What to do for a child to speak for 2 years. How can I help my child start talking faster? Speak out loud everything you do

How to help your child speak

When do children start talking? On the one hand, the answer to this question is very simple - it has long been established that after one and a half years, the first words appear in a child, and by the age of two, children begin to talk. Moreover, mastering speech has the character of an "explosion" - a month ago the baby was silent, and suddenly he spoke in such a way that it was impossible to stop. Some scientists believe that such a suddenness in mastering speech is due to the fact that children in a year and a half make a kind of discovery: each thing has its own name, which can be learned from an adult. The child's endless questions "what is this?" it would seem that this opinion is confirmed. But to think that a one-year-old baby is capable of discovering a universal law means greatly exaggerating the intellectual power of children. Not a single child at such a young age is capable of realizing the sign function of words without mastering speech. Yet the speed with which a child's vocabulary expands is amazing.

On the other hand, it is not so easy to determine the exact date of the appearance of the first words of the child. The fact is that in terms of the timing of the appearance of speech and the volume of their active vocabulary, children differ so much from each other that the average data in no way reflect the real picture. There are children who already at 11-12 months speak up to 110-115 words, and there are times when a child is stubbornly silent until 2.5 years old, despite the normal in general mental development.

Such significant individual differences do not allow us to draw up even approximate age norms of speech development. More than once, psychologists have tried to establish exactly how many words children of each age should know. However, all these attempts have not ended in anything yet, because there are too great differences between children from one to two years old. To somehow overcome this difficulty, scientists tried to calculate the minimum and maximum vocabulary for each age. It turned out that there are huge differences between these values. For example, in a year and three months, the minimum vocabulary of a child is only 4-5 words, and the maximum is 232 (!). At the same time, there was not a single child prodigy or mentally retarded among the examined children.

It turns out that the timing and pace of mastering speech largely depends on the individual characteristics of the child and on which path his speech development takes.

We have already said that the development of speech has two main directions: passive command of the word (i.e. understanding of speech) and active (i.e. speaking). Usually passive speech takes precedence over active speech. Already at 10-12 months, children usually understand the names of many objects and actions. Everyone knows the famous children's game "Ladushki". You tell the kid "Okay, okay," and he starts clapping his hands merrily. And if you say goodbye, he waves his pen.

“He understands everything,” the moved parents are surprised, “but he can’t say anything.” Indeed, up to a certain time, the number of understood words significantly exceeds the number of actively pronounced ones. And for some children, this period is very prolonged. A child can, up to two years old, well understanding everything that adults tell him, not utter a single word - either be silent at all, or explain himself with the help of babbling speaking. And yet, at the same time, if the child lives in normal conditions, his speech develops.

Usually in such children, the transition to active speech occurs suddenly. A week ago he did not say anything, but today he is already speaking in detailed sentences. And this is understandable. After all, a sufficiently rich stock of understandable words becomes an active vocabulary of the child. It so happens that children who are stubbornly silent until 2 years old already at 3 years old catch up and overtake in their development those who began to speak as early as 10 months. Therefore, you should not worry if there are only 2-3 words in the child's active dictionary until the age of two. If he understands the speech addressed to him, if you create everything the necessary conditions for its normal development, it means sooner or later the child will speak. But how sooner or how late is largely up to you. Consider how parents can help their child speak.

For a long time, it was believed that children's speech arises from direct imitation of the speech sounds of an adult - kids memorize the words of adults, repeat them and thus acquire speech. “Tell mom, tell lala, tell spoon” - the parents of the baby ask and expect the appropriate sounds from him. To their great joy, many babies already at 10-12 months begin to clearly repeat certain simple words after adults. Imitation really takes place in mastering speech (after all, children always begin to speak the same language as their parents). However, it is not the main one. A child can easily reproduce a particular word at the request of an adult, but at the same time never use it on his own. This means that the ability to imitate, perceive and reproduce other people's words does not yet lead to the appearance of the child's own words.

