The electrocautery method requires pain relief when it comes to large formations. The cervix has no pain receptors and no anesthesia is required.

HPV drugs in women

Pharmacies provide a wide range of effective antiviral drugs for treating infections. The immunomodulator Allokin-alpha is indicated for women who are infected with HPV of high oncogenic risk. When administered intravenously, the agent fights against a pathogenic virus. Groprinosin and tablet analogs Panavir, Epigen intim also work. Spray, ointment, Viferon suppositories stop the development of a pathogenic infection. According to the doctor's prescription, you can take Genferon - a powerful therapy and immunity enhancement.

Medicines for external use

  1. The bactericidal and cauterizing effect of Feresol solution is effective against warts and genital warts. Use with caution, because the drug can leave marks and scars on the body. A neoplasm on a thin stem will disappear if Feresol is applied to the top of the build-up for 45 minutes. It is necessary to carry out the procedure for 5 days.
  2. A lapidary pencil neutralizes papillomavirus with silver nitrate in a week. If the growths are small, cauterization with this drug will completely remove the pathological focus and cleanse the body of papillomas. The procedure is performed once every 10 days for a month. Treatment with lapis can leave burns and scars, for this reason, you should not use a remedy for removing warts on the face.
  3. Supercleaner is a reliable means of combating papillomavirus. A point application of the drug is enough for the papilloma to begin to dry out, then a period of exfoliation begins, after a week the growth disappears. All of these funds can be used in combination with isoprinosine tablets (500 mg). They have an antiviral effect, restore the protective functions of the woman's body.

How to treat HPV in women at home

Home treatment of papilloma in women with drugs is aimed at eliminating defects and strengthening immunity. You need to make a choice in favor of proper nutrition, vitamin therapy, physical education, remember: treatment takes time and patience. It is important to increase the body's defenses against cancer, use zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron. Before taking pharmacy and folk remedies on her own, a woman needs to be examined by a doctor and make sure that the viral formation has not degenerated into a malignant one.

Can the human papillomavirus in women be treated with moxibustion by the pharmacy Supercleaner? Yes! Mode of application:

  1. Steam the skin formation in hot water.
  2. Lubricate the skin around the papilloma with petroleum jelly or baby cream.
  3. Add 1-2 drops of Supercleaner to the formation.
  4. Allow to dry naturally.
  5. Do not touch the blackheads on the growths, the papillomas will disappear on their own after a few sessions.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies sometimes have a stronger effect on papillomas than medications. There is an effective infusion:

  1. Mix herbs: lemon balm, horsetail, plantain, nettle, dandelion root in equal amounts.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of hot water, boil, hold over moderate heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Put in a warm place for three hours, after wrapping it up.
  4. Drink a quarter glass in half an hour. Repeat the seven-day courses as needed.

Young walnut, ground and filled with pure kerosene (1x1), is very effective. After 3 weeks of infusion, lubricate the growths with the strained liquid twice a day for 2-3 months. You can prepare a medicinal ointment:

  1. Chop 3-4 green walnuts
  2. Pour with refined kerosene, so that a creamy mass is obtained.
  3. Apply ointment to the growth, cover with compress paper, secure with a plaster, sticky bandage for half an hour.
  4. Repeat the treatment for 7-10 days.

You can cope with papillomatosis at home, especially if the papilloma is small: a fresh chicken egg will help to remove it. It is necessary to pour out the contents, and lubricate the neoplasm with the remnants of the protein from the shell in order to remove it. Freshly squeezed celandine juice can also be used: moisten a small cotton swab in it and apply to the growth for two days, repeat if necessary.

Treatment of HPV in women during pregnancy

Papilloma in gynecology is a very common problem. The papillomavirus can become active during pregnancy. Doctors believe that the disease is not dangerous for the fetus in the womb, but infection can occur during childbirth if the woman's vagina and cervix are covered with papillomas. The virus can be fought even during pregnancy: treatment with medications, removal of formations, healthy nutrition, fresh air, vitamins, healthy lifestyle of the expectant mother.

