2 months of pregnancy what's going on. Embryo development by day and week. Possible deviations from the norm

At 2 months of pregnancy, the woman no longer doubts her position, because she has long known that she is pregnant. The accompanying signs manifest themselves in all their glory, besides, the expectant mother probably passed the necessary tests in a medical institution, or at least used a pharmacy test using the appropriate strips.

Despite the fact that the figure of the pregnant woman has hardly changed, nausea often occurs in the morning, and only rare lucky women do not experience unpleasant symptoms at all. If possible, it is better to take another vacation from work or reduce the level of stress, so as not to overload an already tired body.

Weight gain calculator

Embryo development

The second month of pregnancy is critically important for the unborn baby, because at this time important organs are being formed, therefore, any negative impact of toxic substances and other harmful factors can lead to sad consequences.

By the end of the fifth week, the formation of the nose and upper lip begins. If the normal development of the embryo is disturbed during this period, improper tissue fusion is possible, and the baby may be born with the so-called cleft lip.

In the sixth week, the formation of the placenta is almost complete. The face becomes more and more human: eyes, nose and jaws are formed. The arms and legs continue to grow in length, but there are no fingers on the limbs yet.

The seventh week of pregnancy is characterized by the further development of the heart. In this organ, partitions are formed, and the heart itself henceforth becomes four-chambered. The liver is improving, bile ducts are formed in it. The brain increases in size. The auricles continue to form, and tiny fingers have finally appeared on the arms and legs. The embryo can move, but the expectant mother still cannot feel such movement.

In the eighth week, the testicles form in the male fetus, and testosterone also begins to be produced. But on an ultrasound scan, it is not possible to determine the sex of the fetus at this time, because the genitals will not be visible on the monitor.

In the ninth week, a mouth and hard palate form. The liver grows rapidly and becomes quite large in relation to other organs. The size of the embryo by the end of the second month of pregnancy reaches 3 cm. The future man has reached such parameters in a short period of time, because conception took place quite recently, when the second week of pregnancy was going on according to the obstetric calendar.

Changes in a woman's body

During the second month of pregnancy, the following occurs in the body of a pregnant woman:

  • The mammary glands continue to grow and become more elastic. The skin around the nipples may become darker. It is highly advisable to purchase a bra of a larger size, made of natural fabric and characterized by a comfortable cut.
  • Some women report that they have age spots on their skin.
  • Signs of pregnancy in the second month, such as nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences and other sensations, are intensified. However, this does not happen with all pregnant women; some expectant mothers have the same appetite.
  • With multiple pregnancies, the manifestations of toxicosis may be more pronounced. In this case, the uterus enlarges more intensively.
  • In some pregnant women, the body temperature may remain slightly elevated, about 37 degrees, but soon the value of this indicator will return to normal.
  • Often, at this time, the lower back hurts a little, the lower abdomen slightly pulls, and other sensations of discomfort arise.
  • Basal temperature at this time is also elevated, as in the first weeks of pregnancy after a delay, and ranges from 37.1 to 37.3 degrees. After the 14th week, it will again drop below 37 degrees.
  • Allocations at this time should normally be normal. Brown discharge is a pathology and can signal a threat of miscarriage.
  • A dense mucous plug is formed, which from now on will close the opening of the cervix and protect the uterine cavity from the effects of adverse environmental factors. Thus, the body of the embryo (fetus) will be more reliably protected from infection from the outside.
  • Many women may experience constipation due to the metabolic effects of the hormone progesterone. Due to constipation, the risk of developing hemorrhoids subsequently increases, so pregnant women need to normalize digestion by eating a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of potentially allergenic foods. You should not take laxatives during this period without the permission of a doctor, because increased intestinal motility can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and, as a result, increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, any pharmaceutical preparations may contain dangerous chemicals that are extremely undesirable for the body of a future baby at an early stage of its development.

Analyzes and examinations

It is possible that the expectant mother prudently went to the doctor in the first month of pregnancy to make sure of the fact of a successful conception. If this is not the case, then the woman is advised to come to the appointment in the second month in order to pass the basic tests.

After registering a pregnant woman, when the second month of pregnancy is in progress, the following types of examinations can be assigned:

  • general blood analysis;
  • urine analysis, including the determination of the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • a smear on the flora from the vagina;
  • determination of Rh antibodies in the blood, it is especially necessary when there is a high probability of Rh-conflict between the mother's body and the fetus.

Also, when the expectant mother visits the antenatal clinic, the specialist will clarify the gestational age, determine the preliminary date of birth, measure the body weight, abdominal circumference and other parameters of the woman. Patients with thyroid problems will need to be tested to determine the level of thyroxine and other hormones in order to prevent abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

In the second month of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is performed only when a woman develops anxiety symptoms or if there is a high risk of developing various complications. Also, it is better to undergo this examination as soon as possible if in the past a woman has lost a child at an early date.