At the same time, it is obvious that the first words appear only in communication with an adult. But the interaction of an adult with a child cannot be reduced to direct copying of speech sounds. We have already said that a word is, first of all, a sign, i.e. substitute for another subject. This means that behind every word there must be some object that it denotes, i.e. its meaning. If there is no such object, if a mother and a child up to one and a half years are limited to manifestations of mutual love, the first words may not appear, no matter how much the mother talks to the child, and no matter how well he reproduces her words. If the mother plays with the child with toys, his actions and these same toys become the subject (or content) of their communication. However, in the event that the child enthusiastically plays with objects, but prefers to do it alone, the child's active words are also delayed: he does not have a need to name the object, turn to someone with a request, or express his impressions. The need and the need to speak presupposes two main conditions:
1) the need for communication with an adult and
2) the need for an item to be named.
Neither the one nor the other in isolation leads to the word yet. And only the situation of substantive cooperation between a child and an adult, or meaningful, business communication, creates the need to name the subject and it means to say your word. So the main thing is not just talking, but playing with the child and talking not just like that, but about playing together. For this, cubes, pyramids, balls, cars, pictures and many other objects with which you can work together are suitable.

In such objective cooperation, an adult sets a speech task for the child, which requires a restructuring of his entire behavior: in order to be understood, he must utter a completely definite word. And this means that he must turn away from the desired object, turn to an adult, highlight the word he utters and use this artificial sign of a socio-historical nature (which is always a word) to influence others.

The essence of the speech task is to induce the child to actively use a certain word as the only correct means of influence. Initially, the toddler has no need to name the object with a word. Such a need should arise, and only an adult can convey it.

In the process of mastering a word, three main stages can be distinguished, each of which has its own semantic center for the child.

At the first stage, such a center is the subject. The child reaches out to him, accompanying his attempts with mimic and intonational-expressive movements. In some cases, when the baby does not receive the desired item, these manifestations develop into anger, and even crying. However, for most children, the focus of attention gradually shifts to the adult.

In the second stage, the adult becomes the center of the situation. Turning to him, the child tries a variety of speech and non-speech means. Instead of trying to get an object, pointing gestures, active babbling speaking (give-give-give), and other methods of influence appear. This behavior is aimed at taking the adult out of neutrality and drawing his attention to his attempts. However, if the adult “doesn't give up” and waits for the right word, the child finally tries to say it.

At the third stage, it was the word that became the center of the situation. The child begins not only to look at the adult, but concentrates on his lips, looking closely at the articulation. A close examination of the "speaking", moving lips clearly indicates that the child not only hears, but also sees the right word. Therefore, when talking with young children, it is important to clearly articulate each sound so that it is clear how this sound is produced. After that, the first attempts to pronounce the word usually appear.

It is important to emphasize that the child is first oriented in the general sense of the situation. He begins to understand that in order to address an adult, you need to use a specific word, which becomes a means of address. Thus, the perception and reproduction of a word arises on the basis of the already open meaning of verbal communication and cooperation with an adult. Without a sufficiently developed need to communicate with an adult and play together with him, the first words cannot appear.

The generation of a word is fully developed only at the beginning. Subsequently, the process collapses, the child immediately proceeds to pronouncing a new word, to its articulation. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the speech task, i.e. the task of conveying something in words is posed to a child for the first time by an adult. Children begin to actively pronounce words only under the influence of the persistent influences of an adult, when he turns the word into the center of the child's attention.

However, the successful and timely appearance of speech is not always the case.

Dear parents, the program has been compiled specifically for your activities with your child. We are convinced that by organizing summer time, taking into account the following recommendations, you can achieve positive results in the development of speech. Considering that summer air has a beneficial effect on the development of the nervous system, we suggest spending most of the day outdoors, and most games help fulfill this recommendation.

Tasks: the development of motivation for speech activity, the expansion of the internal vocabulary, the development of higher mental functions that are part of the functional speech system, the development of productive activities, familiarization with the world around.

Fundamental rules:

  • We rely on the initial capabilities of the child: if the child can and wants to repeat after you, that's great. If he cannot or does not want to at the moment, continue your studies - your information will enter his internal lexicon (passive vocabulary).
  • Your main goal is maximum sensory experience with a short, emotional speech commentary. For example, a child is digging in the mud, and you are next to him: "Wow, what a mud you are" with genuine delight.

Formation of the skills of pronouncing onomatopoeia, the first words.

Game "Finger walker" on onomatopoeia, like this:

Game "Blanket machine". An adult lays a small blanket on the floor, the child sits on it, receiving in his hands something that imitates a steering wheel. The child is explained that he is driving a car and needs to "honk" by saying "BBC". An adult, taking a blanket by two corners, rolls the child around the room, stimulating him to pronounce onomatopoeia. The adult invites the child to say goodbye to the toy, leaving the room: "Bye!", Encourages the reproduction of the gesture.