Treatment methods for papilloma in women are selected for each patient individually:

  • drug therapy based on drugs that strengthen the immune system, vitamins A, C, beta-carotene, beneficial trace elements;
  • removal of papillomas in pregnant women is carried out using a laser, freezing, surgical excision, cauterization, electrotherapy, applications;
  • elimination of bad habits, moderate physical activity, a healthy active lifestyle, avoiding stressful situations.


Every sixth person is a carrier of papillomavirus - this is indicated in the WHO data. The human papillomavirus is transmitted by contact, including sexually. Occasionally in medical practice, cases of household HPV infection were recorded. Infection can occur during childbirth in a vertical way (from mother to baby).

At first glance, the carriage of papillomavirus may not seem dangerous. A person only complains about mucous membranes -.

These benign neoplasms can form anywhere on the body:

  • face;
  • under the breast;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the genitals;
  • on the mucous membranes of internal organs, mouth and nasal cavity.

Lack of therapy, with HPV, is fraught with the development of malignant tumors in men and women. The activity of the virus contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy. But during this period, expectant mothers may observe an increase in the number of genital warts () or their unexpected disappearance. Accumulation of large warts in the genital tract and does not threaten with severe bleeding and difficulty in labor.

The most dangerous complications of infection during pregnancy include the risk of infection of the fetus while passing through the genital tract. After giving birth, the baby of an infected mother develops a polyposis of the respiratory tract. However, there were also cases when the infection in children disappeared within a few months after birth.

Caesarean section slightly reduces the risk of infection in the newborn. Experts insist on such an intervention if there is a massive accumulation of warts in the genital tract of a woman in labor or if it is impossible to deliver naturally.

Conservative therapy in the treatment of papillomavirus

How is human papillomavirus treated? Helping the patient begins with the appointment of conservative therapy.

If the wart or condyloma has not degenerated into a malignant tumor, the doctor's main focus is on drugs that affect cells with the HPV genome.

As for immunomodulators, their use becomes possible only after establishing the patient's immune status and determining the sensitivity of immune cells to specific medications. Prescribing antiherpetic drugs is meaningless, since they are not able to improve the condition of a person with papillomavirus carriage.

Usually, specialists prescribe for the treatment of infection:

For the treatment of human papillomavirus infection, Isoprinosine is prescribed. Its active ingredient is a purine derivative, which has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Children are treated with them after 3 years of age. Indications for prescribing the drug are the presence of papillomas on the vocal cords, genitals and in the larynx, fibrotic manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, cytomegalovirus infection, etc.

People suffering from human papillomavirus - reviews of Isoprinosine leave positive. Following the dosages prescribed by the doctor, it is really possible to achieve the disappearance of papillomas.

To strengthen the immune system at home, tea is brewed from hop cones, oregano herb, motherwort, lime blossom, lemon balm, coriander seeds and marsh creeper, valerian roots. The crushed components are taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. each, poured into a thermos and poured over 2 cups of boiling water. The next morning the drink is ready to drink. They drink it 4 r. per day in equal portions.

Hardware procedures in the treatment of HPV

The symptoms of human papillomavirus infection are warts. They get rid of them with the help of electro- and chemical coagulation, cryodestruction. possibly through radio and laser therapy.

How to cure human papillomavirus? Chemical coagulation is performed with Solkovagin and Solkoderm drugs.

They are good for treating manifestations of papillomavirus on the vaginal mucosa and on the cervix. These medicines are a mixture of organic and inorganic acids, but they are only effective for removing single genital warts. The procedure is approved for the treatment of nulliparous women. But along with its effectiveness, it is worth noting the average pain and the possible formation of scars.

Cryodestruction, or treatment of neoplasms with low-temperature liquid nitrogen, is fast and painless. When single from the cervix are brought together, scars may remain on it.

What to do if the human papillomavirus manifests itself - through the appearance of flat and draining warts on the skin? In this case, doctors use a surgical laser. The device facilitates the removal of growths at any depth without consequences - scarring and scars. Complications of the procedure can be bleeding and narrowing of the cervical canal of the uterus.