The first scheduled ultrasound is usually done at a period of 11-13 weeks, that is, next month, when you can find out in more detail what is happening with the unborn baby. The answer to the question of how many times a woman will need to undergo an ultrasound scan and what other tests are needed can be given by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.



In the first months, it is advisable for the expectant mother to visit the antenatal clinic every two weeks of pregnancy in order to have time to pass the necessary tests and to identify possible violations in time.

Possible dangers in the second month

The second month of pregnancy can be dangerous with the following complications in the course of pregnancy and the development of the embryo:

  • Miscarriage. The risk of spontaneous abortion especially increases at the 7th week, which is associated with hormonal changes in the female body. At this time, the corpus luteum significantly reduces the production of hormones, and the placenta takes over this function. This transitional stage does not last long, but it is critically dangerous for the embryo. If the development of the placenta slows down, then hormones begin to be produced in insufficient quantities, as a result of which the likelihood of miscarriage increases. Therefore, those women who previously had miscarriages need to donate blood in advance to determine the level of hormones in order to correct their possible shortage in time by taking synthetic analogs. When an abortion begins, a woman may detect the appearance of blood in the discharge, as at the beginning of menstruation. If you do not take action in time, then it will be impossible to stop the pathological process that has begun, so you should call an ambulance when the very first warning signs appear.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. In the presence of this pathology in the second month of pregnancy, a woman is in serious danger, a rupture of the fallopian tube, after which severe internal bleeding begins. That is why, when abdominal pains appear, one cannot hope at random, but it is necessary to urgently seek help, or even better, to undergo an ultrasound scan in advance, which will show exactly where the embryo is developing. Also, with an ectopic pregnancy, the result of the analysis shows a lower level of hCG in comparison with the norm at this time, which is the reason for additional examination.

In addition, at a gestation period of 2 months, one should deal with the prevention of a possible Rh-conflict. If the expectant mother has Rh-negative blood, and the spouse has Rh-positive blood, then a conflict may develop between the blood of the mother and the child, especially during the 2nd pregnancy.

In the event that the father has a negative Rh, the future baby is not in danger. Therefore, you should pass the necessary tests as soon as possible in order to take timely measures to prevent serious complications. Also, all women with negative blood Rh factor need to know that abortion is extremely dangerous for them, because after the termination of pregnancy, the likelihood of a strong Rh conflict increases many times over.

For an expectant mother in her second month of pregnancy, the following tips may be valuable:

  • In order to prevent the appearance of insomnia and nightmares, it is better to refuse a late dinner. Sleep only on your side, not on your back or stomach. In this case, you will not dream of the horrors that may bother pregnant girls.
  • To reduce the manifestation of unpleasant signs of pregnancy in the second month, such as nausea or severe morning vomiting, you can start breakfast right in bed, while eating a small amount of acidic foods. You should eat in small portions, somewhat limiting the consumption of flour and fatty foods, then vomiting will be much less frequent. You can find out how many calories the diet of a future mother should contain from special tables or at a doctor's appointment.
  • The woman's lifestyle is most directly reflected in the condition of the fetus. Avoiding various hazards and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help avoid possible complications of pregnancy now and on the eve of childbirth, such as a cesarean section, miscarriage or premature birth. Moreover, a new life should not be started while waiting for Monday or the first day of a new month. Both Tuesday and any other day are great for giving up bad habits, and not only socially dangerous, but also relatively harmless, such as the abuse of sweets or excessive attachment to strong coffee. It will be possible to fully enjoy the external attributes of a well-fed and cheerful life a little later, and now there is a reason to rejoice at the most important thing - your pregnancy and the upcoming appearance of a child in the family. The future person is much more important than any sums of money, even billions of dollars, so every effort should be made to ensure that the baby is born strong and healthy.

The second month of pregnancy is considered one of the most important and crucial periods. At this stage, the fetus is actively developing, the formation ends, and the impact of any negative factors can lead to irreparable consequences: the fading of pregnancy or its spontaneous termination (miscarriage). The most dangerous in this regard is the middle of the second month of pregnancy, namely the 7th week - when a gradual attenuation of the corpus luteum occurs and the placenta should take over its functions. In the event that its formation for one reason or another was disrupted (a cold, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, miscarriages or abortions in the past), the risk or freezing of the fetus increases significantly. And, although usually a pregnant woman is registered from the 12th week, if there is even one of the above risks for pregnancy, it is better to inform the doctor about them in advance.

A woman should now rest more and work less, be outdoors more often, monitor her diet and avoid nervous shocks. As a rule, in the second month, a woman already knows about her new position: menstruation stops, pregnancy is determined using special tests, and, if necessary, during the analysis for hCG and an ultrasound session.