"Dumpster" - the speech therapist takes turns with the child to throw various pieces of paper, rags into the box, while shouting "op" - if hit, "boom" - if something fell with a crash. " At the same time, the speech therapist accompanies all this with the words: throw, throw, throw. Thus, the child is led to the realization that the same action can have different meanings.
"Rain". Scatter rice, buckwheat, marking cereals with rain and pronounce onomatopoeia "Kap-Kap".
"Snow". To secure simple word"Cotton wool" can be blown off the cotton wool from the table, pinch off the cotton wool from a large piece, constantly pronouncing the word.
"Alarm". This game is used to develop kinesthetic sensations (which is very important in motor alalia "and to fix or call onomatopoeia" tic-tock ", sound" z "), this game is used. - the alarm clock rang "z-zzz". Then the child is invited to set the alarm clock to the speech therapist, mother, to himself. You can also "start the alarm clock" on the stomach, back, head.

Parenting Tips:

1. It is necessary not only to constantly talk to the child herself, but also to make him talk to you. First, make cards with the food he prefers or toys that he cannot get himself, and when he wants to eat or play, ask him to bring you a certain card. When it brings (this is the first stage), start asking to pronounce one sound that is included in the word in the picture. For example, (start with those sounds that he can already consciously pronounce) M - milk or a ball or a car (if he wants to listen to songs), then when he masters one sound (in the sense of several different sounds to the picture word) add the second sound , also which he can consciously produce, M-O = milk (not MO, but first separately, if he can immediately, then this is even better, but usually, at first, the sounds are separate, and then slowly combine), M-A is a machine, M -W = music ... I hope you get the idea.

Interesting Facts
Scientists in France and China reported that face transplant surgeries were a complete success. Even though there were not encouraging predictions about the psychological insurmountable problems associated with a face transplant, as a result of long-term observations, the results that were obtained dispelled the initial fears. It became clear that the patients get used to the new appearance quite easily, one of them even saw himself in a dream with a new face.

Timely and full-fledged language skills for a child is one of the important conditions his development as a person. The process of forming speech consists of several age stages, but, perhaps, each of the parents wants the babies to start talking from the cradle. Moreover, they built their proposals correctly. Is this possible and how to achieve it?

For the child to speak faster, you need to give a piece of herring to taste

What can you say to this? You can immediately give mustard, or chili sauce, then the first word that the child utters is likely to be obscene. Jokes as a joke, but in fact, the issue of speech formation is given great importance, and sometimes parents raise an unreasonable panic.

Fuel is added to the fire during conversations among mothers who share their successes. Quite often you can hear that babies start talking as early as 1.5 - 2 years old. Mothers decorate their speech with colorful exaggerations about quoting the poem of Mtsyri. There will also be grandmothers and aunts who will begin to lament that the neighbor's Tanya has been talking for a long time, although she is only a year old, but our Mitenka is silent, although he is much older.

Read also:Is your child learning to speak correctly?

Parents should immediately learn to differentiate all such statements, and most of them should not be taken to heart. And even more so to start visiting all the city's neurologists, psychologists and speech therapists. The most important task of parents is to find out exactly how the formation of speech in a child takes place, what depends on the baby, and what does not depend on him at all, and lies entirely on the shoulders of the parents.

The first thing to remember, and it is better to write down, that there are no uniform terms for the development of speech in a child! The formation of speech is completely individual. By the way, contrary to popular belief, the baby's first word may not be mother, as mothers usually think, but for example give! ...

Significant help in the formation of speech in a child can be provided by the live speech of parents or relatives with a baby. It is important that it was just communication with the child, and not the speeches heard from the TV or radio - there is no significant benefit from this.

There are certain norms that correspond to the age of the child, again these norms are considered average.

The norms of the formation of the child's speech

It is considered the norm that a year old speaks from 2 to 10 words - this is his entire vocabulary. But, quite often, up to about two years old, babies are limited to babbling or a small number of words. And even more often they simply prefer to be silent. But this fact is not a reason for a huge amount of research, and even more so for parents' panic.

The development of a child's speech is formed from several components - active. which implies the pronunciation of words and sentences, and passive, that is, direct understanding of words. Passive speech develops an order of magnitude faster, which is why the little one listens to adults so attentively, understands their speech, performs all assigned tasks, but at the same time may not speak at all, or be limited to a couple of phrases. Experts say that if the baby fulfills simple requests - bring it, take it, give it - then there is no reason for concern, the development of speech proceeds normally.