The priority area in HPV therapy belongs to the Gardasil vaccine. The drug is capable of defeating even types of the virus with high oncogenicity. The vaccine minimizes the risk of cancer and speeds up the production of immune memory. This means that it produces protective antibodies that were present in the body before infection.

The radiosurgical method for treating the manifestations of papillomavirus is performed with the Surgitron apparatus. Along with the removal of genital warts, the specialist conducts vascular coagulation. The excised element is obligatory subjected to histological examination.

The papilloma virus is quite common. In most cases, the infection does not manifest itself in any way. Moreover, even if infection occurs, 70% of women will be cured within 1 year, and 90% of women will be cured within 2 years.
You can find out that there is an infection with this virus by taking swabs from a gynecologist, or by observing papillomas, condylomas or other unpleasant things in the genital area or around the anus. Or purposefully passing the analysis for the DNA of viruses.

  • 19% of women between 50 and 59 have been infected with the HPV virus
  • 27% of women between 20 and 24 have been infected with the HPV virus
  • 45% of women between 14 and 19 have been infected with the HPV virus

Types of human papillomavirus.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is divided into types, so far there are about 200 known. Strictly speaking, not all viruses are equally dangerous.
Of this multitude, those that cause papillomas in women are not as dangerous as those that do not manifest themselves for many years, but then cause cancer. Hence the division into types of papillomavirus of high and low risk, according to the degree of risk of cancer. Viruses that most often cause cancer (cervix, labia in women, etc.) are considered high risk.

Low-risk HPV spoils the beauty of women.

Low-risk viruses 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 53, 54, 61, 72, 73, 81 types rarely cause cancer, but papillomas, warts and condylomas are often unpleasant for women. Most often in the genital areas and in the anus, but oral sex can affect the mouth and larynx and even the esophagus. Most often (up to 90%), such formations are caused by types 6 and 11 of the virus. Although the Buschke-Levenshtein tumor is also caused by types 6 and 11, although it becomes malignant.

Huge merged warts in the labia are called Buschke-Levenshtein tumor. Papilloma virus in women (low risk) is the main cause.

The papilloma virus in women causes the appearance of various unpleasant formations in the intimate areas, including the anus.

High-risk HPV causes cancer in women.

About 80% of women will contract high-risk papillomavirus during their lifetime, these include types 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 58. Most will be healed. But in 5-10% of women, the infection remains for many years, gradually under its influence, the cells of the epithelium of the cervix, labia, vagina or anus are changing. From year to year, these cells become more and more similar to malignant ones. Within 5-10 years, all this can lead to cervical cancer if the process is not recognized and stopped in time.
Various stages of changes in the cervical epithelium in women on the way to cancer: First, dysplasia 1 appears, then 2, then 3 degrees (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN1,2,3), which ultimately leads to cervical cancer.

  • If cervical cancer appears, then in 99% of cases it was caused by the papilloma virus in women of 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 58 types. Types 16 and 18 account for 70% of cervical cancer cases.
  • Anal cancer in 96% of cases is caused by the human papillomavirus. Women who practice anal sex are more susceptible. The 16th type accounts for 75% of cases, followed by the frequency of 18, 52, 33, and 51 types.
  • In 43% of cases of cancer of the labia (vulva), it occurs due to the human papillomavirus, mainly among young women. Type 16 accounts for 29.3% of cases.
  • Vaginal cancer occurs in 70% of cases due to the human papillomavirus. Type 16 accounts for 55.4% of cases.

Dysplasia of the cervix, stained white with acetic acid. The appearance is caused by the papilloma virus in women. Over time, it turns into cancer.

Cervical cancer that occurs in women under the influence of the human papillomavirus. The photo is still small in size, does not bother with anything.

Papilloma virus in women. Diagnostics. How to recognize?