Signs of pregnancy in the second month

Even if the first month has passed for a woman under the sign of "ignorance", in the second month the signs of pregnancy almost always make themselves felt in full. It is in this month that very often a woman first encounters all the "delights" of toxicosis: morning sickness with vomiting manifests itself with enviable regularity. A woman can feel nauseous throughout the day, especially since the surprisingly aggravated olfactory sensations contribute to this: a woman can react to a once-favorite perfume or the smell of fried onions only with disgust. Gustatory preferences undergo changes, a symptom manifests itself, which the people say about "drawn to salty".

Gradually, physical phenomena, atypical for the usual "non-pregnant" state, begin to appear. So, under the influence of hormones, the breasts seem to “fill up”, increase in size, the areoles around the nipples acquire a darker color, veins begin to appear under the skin on the mammary glands - a consequence of an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body.

A possible pregnancy can be "prompted" by a changed woman's general well-being: morning awakenings with a feeling of weakness, increased fatigue and constant drowsiness, periodic fainting, etc.

Since hormonal changes are now in full swing in a woman's body, in some cases it can manifest itself with such very unpleasant phenomena as brittle nails and hair, the appearance of age spots or skin rashes.

But, of course, the most obvious, almost unambiguous sign of pregnancy, especially against the background of the manifestation of any other symptoms characteristic of this condition, is the prolonged absence of menstruation.

Feelings and pains in the second month of pregnancy

The sensations characteristic of the second month of pregnancy can hardly be called "rainbow": the body is trying to adapt to a new state and this adaptation is often accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms. Already in the second month, due to changes in the size of the uterus in the direction of increase, indigestion, heartburn and bloating, problems with stool may appear from time to time. As the uterus grows in size and begins to gradually put pressure on the abdominal organs, it increases.

In connection with hormonal changes, emotional instability manifests itself: the expectant mother is easily irritated, becomes whiny, may experience unreasonable fear or anxiety, as well as emotional uplift.

Varicose veins become one of the possible problems that women face during this period: in addition to the fact that the venous mesh on the chest protrudes, a woman may also find thin dark red lines, the so-called "venous asterisks", on the thighs. This is a sure sign of the likely development of varicose veins, characteristic of women with a weak venous system. If such symptoms are detected, in order to avoid the development of varicose veins, the pregnant woman will have to take care: not to allow excessive weight gain; do not sit or stand for a long time, sitting down more often; in a sitting position, do not cross your legs, but while lying down - raise your legs on the pillow. Special compression tights will also serve you well.

In the second month of pregnancy, headaches may appear, sometimes even strong and prolonged, "dull". In addition, many pregnant women at this time complain of pain in the lower back and abdomen. Often such pain does not pose any threat and is explained by the enlargement of the uterus, relaxation of the ligaments and spinal discs that support the uterus. However, it is only a doctor who can determine exactly whether such pains are dangerous. For example, abdominal pain, pulling and accompanied by bloody discharge, as a rule, is associated with an increased tone of the uterus, which may well result in premature termination of pregnancy - miscarriage.

Discharge in the second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is the time of the "dominance" of the hormone progesterone in the woman's body. Now a thick mucous plug is forming in the cervical canal: from now on until the end of pregnancy, it will act as a barrier for infections on the way to the fetus.

Under the influence of progesterone at this time, a qualitative and quantitative change in vaginal discharge is also possible. So, discharge in the second month of pregnancy can become thicker and more abundant, opaque, and acquire a whitish tint. Normally, such changes should not be accompanied by any discomfort.

If the discharge suddenly "turns" green or yellow, has an unpleasant odor, causes itching or burning in the genital area, you should go to a doctor for examination as soon as possible. Such symptoms indicate the addition of an infection, any of which should be treated immediately and without delay in order to avoid the penetration of the infection to the child.

Most often during pregnancy, women are faced with thrush, or candidiasis, in this case, the appearance of characteristic white cheesy discharge indicates the addition of an infection. If thrush manifests itself once during pregnancy, you should be prepared for the fact that over the next few months you may have to face this disease again - candidiasis has the insidious property of recurring.

Probably, the most worrisome thing in a woman is the bloody discharge in the second month of pregnancy, and it is not entirely unfounded. So, the appearance of bloody discharge, even in small quantities, and even more so against the background of pulling pains in the abdomen, may indicate very formidable complications of pregnancy. Such symptoms can accompany an increased tone of the uterus and a high threat of pregnancy failure. In addition, they often become a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy - a dangerous phenomenon that, without proper response, threatens to turn into a tragedy in the form of a ruptured fallopian tube. Therefore, when bloody discharge appears, you should urgently consult a specialist.