From about one year to 3-4 years, the child masters the basic laws of the language. By the age of 3 - 4, the baby's vocabulary is about 1000 words, if younger babies can use lightweight words and simply imitate sounds, then by this age the speech becomes clear.

Signs of successful speech development

On examination, the doctor assesses not only the development of the child's speech, which often corresponds to the average standards. The general, physical development of the baby is also assessed. Among the signs of the successful development of speech, the absence of neurological diseases is of particular importance, the baby should actively communicate with parents and relatives, but may hesitate to talk with strangers.

Kids can actively repeat words after their parents and solve their problems with the help of speech, for example, say that the baby is hungry, or does not want to play with certain toys, or vice versa. In addition, there are signs of dysfunctional speech development.

Signs of poor speech development

They can form if the baby himself develops with a delay, or the baby has suffered a serious illness, or there is a neurological disease. Usually, kids are reluctant to repeat words and sentences after their parents, or even refuse to do it. In addition, the child's passive speech also suffers, that is, the child may not respond to the requests of the parents and pretend not to hear and just leave.

Toddlers most often solve problems on their own, without asking their parents for help, as it is necessary to talk to them. The kid prefers to speak in his own language, and remains indifferent to the parents' request to repeat better.

And in no way the absence of speech, or its delay, is not associated with the consumption of herring or any other product.

Cozy magazine Like a woman

Do you want your child to speak faster?

Can you help him with this? That's about this and a little, about something else will be discussed today on the page of the Women's magazine In a woman's way

How to stimulate a child to his first words?

For a child to speak, of course, you need to communicate!
Talk to your little one, the more the better. At the same time, you must be very sensitive to your child, to his needs, emotionally responsive. Talk to the baby like an adult, but from another planet who knows nothing about our life, about our world, the child needs to show the objects around, say what they are called, and what can be done with them, and what they are for. This will serve as the basis for the learning and further development of the child's speech. The more you introduce your baby to the world around him, the faster he will speak.
There is one rule that applies to all parents: the baby must hear the correct speech. Speak in a clear and expressive voice. And no lisp!

To teach a child to speak, communicate with him correctly.

  • Singing a lullaby to your baby? Great! Try humming a melody to the sound a. This sound stimulates the speech areas of the brain.
  • Did the kid call you with a cry? Praise him!
  • Imitate the little one when he walks. And it will make him want to talk to you. And since he does not know how to do this, in response you will hear his trusting hum. This is his way of talking to you.
  • By imitating the baby in the sounds he utters, the child should see your face well, and especially the lips. As he grows up, it will be easier for him to imitate your words: the sounds of your speech. After all, he will already know by his lips what sounds look like.
  • Your baby has begun to say something, turn to face him, if necessary, bend over. It is important for the child to see your face and lips. Try to pronounce absolutely exactly everything that the baby says. It should be like a conversation, so change the volume of your voice, intonation.
  • They took the baby in your arms, try to call him into conversation. Smile at him, pronounce the sounds that he already knows. Wait until the child answers you and continue this conversation until the baby gets tired.
  • Sound toys. For example, you roll a car, say: BBC. And when you serve your child a toy, ask how she speaks.
  • Sound what is happening around. Show how pets talk.
  • Tell your kid what pets say: a dog, a cat and others. And then ask the kid what they say.
  • Ask your kid to show you where, what is worth. For example, crib, table, chair
    Where did the ball go, or where is the cat? At the same time, pretend that you are looking for yourself. Ask the kid to bring you something. If he doesn't understand, help him and do it together.
  • Say words like give, take, show more often. When the child eats, serve the food and voice the name of the given dish.
    While playing, ask for a toy, calling it by your name.
  • When you read books to your baby, ask them to show the characters you are reading about in the pictures. And right there you can ask how this animal speaks (if a fairy tale is about animals). If the baby does not answer, answer for it. In this case, do not forget to praise the baby.