Any woman can herself establish the presence of a low-risk virus (primarily 6 or 11 types) if she finds papillomas, warts or condylomas in the vulva (labia), vagina, anus or nearby: on the abdomen or thighs. These warts and condylomas can be filamentous, dark or flesh-colored, flat or rough, appendages like cauliflower. They can also cause tingling, itching, and discomfort. Warts can even be observed in the mouth and throat if a woman has had oral contact with an infected person. Papillomas appear several weeks or months after having sex with an infected partner.
Sometimes papillomas in women are detected by a gynecologist during examination. The presence of such formations indicates a weakness of immunity in the fight against HPV; it is also recommended to take a smear for high-risk HPV.
However, most women who are infected do not develop the infection.
As for HPV high risk of the cervix: outwardly, during a gynecological examination, even severe dysplasia may be invisible, or be combined with leukoplakia, erythroplakia, adenomatosis.

Papilloma virus Pap test in women.

But the most important test for papillomavirus in women is a Pap smear (Pap test). Strictly speaking, this smear does not detect the papilloma virus itself. A Pap smear (Pap test) is a routine cytological test and detects cell shifts towards cancer, which are caused by the human papillomavirus. The appearance of atypical cells with an abnormal structure means a high risk of developing cancer or its presence.
In Russia, within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance system (free of charge), it is recommended to conduct a Pap test once every 3 years from 21 to 65 years old. If once a smear showed dysplasia, you can continue to check up to 85 years. Also, according to the compulsory medical insurance in Russia, an analysis for the human papillomavirus in women, at least 16 and 18 types, can be carried out 1 time in 5 years from 30 to 65 years, or not at all. In developed countries, the first Pap smear (Pap test) is done 3 years after the onset of sexual activity, or, at the age of 21. Most often, the test is combined with PCR for high-risk types of human papillomavirus. The study is repeated 3 years in a row, and only then, if everything is normal, they begin to repeat it 1 time in 2-3 years until the age of 65.
It is best to take swabs from three areas: from the canal, the surface of the cervix, from the vaginal vaults.

Evaluation of the Pap test result.

In correct smears, all cells look approximately the same, of the same size and are distributed relatively evenly, they divide rarely and correctly - such a smear will be called negative. It means that in the coming years, cervical cancer in a woman is unlikely.
In the wrong smears, cells look horrible, of different sizes, they have large nuclei that have an irregular shape, cells can be arranged in clusters, divide incorrectly, etc. Such a smear will be called positive and assessed in terms of the likelihood of cancer. Grade 5 means cancer with a very high probability. Sometimes they can give an unclear result (inflammatory) grade 2 or not informative - if smears from a woman are taken poorly.
If, as a result of a Pap smear, the result is not informative, a second smear should be done no later than 4 months later.

Preparing a woman for the Pap test.

Getting an unclear, inflammatory Pap test result, or even dysplasia, does not necessarily mean a woman has or is susceptible to cancer. Sometimes, the test can be spoiled by various germs (sexually transmitted or non-communicable infections), fungi, inflammation, or hormonal imbalances.
To reduce the likelihood of a Grade 2 or non-informative smear appearing without proper reason (not related to viruses) or unclear. The woman needs to prepare in advance for the study. For 2 days, refrain from sex, the introduction of suppositories, drugs, tampons into the genital tract. And instead of a bath, take a shower. The previous gynecological examination should also be at least 2 days before that.

Additional tests for HPV and cancer in women.

If a smear is positive in the conclusion of a cytologist, PCR is performed on the DNA of high-risk papillomavirus types. And also carry out additional studies: colposcopy, staining of suspicious areas with iodine solution (Schiller's test) or acetic acid solution. Colposcopy is performed with a special instrument, a colposcope, which gives a significant increase in the woman's cervix. In case of serious suspicions of cancer, a biopsy of the suspicious area is performed (a piece is taken for examination under a microscope - histology), or conization of the cervix is ​​possible. Conization of the cervix is ​​also a medical procedure that eliminates severe dysplasia in women. That is, - the last steps before cancer.
Women who have normal smear and HPV test results do not have to worry, the risk of cervical cancer in the coming years is extremely small.
After complete removal of the uterus with the cervix due to benign diseases (fibroids, endometriosis, complicated ovarian cysts), Pap smears (Pap test) are no longer required.

Treatment of papillomavirus in women.