Cold in the second month of pregnancy

A cold in the second month of pregnancy is still dangerous: now, when the fetus is actively forming and its internal organs and systems are being laid, viruses can cause irreparable harm. Colds with great risk can cause defects and abnormalities in the child's development and even provoke the fading of pregnancy and subsequent rejection of the fetus.

The situation is significantly complicated by the fact that in the early stages of pregnancy, the vast majority of drugs are contraindicated, which can also have an extremely negative effect on the fetus. Now only herbs are allowed - infusions and teas are prepared from them, herbs are used for rinsing the nose and preparing broths for inhalation. To relieve cough syndrome, if liquefaction and stimulation of sputum waste is required, Mukaltin may be taken. "Draw out" cough and lotions from cabbage leaves, smeared with honey and applied to the chest at night. But with phytotherapy, too, doctors recommend that a pregnant woman be careful - some of the herbs are also unsafe while carrying a child.

And, of course, it is best to protect yourself from colds: refrain from visiting places with a large crowd of people, during periods of autumn-winter epidemics, before leaving the house, lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment. And also - to eat right and get enough rest: immunity is now significantly reduced, so why weaken it even more?

Temperature in the second month of pregnancy

The entire second month of pregnancy, the temperature can be observed slightly higher than the usual indicators, holding at around 37-37.5 degrees. More, of course, this applies to basal temperature, the increased values ​​of which are explained by the effect of progesterone on the body.

In some cases, the general body temperature may also be elevated, but it is only better, if it is available, to consult a doctor in order to surely exclude the likelihood of any undesirable conditions with which the temperature may be associated (for example, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system).

Although, of course, infectious diseases, as a rule, are accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, and ARVI, at the same time, also manifests itself with concomitant symptoms in the form of cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and aches.

Be that as it may, a high temperature in the second month of pregnancy is a very bad symptom, it can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and it can even lead to its fading. In this regard, the temperature must be brought down by using warm teas of raspberry and linden blossom (raspberry and linden have antipyretic properties). With a strong increase in temperature and the impossibility of knocking it down with folk remedies, you should definitely seek specialized help for making a diagnosis, the possibility of using one or another antipyretic agent (most likely, Paracetamol will be recommended) and determining the need for treatment.

Nutrition in the second month of pregnancy

Nutrition in the second month of pregnancy plays an important role for the normal development of the child and the well-being of the woman. The motto that should now be adhered to is rationality, balance, quality. Indeed, now, when the fetus is actively forming and developing, it is very important to provide it with all the necessary nutrients and useful substances, which must necessarily come from the "right" food.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, meat and fish, eggs (preferably in boiled form), nuts, supplying proteins and amino acids to the body, must be present. To normalize the bowel function, fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products are recommended. Vegetables and fruits, like juices based on them, will also provide the body with vitamins and minerals, special attention should be paid to green vegetables and greens: they contain, preventing the development of fetal nervous system defects.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of flour products from first grade flour, baked goods, desserts, confectionery delicacies - these products "overload" the body with easily digestible harmful carbohydrates and contribute to rapid weight gain, which is very undesirable for a pregnant woman. But the source of "correct" complex carbohydrates will be cereals and cereal bread, cereals; sweets will replace dried fruits and marmalade in small quantities.

In general, it is allowed to eat what you want: the body will always tell you what it needs at one stage or another. Just do not be overly zealous with food, it is better to eat more often, but in small portions, switching to 4-5 meals a day. And for your own good and in the name of the unborn child, you need to monitor the quality of food - sweet soda, semi-finished products, instant food, smoked meats and fried foods are now out of place on the table.

It is advisable that the last meal took place a few hours before bedtime - so there will be more chances to avoid morning toxicosis. And you can cope with poor health in the morning by drinking a cup of tea and eating a crouton or cracker right after waking up. It is advisable to have a snack without even getting out of bed; for this, cookies can be prepared in the evening by placing them on the bedside table next to a mug of tea.

Sex in the second month of pregnancy

Usually, the deterioration of the general condition of a woman during this period of pregnancy, "chronic" fatigue and drowsiness, sudden mood swings do not particularly contribute to sexual activity. If the desire for sex from time to time overtakes a woman, you should clearly be sure that there are no contraindications to physical intimacy.

Doctors strongly recommend refraining from intimacy if the uterus is in good shape and there is a real threat of miscarriage, and even more so if miscarriages have already taken place before pregnancy.

But, even in the absence of contraindications, sex in the second month of pregnancy must necessarily exclude sudden movements and deep penetrations. The dad-to-be should be as careful as possible, showing maximum tenderness and affection. And if, due to poor health, a woman is not disposed to sexual intercourse, the spouse will have to “pacify the flesh” for a while and wait a little with the manifestations of love. And already in the near future, a woman will repay her beloved in full: when the unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy have passed, the woman's libido wakes up with a vengeance.