How to teach your child to speak while walking

1. We met an animal or a bird, we ask or we tell ourselves: what color, how does it speak? What is eating? What are the cubs called? Where do they live? Read poems about cats and dogs to your kid.
2. If you are traveling in transport, tell your child what brand? What colour? Why do we need buses, cars?
3. You went to the store with your baby, tell us who works here? What's on sale? What is the name of the place where the product is displayed?
The development process is individual for everyone and it occurs individually and in leaps and bounds. Outwardly, the child may not change, but inside him there is constant work. And if today the child does not speak yet, do not be discouraged, tomorrow he may give you this

Look more

Every mother with every new achievement of the baby wakes up pride for him. And what kind of mommy is not proud of her child's first babble, the first sounds that are so similar to words. The whole family joins in looking for the meaning of these chirps. The first "pa-pa-pa", "yes-yes-yes", "ma-ma-ma" delight both grandmother and uncle! And it is more and more interesting to watch each new sound. But after a year, or even two, in some children, the vocabulary remains limited by these "non-words." New sounds appear, but full-fledged words (even distorted, as it should be) do not appear. And all that is heard from the kid is a set of syllables. And so I want your child to speak faster ...

Parents begin to worry and wonder if it's time for him to speak. At the neighbors, a baby at 1.5 years old spoke whole phrases, and your baby still uses syllables. And trips to specialists, doctors, speech therapists begin. Everyone says a different verdict, prescribes drugs that stimulate brain activity, others say that this is normal and just worth the wait. But you understand that something else is needed here.

To answer the question: what can be done to make the child speak faster, we have prepared 9 ways. If he does not have any problems, then you need to help the baby develop the speech apparatus.

9 ways to develop speech in a child:

  • Talk to your child a lot. Voice all your actions, communicate with the baby on the principle of "repetition is a mother of learning." Tell your child the name of each object in the house, repeat this several times a day, but so that the baby really sees the object and pays attention to how you say it. The sound should be clear. Talk to your child about what is happening on the street, when guests come to you, when a family member comes home from work.
  • Use cunning in repeating boring syllables. The kid mutters "yes-yes-yes", repeat after him. Make sure you say it in chorus. Your child will love it and mumble, expecting the same from you. Keep on having fun, and then set a new similar combination of syllables without losing the rhythm - "di-di-di". Does the baby repeat? Continue to match this consonant to the vowel. This is a good educational game that intensively trains the vocal apparatus.

  • Fine motor skills affect the development of the speech apparatus. The thing is that the fingertips, as well as the ability to control your body, its movements are associated with the areas of the brain that are responsible for the development of speech. And therefore it is worth giving the child toys with different surfaces: smooth, rough, with balls, cereals, etc. The baby must have a choice.
  • Less gesticulation. Or rather the reaction to it. Your child is likely to point the finger at what he wants and mooing lingeringly. So he asks for something. Try not to react to such gestures, and giving what he asks, say - say "give." Build up the complexity over time. Let the baby name the thing he wants to get. But first, name it yourself - say: "Mom, give me a drink." In this way, words of gratitude can be learned.
  • Children show interest in the sounds of animals and cars. Study the animals together by looking at the pictures in the books. Repeat to the child: the cow says - "moo-moo", the kitty says - "meow-meow", the dog says - "av-av".
  • Lullabies. Sing them to your child more often. Anyway, during the day. Don't worry that you have no voice or hearing. Your song is the sweetest for your little one. You can use a tricky trick, as if you forgot a word or an ending, get confused in words. The crumb will want to fix you.

  • Teach nursery rhymes with your child. Children adore them, for them it is more entertainment. And in fact, they are learning. You can read 10 times a day, the baby will listen to them like the first time.
  • If the kid wants to tell you something, show you something, then do not make him wait. Listen carefully, make eye contact. Use surprise intonation. Show your interest. This will awaken the child's desire to tell you everything he sees, everything he hears, everything he wants.
  • Try to minimize the use of gadgets in the child's life until 2-3 years old. The kid's imagination here becomes passive, he is more an observer than a participant in the process. Use everything around. Leave the electronic toys for later.

Developing a speech skill is not that difficult. The secret is to communicate with your child as often as possible. Show him and tell him everything that might interest him. Rejoice at his successes and new words, and be patient. It will take time for your child to speak faster anyway.

Now that you know in what ways to develop a child's speech, it is worth understanding the norm and timing of the development of the speech apparatus

Norms and terms

Previously, doctors said that the absence of speech in a child under three years old is the norm. But by these they meant the absence of the construction of sentences. Not complete silence. If a child does not speak at all until 2 years of age, this is a reason to be wary. If the child is more than 1.5 years old, and then he does not say the words "mom", "dad", "woman", then it is worth considering. A poor vocabulary is not good. And either the child lacks motivation to speak, and the parents do not develop his vocal apparatus, or there are problems.