The doctor chooses the treatment for you, and all sorts of articles on the Internet, of course, cannot be ordered by him. He himself has a mustache.
Actually, no cure has been invented for the papillomavirus.
With normal Pap smear test results, even if the papilloma virus is detected in women, treatment is usually not prescribed (at the discretion of the doctor), limited to more frequent observation. If the desire to heal is strong enough, the doctor may recommend approximately.
Also, medical experience and ingenuity tell us the use of various options for interferon alpha in the form of suppositories vaginally and rectally with papillomas in the groin area or in the anus, as well as with initial deviations in the Pap test from the cervix, which caused the papilloma virus in women ... Kipferon, for example, can be administered with 2 suppositories of 500,000 IU 2 times a day for 10 days. Genferon is administered at 1 suppository in 1 million IU 2 times a day for 10 days. Giaferon, 1 suppository, 500,000 ME, 2 times a day, vaginally up to 20-30 days. Viferon in suppositories can also be used vaginally, and in the same dosages, despite the fact that rectal suppositories are written on the package. In addition, the treatment of papillomas in intimate places can be supplemented with Viferon in the form of a gel or ointment 3-4 times a day, Infagel in the form of a gel or Interferon human recombinant alpha in the form of an ointment 3-4 times a day.
In the case of the presence of very large merged papillomas (warts), one can limit ourselves only to the introduction of a solution of interferon powder under the papillomas. Alpha-interferon in powder form under various trade names, including Russian-made Reaferon-EC, can be injected with a syringe under large papillomas and condylomas, dissolving in 1 milliliter of water for injection. In this case, from 1 to 3 million units are introduced once a day for 10 days in a row.
Interferon treatment is permissible only if the papilloma virus in women has not caused dysplasia (in the absence of CIN), subject to observation and with the permission of a doctor.
If abnormalities are detected in the smear, but the papilloma virus in women is not detected, the histology has not confirmed cancer or dysplasia, then concomitant genital infections, hormonal abnormalities in women, pathological formations in the cervical region, vagina are treated.
In case of detection of dysplasia CIN 1, electrosurgical removal of changes, radiosurgical (Surgitron), cryodestruction or laser evaporation is performed. In the case of severe dysplasia CIN 2, 3, conization is carried out in several ways: again with a laser, scalpel, loop electrocautery or surgitron (radio wave method), sometimes even in combination with curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal in women.
Papillomas and warts must be removed. After all, they appear due to the low-risk human papillomavirus, which can also cause cancer over time. About deletion options.
In the case of genital warts, treatment with podophylline, imiquimod, radio knife or cryodestruction is possible to avoid deep scarring.
In intimate areas for the treatment of papillomas in women, Aldara will help a lot, and inflammation is a natural reaction, do not be afraid of it, there are no scars after treatment. With genital warts, you need to be more careful, especially for women, scars are possible. Well, all sorts of super-cleansers are not at all acceptable if you are not more than 90 years old, otherwise the scars will simply be disfiguring. The Buschke-Levenshtein tumor is most often treated promptly with the formation of sutures, it is better to do cryodestruction or remove it with a radio knife, the scars will turn out to be more delicate.

How can a woman avoid contracting the papilloma virus?

Prevention is possible, although 80% of women will catch the evil type of the virus during their life, or even several. Globally, 11% of women die from cervical cancer.

Prevention of HPV infection:

  1. Avoiding a large number of sexual contacts (oral, anal and vaginal) with various partners, maintaining a monogamous relationship. High-risk papillomavirus is primarily transmitted through sexual contact.
  2. Selection of partners with the least number of sexual contacts in the past. You can never know for sure whether a partner is infected, even if he does not have a single papilloma. Even one partner who has previously had many partners can transmit the virus.
  3. The onset of sexual activity at a later age. Since an early age is more conducive to the transmission of the virus due to the immaturity of the immune system.
  4. The use of latex condoms and lubricants with carrageenan in the composition reduces the likelihood of transmission of the papillomavirus to a woman, but this is not always the case. Viruses can be transmitted from skin not covered by a condom.
  5. Vaccination.