Pregnancy in the second month is usually fully approved. The most important period for women begins, the hormonal background is completely rebuilt, the fetus is formed.

What happens in a woman's body

In the second month of pregnancy, reliable attachment of the fetus to the uterus is observed, the formation of the placenta ends, and the tissues of the unborn child begin to form.

At about 5 weeks, a woman has:

  • toxicosis of the early stage of pregnancy is manifested;
  • the uterus begins to increase in size;
  • the hormonal background changes;
  • draws to sleep, taste preferences change, sour or salty foods are preferred;
  • the psychoemotional state changes, often the mood changes rapidly.

You will also need advice from other doctors: dentist, therapist, ENT, ophthalmologist.

It will tell you exactly how pregnancy develops.

If pathologies have occurred in her maturation, then this may threaten with miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, or.

At 2 months, the hormonal background in the woman's body finishes rebuilding. Due to the change and development of the mammary glands, the breast increases in size.


The signs of pregnancy at 2 months become more distinct.

If at 1 month a woman is usually completely unaware, then the second one marks 100% confirmation of pregnancy, since characteristic symptoms appear:

  • heartburn, colic in the abdomen due to an increase in the size of the uterus;
  • nausea, vomiting in the morning in the background;
  • frequent urge to use the toilet;
  • keen perception of any odors;
  • a change in taste and preference for salty foods;
  • pouring of the breast, the appearance of a halo around the nipples of a darker shade;
  • the appearance of age spots, rashes on the body;
  • a distinct allocation of veins under the skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands, on the legs and calves with the appearance of burgundy lines on the thighs - a sign of aggravated varicose veins, provoked by an increase in circulating blood in the body;
  • feeling of weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue, malaise;
  • dizziness up to fainting.

The main sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation at 2 months. Possible spotting at the end of 1 month, perceived as menstruation.

How the fetus develops

Many young mothers are extremely interested in knowing what the fetus looks like at 2 months of pregnancy.

Visual signs are still subtle, but dramatic changes are already taking place in the body.

Changes in a woman's body

In the second month, the body begins to experience stress due to the growth of the uterus.

During this period, women should no longer have spotting bleeding. Otherwise, this is a reason for an urgent appeal to a gynecologist.

The corpus luteum of pregnancy reaches its maximum.

For the preservation of pregnancy, increased production begins in the place of the egg released from the ovary.

The active effect of progesterone affects the cervix, visually acquiring the shape of a cylinder, filling the lumen with thick mucus.

At 6 weeks, the uterus resembles a pear, an orange.

At 8 weeks - grapefruit. In women, there are unobtrusive pulling pains from the sides due to the tension of the ligaments.

Progesterone dominates during this period. In particular, lactogen is an important hormone for the development of the placenta.

In tandem, both hormones give the body a signal that it is time to reduce protein synthesis and switch to a backup feeding with glucose and fatty acids.

For normal growth and development of the fetus, an increase in the supply of nutrients is required.

Women have a hard time in the second month of pregnancy, because the sensations become more pronounced, the level of hCG increases.

Doctors also give the opportunity to establish the state of pregnancy, the exact date.


  • protect yourself from infectious diseases, colds;
  • review nutrition;
  • avoid taking alcohol, drugs, fraught with the development of fetal defects.

The belly at 2 months of pregnancy in the expectant mother is not yet noticeable, since only the uterus increases in size. But by the end of the 5th week, you can already hear the work of the baby's heart.

At the 6th week, the formation of the liver, thyroid gland, respiratory system, and brain begins.

At week 7, a child's heart is four-chambered with the ability to pump blood throughout the body.

The blood vessels, appendix, colon, sex glands are almost completely formed. The laying of the kidneys, the endocrine system, and the lungs begins.

At 8 weeks, bone tissue is formed, as well as the ears and neck, the base for milk teeth.

The child is already able to swallow food, inhale air. And as the pituitary gland is formed - to control the coordination of movements.

Analyzes and research

7-8 weeks - the period of registration of women for pregnancy, appointment of a number of tests by the gynecologist:

  • Ultrasound, which makes it possible to plan the adequate management of pregnancy in the future.

What can you do

The first and most important lesson for women is timely visits to the gynecologist, since the 7th week is considered the most insidious, which accounts for the greater number of miscarriages.

Women should:

  • review and include in the diet protein, calf, chicken, eggs, milk, seafood, beans, soybeans, peas
  • walk more in the fresh air, walk;
  • get enough sleep;
  • avoid visiting crowded places (especially in the off-season) with an unstable body to the attacks of infection;
  • perform in moderation, avoiding overwork;
  • doing breathing exercises, special exercises for pregnant women.