The main thing is not to panic. Many neuropathologists believe that a child at 2 years old is obliged to speak whole sentences. But there are two things to keep in mind. If you have a son, then boys develop longer. If a girl, then perhaps she is shy. This is not a reason to take pills or go to procedures.

If in doubt, take your child to a neurologist. But choose a good doctor, ask your friends, they probably went.

However, before worrying, it is worth understanding that a baby at such a small age cannot realize the importance of language function without mastering speech. But the speed of vocabulary expansion is very high, which cannot but surprise.

And it is not easy to determine the exact date of the appearance of the first coherent words of the child. Some children under one year old speak up to 100 words or more, while children after two years are still silent, even if psychological development is normal. Those. it is impossible to calculate the timing and pace of speech development in advance, everything is purely individual. But the norm established by experts is the mastery of a vocabulary of 200-300 words is the age of up to 2 years. Do not worry if the child does not speak so much yet. This problem can be solved with the help of exercises and the advice of doctors.

Speech development is one of the main aspects of a child's development. Unfortunately, in our time, delays in speech development are very common in children. Why the child is silent, how to make him speak and how to develop the child's speech later, we will talk in this article.

Why doesn't the child speak

Reasons, why doesn't the child speak maybe several

Reason 1: intrauterine

If the mother's pregnancy was difficult, intrauterine diseases were transferred or a birth injury occurred, this could affect the delay in speech development in the child. In this case, observation by a neurologist is mandatory - he will be able to prescribe medications for nutrition of the brain and help solve the problem medically.

Reason 2: physiological

Another reason why the child does not speak may be the peculiarities of the child's physiology. In order for speech to arise, it is necessary that the body be ready for its appearance. For this, the brain must be ready, the organs of speech and respiration must be mature enough, the hearing aid must be developed. Adequate development of the organs of speech and the brain is like a foundation for the child to speak, without this foundation, the development of speech will be delayed.

Reason 3: psychological

It also happens that a child was born healthy, and his speech organs are already formed, and by all indications, the parents understand that it is time for the child to speak, but he is still silent. So the reason is that it's just too early. Here we must remember that the child will speak anyway when the time comes, just his time has not come yet. As soon as the child is ready to speak, he will begin to speak, himself, without prodding or asking.

What to do to make your child speak

As we have already said, speech does not arise from scratch; for the development of speech, a physiological foundation is needed, that is, sufficiently developed organs of speech and respiration. That's why the first thing to do if you want your child to speak is to develop speech and hearing aids... For this, there are special exercises called articulatory gymnastics. They will help the child to correctly position the organs of speech in the oral cavity, will train and strengthen them. Strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech (tongue, lips, soft palate) are the key to pure sound pronunciation. Separately about how to do articulatory gymnastics at home, read the next article.

Here are some ideas on how to train your child's breathing:

  • Blow to the “chime of the wind” and listen to the sound you get
  • Blow bubbles, blow bubbles with a straw as you play in the bathroom
  • Blow on the turntable toys
  • Play musical instruments (pipes, whistles, harmonicas)
  • Blow out the candles
  • Arrange a competition: who will blow a ball from a cotton ball into the gate faster (for example)

However, a well-developed vocal apparatus does not yet guarantee that the child will speak. To do this, he needs to be stimulated. I’m not talking about pretending that you don’t understand the child when he shows something, but does not name it. Such a false "misunderstanding" of the parents will only lead to the fact that the child will be angry and offended, negative emotions will accumulate in relation to the parents, and this will not lead to good. How can you help a child to speak?

In one of my previous articles, I wrote about. There I gave specific examples of what we did to develop speech. But I will list the main points again:

  • Develop fine motor skills (how to do this, read the article "")
  • Develop hearing (to do this, play a variety of games with sounding objects: hide and seek with a bell, find a pair by sound and others, engage in logo rhythm)
  • Expand the child's vocabulary (read and memorize fairy tales, rhymes, nursery rhymes, play games "what's lost", "magic bag", "I know 5 ...", there are actually a lot of them)
  • Train coherent speech (for this, learn to describe a picture, answer questions, talk about events, etc.)

In conclusion, I want to remind you stages of speech development : speech is formed only when the previous stage has been mastered and the next stage can be mastered. First, the child learns to pronounce individual sounds, then syllables, then the so-called "babbling" words and parts of words, then words, then sentences and, finally, coherent speech.

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