Vaccination will stop the papilloma virus in women.

There are only two vaccines: Gardasil and Cervarix. In Russia, vaccination is not included in the mandatory standards. Basically, only private medical institutions can offer vaccination against papillomavirus in women. In addition, in some places around the vaccines the traditional for Russia, full of prejudices, dispute flares up. In the spirit of whether these vaccines are just another biological weapon designed to sterilize Russians. In the United States, girls are vaccinated from 11 years old and boys from 12. The latest age at which vaccination will be sufficiently effective is considered to be 26 years for men and women. Only a vaccine will not cure an infection if a person is already infected with some type of virus. But she can protect an HPV-positive woman from other types of papillomavirus, and thus help.

Cervarix against papillomavirus in women.

Cervarix is ​​produced by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (Belgium), protects against HPV 16, 18 types, partly from 31 and 45. In addition, it has special substances that enhance immunity for a longer period. Has proven efficacy against cervical and anal cancer. Considering the presence of these types even in cancer of other localizations (see link), it will be very useful. If a woman's goal is to protect only against cervical cancer, not papillomas, it is better to use her. Cervarix is ​​injected only into the deltoid muscle (upper third of the shoulder), a total of 3 times. The second dose is administered 1 month after the first, the third dose is administered 5 months after the second.

Gardasil against papillomavirus in women.

Gardasil is available from Merck Sharp (in the Netherlands or USA). If protection is important not only against cervical cancer, but also against genital warts, papillomas, a woman should use it. Protects against human papillomavirus types 6, 11, 16 and 18. Gardasil is injected into the muscle, in the upper third of the shoulder or thigh, 0.5 ml 3 times. The second dose is 2 months after the first, the third is 4 months after the second.

In contact with

Human papillomavirus (HPV, HPV) is a DNA virus that promotes active cell division in the body, which leads to the appearance of genital warts, warts and papillomas on the skin of the anorectal zone. Today it is known about the existence of more than 100 types of human papillomavirus, each of which has a different degree of oncogenicity.

The greatest danger of this infection is that the papilloma virus in women can cause the development of a malignant tumor of the cervix, vulva or anus. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment of human papillomavirus infection minimizes the risk of contracting cancer, especially of the cervix.

Given the danger of this infection, we want to tell you where the human papillomavirus comes from, how papillomavirus infection manifests itself and how to cure it. We will also introduce you to modern methods of diagnosis and prevention of human papillomavirus in women.

The type of human papillomavirus depends on how the papillomavirus infection will develop and manifest itself in the future, as well as the choice of treatment methods.

Human papillomaviruses are usually divided according to the degree of their oncogenicity. Thus, all types of virus can be divided into three groups. HPV typing makes it possible to identify a group of patients with a high risk of developing cancer.

The first group includes five types of non-oncogenic HPV, namely 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The listed types are not oncogenic and therefore cannot cause cervical cancer.

The second group consists of human papillomavirus types 6, 11, 42, 43 and 44, which have a low degree of oncogenicity. By themselves, representatives of this group cannot cause cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus, but they can prepare a fertile ground for the appearance of malignant tumors.

The most dangerous is the third group of HPV, which consists of such types as 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 59 and 68. The listed types of HPV have the highest degree of oncogenicity. Almost 80% of women infected with these types of human papillomavirus sooner or later develop cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus, and the risk of breast cancer also increases significantly.

Human papillomavirus in women: causes

The causative agent of human papillomavirus infection is the human papillomavirus DNA. This virus penetrates not only the mucous layer, but also the deeper layers of the skin.

There are a number of factors that contribute to human papillomavirus infection, namely:

The routes of transmission of human papillomavirus can be as follows:

The main route is sexual transmission. The infection can be transmitted to girls not only during unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse, but also during petting.

If a woman suffers from papillomavirus infection and there are condylomas or papillomas on the walls of the vagina or labia, then the child can also become infected with them during childbirth.

Also, HPV infection through a handshake, personal hygiene items, pool water, sauna, etc. is not excluded.

What is the danger of the human papillomavirus in women?