What is prohibited

The ban should be:

  • the use of medications and if you had to drink any drug, you must urgently inform the doctor about it
  • eating fatty, salty, fried foods (shawarma, chips, crackers, soda, strong black, coffee);
  • alcohol intake, smoking;
  • lifting weights, carrying out physical activity and exercising in the gym, women should refuse;
  • wearing tight clothes;
  • stay in smoky rooms;
  • overeating at night;
  • overwork (physical, mental).


Taste preferences in women in the second month of the month change dramatically. But toxicosis worries. Sometimes you don't feel like it at all, and the body thus needs a sufficient supply of nutrients.


  • take folic acid in foods at least 500 mcg per day;
  • refuse fried, fatty foods, sweet dosage in order to avoid the appearance of vomiting, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • completely eliminate alcohol;
  • include dairy products (kefir, milk, yoghurts, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese);
  • eat a small piece of boiled beef, chicken, turkey if nausea comes up, indicating a lack of protein in the body;
  • reduce the intake of spicy and salty foods, although eating a small piece for appetite is quite acceptable;
  • eat in small portions, but do not wash down with water, which leads to vomiting;
  • take soups and main courses warm;
  • (compote, fruit juice), if it becomes too heavy;
  • eat a handful of nuts, dried fruits with the onset of nausea;
  • take weak tea with honey (ginger) if sick in the morning.


As a rule, women do not have time for sex at 2 months of pregnancy, since intimate activity fades away, there is constant drowsiness, fatigue and mood swings.

If there is a desire, then the main thing is to make sure that there are no contraindications for intimacy.

If there is a threat of miscarriage or the uterus arrives, then of course, it is better to refrain from sex, in particular, from rough caresses, deep penetrations, and sudden movements.

In the second month, the future dad should show tenderness and affection for the woman.

If the expectant mother's health worsens and there is no desire for sexual intercourse, then you should not insist.

It is important for men to understand that unpleasant signs in early pregnancy in women do not lead to anything good. Although it can sometimes wake up libido with a vengeance.


2 months are considered critical, so women are advised to devote all their time exclusively to themselves:

  • completely protect yourself from the onslaught of harmful factors from the outside (toxins, viruses, microbes) that cause defects in the fetus during the period of organ laying;
  • refuse contact with harmful chemicals;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body.

A frequent danger that lies in wait for women at 2 months of pregnancy is the threat of termination, especially if there are latent (chronic, venereal) diseases, hormonal disorders.

Signs that cannot be ignored and an urgent need to consult a doctor - severe pulling pain in the lower back (lower abdomen), uterine bleeding, increase.

Gynecologists advise women to understand what is happening in the body in the second month of pregnancy and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • include fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat, fish in the diet;
  • give up fast foods, fatty foods;
  • walking more in the fresh air;
  • drink special vitamin complexes with calcium, iron, iodine;
  • avoid crowding of crowded places in the off-season to avoid the risk of getting a cold;
  • do moderately household chores, avoiding overwork, abandon major repairs, general cleaning in the apartment, lifting weights.

The weight of the bag for a 2 month pregnant woman should not exceed 3 kg. Activities (running, jumping) that require body vibration should be minimized.

Useful video: 2 months pregnant

The second month for expectant mothers is a crucial period. On the one hand, the corpus luteum transfers its powers to the forming placenta, on the other hand, girls who did not have obvious signs of pregnancy receive a whole bunch of pregnancy symptoms.

At the beginning of this period, no one doubts his interesting position. Right now, you need to focus on a healthy lifestyle and carefully monitor your health.

The second month of pregnancy is about 5 weeks from conception. This period is considered very important. It is necessary to try to exclude as much as possible the negative impact on the pregnant woman.

The most turning point is week 7. This week, the corpus luteum finishes its work to preserve the fetus in the body and transfers its powers to the placenta. It is here that all transferred in the body of a woman can affect the formed placenta.

Roughly speaking, it may not fully develop or develop incorrectly. As a result, a woman can lose a child.

Everyone knows that a pregnant woman is registered for a period of 12 weeks. But a woman should carefully monitor her condition and, if she suspects something is wrong, it is imperative to inform the doctor about it. For the second month, all the girls already know about their situation, so it will be easy to diagnose problems.

True, there are times when the expectant mother does not know about the child, but this is more an exception than a fact.

In order to accurately determine your condition and the condition of the fetus, it is worth knowing everything about this period.

Signs of pregnancy in the second month of pregnancy

As already mentioned, the first month not all women feel their position. Many may not even guess, especially if they are walking or, but the girl nevertheless became pregnant.

But the next period becomes more pronounced and accurate with the help of the signs of pregnancy that have appeared.