Human papillomavirus, if the immune system is strong, in 90% of cases heals itself. But in the presence of favorable soil, which is created by the above factors, human papillomavirus infection can transform into cancer of the vulva, cervix, labia or anus.

As we have already said, in 70% of women with cervical cancer, human papillomaviruses, which belong to the third group, were identified in their blood. The most dangerous are 16 and 18 types of HPV.

The human papillomavirus in women on the cervix requires immediate therapeutic measures to exclude the development of dysplasia, and then cancer.

In addition, the papillomavirus increases the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections, and can also be transmitted to the child while passing through the genital tract.

Each type of human papillomavirus has its own characteristics and specific symptoms. Let's consider them.

Human papillomavirus type 16 in women

Human papillomavirus 16 is a common type of HPV that affects more than half of infected people. This type is highly oncogenic.

The pathogenesis of papillomavirus infection caused by HPV 16 is that the pathogen is introduced into the genome of the body's cells and blocks the processes of natural antitumor protection, as a result of which papillomas, condylomas or warts appear on the skin.

In infected women with HPV 16, gray or brown, flat, rough spots of various sizes appear on the skin of the genitals and anorectal area. Such rashes are called bowenoid papulosis.

The second sign of papullovirus infection caused by HPV 16 may be genital warts, which appear not only in the genital area, but also in the eyelids, thighs, neck, armpits, etc.

The most dangerous manifestation of HPV 16 is intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervical mucosa, which belongs to precancerous conditions.

Human papillomavirus type 18

HPV 18 is another oncogenic virus that, by incorporating into the DNA of cells in the human body, blocks the immune system and promotes the formation of benign tumors. Such tumors are prone to malignancy.

Papillomavirus type 18 in women can cause cervical cancer. This trend was proven by scientists who identified this type of virus in 70% of women with cervical cancer.

Signs of activation of HPV 18:

  • genital warts on the skin of the genitals and anus. When injured, these neoplasms can bleed. Warts are most prone to malignancy;
  • papillomas. These rounded neoplasms do not differ in color from the skin, but rise above its level. Most often, papillomas affect the skin of the armpit and genitals, but in advanced cases they can spread to other areas.
  • warts, rounded rashes that rise above the skin and are red or dark in color.

HPV 31 is not only a dangerous, but also an insidious oncogenic virus, since it can persist asymptomatically in the body for a long time.

The symptoms of papillomavirus infection appear when a favorable soil is created in the body, that is, the immune system weakens under the influence of various factors (hypothermia, hormonal failure, exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute infections, venereal diseases, etc.). Moreover, this type of virus is equally dangerous for both women and men.

Papillomavirus type 31 in women is manifested by papillomas and condylomas in the genital area and anorectal region. There may also be vaginal discharge, soreness during intercourse, vaginal discomfort, and others.

Human papillomavirus type 33

HPV 33 Is another dangerous virus that can provoke a carcinogenic process.

Symptoms of human papillomavirus type 33 in women can manifest as warts on the genitals. The incubation period for this type of human papillomavirus infection is 12-16 weeks. After this time, genital warts on a wide leg are determined on the labia, the walls of the vagina and the cervix. A feature of genital warts caused by HPV 33 is that they have no clear boundaries and a flat surface.

Also, this type of virus can cause a precancerous condition called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

Human papillomavirus type 35

Human papillomavirus type 35 in women can manifest with the following symptoms:

  • the formation of warts, which is more often observed in girls;
  • genital warts that occur on the genitals and tissues of the anorectal region. This type of neoplasm progresses very quickly, turning into large spots;
  • flat warts rarely appear with papillomavirus infection of type 35. But, nevertheless, this type of genital warts is dangerous, since it often degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

The listed neoplasms are accompanied by severe itching, soreness and discomfort. Symptoms of intoxication of the body in the form of fever, chills, increased sweating and general weakness may also be present in women.

Human papillomavirus type 39 is also included in the group of viruses with a high risk of oncogenicity. It should be said that this type of virus is most dangerous for women, since men are mainly carriers of the infection.