Among them are:

  • Period... They are absent in a woman's life and will not appear soon.
  • ... Who has not heard about toxicosis ?! Some are even sure that pregnancy is impossible without him. This is not at all the case, but the fact remains that toxicosis appears in almost every pregnant woman. Its manifestations include: morning, sometimes vomiting. Aversion to smells, even your favorite scent from Dolce & Gabbana becomes the cause of a dimness in the head or the cause of nausea.
  • Taste preferences... If earlier a woman could not live without fried fish, then in the second month she can flatly refuse this dish. But on the contrary, hinder the herring with jam.
  • Smells... The woman's body is designed in such a way as to protect the embryo from external negative influences. So a pregnant woman cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke and other harmful substances.
  • Drowsiness... She can attack the expectant mother suddenly, especially, she wants to take a nap after dinner.
  • Increased fatigue... The body needs to work for two. On the one hand, the woman continues to live as before, on the other, he needs to actively work for the future baby.
  • Dizziness... Headaches may become more frequent, weakness is more frequent, and there may even be fainting conditions. If a pregnant woman suffers from hypotension, then she is more likely to have problems with pressure surges.
  • Skin pigmentation... With the second month of pregnancy, age spots on the body may also come. Their frequent habitat is the face. It is also possible that a brown line along the abdomen will begin to appear, starting from the navel to the pubis itself. Such a line will remain on the woman's body for a long time after childbirth.
  • Frequent urination... There are two reasons for this process. First, the accelerated metabolic process is to blame for frequent urination. And the second reason is that the uterus enlarges and begins to press on the back wall of the bladder.
  • Breast... Yes, the changes will affect such a spicy place in any case. It can become painful, sensitive. and increases in size and a woman may no longer fit into her usual size of clothes. Changes will also affect the color of the nipples - they will acquire a darker, more saturated color. In addition, a woman can observe clear veins on her chest. Some ladies have colostrum.
  • Bloating... Even this symptom can be related to pregnancy.
  • Digestive problems... The stomach "rages" both from the feeling of hunger, and vice versa, although the products were absolutely fresh.
  • ... Unfortunately, this symptom can often disturb a pregnant woman, because against its background, as a result, such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids can appear.
  • Stomach... Many in the second month of pregnancy will look for tummy growth. But, it is unlikely to happen so early. True, the stomach can change shape and become smooth, round, especially if a woman has a lean body structure.
  • Lingering pain... Sometimes, this month can be characterized by pain in the lower back and. This is due to the growing uterus, which presses on the relaxed ribs of the back.
  • Emotional outbursts... The woman begins to rush from one extreme to another. Only she laughed at the joke and immediately felt sad from the same funny situation. Sudden bouts of anger or depression. Anything can happen and everything is to blame. They are now going through a lot of changes.
  • Varicose veins... A fairly common problem in women with a weak venous system. In such situations, you should take care of yourself and follow a few simple rules. Try to gain weight as little as possible for the entire period of pregnancy. Sit less, and while sitting, do not cross your legs. When it comes time to rest, it is recommended to hold your feet above your head, for example, put them on a pillow.

All these symptoms should not scare the expectant mother. Over time, when the body tunes in to a new mode of operation, it will become much better and even then you can feel the whole process of pregnancy.

2 month pregnant and baby

The second month of pregnancy is also characterized by a dangerous period for the baby. Therefore, mommy should be especially attentive to the environment, so as not to inadvertently harm her child.

During this period, the little man does not yet look like his own kind, but the first outlines of a person are already appearing. Eyes, nose, mouth, auricles appear. The arms and legs acquire finger buds. Internal organs are actively formed.

Brain development is becoming a hallmark for a baby in the second month of pregnancy. For the first time he begins to try to move: opens his mouth, turns his head.

It is still difficult for him to do everything, but every day the child is getting better at doing it. Mom doesn't feel it yet, but you can see everything on ultrasound.

If the child is male, then testicles begin to grow in this month. The girls are still waiting in the wings.

The appearance of the baby during this period becomes only 3 mm.

Dangers of the second month of pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always go smoothly. Against the background of a feeling of joy that a baby will soon be born, some moments during pregnancy may not be so pleasant.

This applies to general well-being and also to the health of the genitals.

There are signs that should alert a pregnant woman.

On a note:

It is better to "knock down" a high temperature during pregnancy with folk remedies: drink tea from a linden or raspberry. If this does not give results, then medications are taken, but after consulting a doctor.

Seeing one of the signs of this month, you urgently need to contact the antenatal clinic. The gynecologist will determine the cause, prescribe a course of gentle treatment, and then the pregnancy will proceed without problems.

The line of behavior of a pregnant woman in the 2nd month

We have already mentioned several times that this month is very important for both mom and baby. Therefore, it is so important to correct your behavior correctly in order to avoid many of the dangers that the second month is fraught with.

Many may exclaim: pregnancy is not a disease. And this is a correct statement, but it's still worth taking care of.


  • Change the order of the day to suit comfortable conditions. At this stage, the body works for two, therefore, it needs to be given more rest. Try to sleep about 8-9 hours a day. If possible, pay attention to rest during the day.
  • Choose physical activity according to your term, two months. You can find many exercises for women in the first trimester of pregnancy on the Internet. If the girl previously led an active lifestyle, then the load will be greater than that of a non-athletic person.
  • Add some must-have walks to your schedule, about 1-1.5 hours a day. In this way, you activate the saturation of the body with oxygen. And the mood will always be better after such outings.
  • Eliminate all your bad habits completely. Here, it seems to us, comments are superfluous.
  • Maximum avoidance of stressful situations.
  • Observe the drinking regime. This month, you can use at least 1.5 liters of clean water or fresh juices.

Meals in an "interesting position"

Separately, I would like to draw attention to the adjustment of nutrition for a pregnant woman. After all, everything that a woman uses in a position is transferred to the baby, therefore it is so important to take the right food and more vitamins.

And do the following:

  • The amount of food. It doesn't have to be big. Better a little 6 times a day than twice, but a lot. Eating small portions makes it easier for the body to process food, and, accordingly, more benefits will come from food.
  • Eliminate fried, fatty, spicy foods from your diet. Give preference to steamed dishes.
  • Eat fewer carbs.
  • Don't overdo it with sweets.
  • Replace potatoes with porridge, make meat or fish a rule every day.
  • The pregnant body really needs calcium, so hurray for dairy products. Just give preference to natural products than purchased ones.
  • Hang up fast food, no fast food meals.
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day.
  • Nuts provide the body with essential amino acids and proteins.
  • Dried fruits are welcome, they are rich in vitamins plus hearty ones.
  • Eat food long before bedtime, at least 2 hours before sleep. In this case, the food will have time to digest, and morning toxicosis will not be so terrible.

Prenatal vitamins

The modern world offers many types of special vitamins for pregnant women. Which one to choose is better to consult with a gynecologist.

Usually a supplement is added to vitamins. It is available to everyone. Its main function is the development of the nervous tissue of the embryo, plus it forms the vessels of the placenta. Folic acid is recommended to be taken long before conception. Since it plays a huge role in the formation of DNA. The course duration of admission is up to 12-14 weeks.

Vitamin E is added to folate, which is responsible for blood flow between mother and baby. It also prevents detachment and aging of the placenta. And other.

Any month of pregnancy for a woman will be important and significant, because she is preparing to fulfill her mission - to become a mother. The main thing that you need to adhere to is to smile more often and surround your unborn baby with your love. And all other problems will disappear under the pressure of the coming happiness.

Fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy photo: babycenter.com

The first trimester is a real revolution in the body. Now, more than ever, a woman feels significant changes taking place in her. And it is by this time, as a rule, that he comprehends future motherhood. So, the test showed a positive result. It is both scary and joyful at the same time to be aware of the new life in oneself! In this difficult period, many discoveries, emotions and warnings await you.

Signs of 2 months of pregnancy

Is it possible not to notice an interesting situation without passing the test, because the period is rather short, and there are no external manifestations?

If you are careful, you cannot miss them. The emergence and course of various physiological processes associated with pregnancy are regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems.

There are a number signs that will help you understand the new state.

  • The cessation of menstruation, if they were of a regular nature, is rightly one of the very first, main and probable indicators of the onset of the situation. Due to the fact that progesterone, a hormone, especially intensively produced during pregnancy, prevents the maturation of follicles in the ovary, they stop. The body is mobilized to carry and feed the baby;
  • Morning sickness is a natural symptom of pregnancy. Immediately after waking up, it often has an unreasonable basis, that is, you can be "turned inside out" without any visual and olfactory stimulants. But it happens that a bad state occurs throughout the day, and vomiting becomes a reaction to any, not even the most pungent, odor;
  • Heartburn is paired with toxicosis. It is usually caused by the reverse process of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. To ease your well-being, eat often and in small portions, and be sure to walk after meals;
  • Change in taste preferences. Suddenly it will pull on salty. Or meat that you have not eaten for 5 years. And your favorite scrambled eggs will suddenly cause disgust;
  • The mammary glands enlarge and become sensitive, the nipples become more convex, pigmented. These processes are associated with blood supply, which increases in the chest;
  • Frequent urination also occurs due to intense blood circulation, only in the pelvic area, and will accompany you until the end of pregnancy. The uterus will grow - the urge to use the toilet will become more frequent;
  • Skin changes caused by hormonal changes can be gratifying. For some women, it becomes firm and healthy. But opposite transformations are also possible, which will return in adolescence: acne, dryness or oily skin. To minimize troubles, it is necessary to take vitamins and temporarily limit the use of decorative cosmetics.
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