The papilloma virus type 39 in women can cause the formation of both warts and papillomas or warts, which are prone to degeneration into malignant neoplasms. Most often, such neoplasms are localized on the walls of the vagina and the cervical canal.

Human papillomavirus type 45

The papillomavirus type 45 in women is also highly oncogenic. Moreover, the first signs of human papillomavirus infection may appear even 20 years after infection.

In the course of human papillomavirus infection caused by type 45 virus, three stages are distinguished. The first stage is characterized by the appearance of genital warts and warts. The second stage of the disease is accompanied by dysplasia of the cervical epithelium. The most dangerous third stage, which is characterized by the development of cancer of the cervix, vulva or anus.

Human papillomavirus type 51

The symptoms of human papillomavirus type 51 in women appear already in the incubation period, which can last for several years. During this period, women develop single genital warts, genital warts or flat warts. The classical localization of these neoplasms is the genitals (vaginal walls, cervix, labia minora and majora), but the process can also spread to the eyelids, groin and axillary region.

What type 51 papillomavirus infection looks like can be seen in the presented photos.

Human papillomavirus type 52

A feature of type 52 human papillomavirus in women is that it is activated mainly during the period when the aging of the body begins (after 35 years).

This type of papillomavirus infection is characterized by the same symptoms as for other types, namely: warts and condylomas on the genitals, as well as cervical dysplasia.

Human papillomavirus type 56 is characterized by a short incubation period (up to three months).

Symptoms of papillomavirus type 56 in women appear at the end of the incubation period and are characterized by the formation of genital warts and genital warts on a thin pedicle, which are localized on the walls of the vagina and the cervix. In advanced cases, cervical dysplasia occurs, which is a precancerous condition.

Human papillomavirus type 59

A distinctive feature of human papillomavirus type 59 in women can be called the fact that warts and condylomas affect not only the genitals, but also the anus and rectum, which increases the risk of developing anorectal cancer.

The warts reach a fairly large size (up to 10 mm) and have a rough surface and uneven edges, which can be seen in the photo.

Genital warts have a thin stem and a pointed apex (see photo). The color of genital warts may differ from the color of the skin.

Papillomas are characterized by rapid growth and spread.

Skin rashes (warts, warts and papillomas) can be easily seen during external and internal gynecological examination (see photo).

Also, in the process of diagnosing HPV, colposcopy can be used - examination of the cervix with a special device - a colposcope, which allows you to enlarge the image several times and even display the picture on a computer monitor.

But the most accurate diagnostic method is the analysis for the human papillomavirus, which is carried out using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

PCR is used both to confirm the presence of the human papillomavirus in the female body and to identify its type.

The "gold standard" of HPV diagnostics is the Digene-Test, which measures the number of viral bodies in the body. Knowing the number of viruses in your body can help you estimate your risk of developing cervical cancer.

Also, all patients with suspected HPV are assigned a cytological examination.

How is human papillomavirus treated in women?

Treatment of human papillomavirus in women can be conservative and surgical.

Human papillomavirus tablets should have both antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The following drugs are considered the most effective today:

Monotherapy with the listed agents is rarely used. Basically, one drug is combined with another, for example, Allokin-alpha is prescribed systemically, and Epigen-intim cream is prescribed locally. Also, therapy is supplemented with immunomodulators such as Likopid, Immunomax and others.

Since genital warts, papillomas, genital warts and cervical dysplasia increase the risk of developing cancer, they are removed using minimally invasive surgical techniques, which include the following:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • chemical destruction;
  • removal by radio waves and others.

In severe cases, cervical amputation can be used.

Is there a specific prophylaxis for human papillomavirus?

Today, in our country, two vaccinations against human papillomavirus in women have been certified, namely: Gardasil and Cervarix.

These vaccines protect the body against HPV types 16 and 18, which are the most common causes of cervical cancer. In the developed countries of America and Europe, these vaccines are included in the vaccination calendar for girls. For example, in Germany, the HPV vaccine is indicated for all girls over the age of 12. Vaccination is carried out in three stages.

In Russia, the vaccine can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. The average cost of the drug is 7200 rubles.

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