Herbal teas for sore throat. Traditional methods of treating a sore throat What tea helps from a throat

A sore throat is caused by inflammation of the throat caused by viral or bacterial infections. Getting on the surface of the mucous membrane and tonsils, they penetrate the cells of the epithelium and begin destructive activity, resulting in inflammation and edema. A sore throat can be caused by allergies and severe stress on the vocal cords.

A sore throat that accompanies a mild form of sore throat, flu, or a cold can be relieved using proven traditional methods. But in the event of serious diseases, for example, pharyngitis or follicular sore throat, it is better to consult a doctor, since they can cause many complications. If after two or three days of treatment there is no improvement, the pain intensifies, accompanied by a high fever, shortness of breath, aching joints, severe weakness and chills, it is worth using the help of a specialist.

Drinking for sore throat

Drinking liquid allows you to wash off harmful microorganisms from the tonsils and mucous throat, which, when entering the stomach, are quickly rendered harmless by gastric juice. You can drink clean water, warm milk, with the addition of honey, lingonberry or cranberry juice, as well as teas with lemon and raspberries. To quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you should use some folk recipes:

  • Honey lemon drink... Dissolve a warm spoonful of lemon juice and honey in a glass, consume the drink throughout the day.
  • Garlic tea. This good remedy from sore throat. Chop the peeled head of garlic finely and mix with a glass. Put the mixture on fire and cook for 5 minutes under the lid closed. Tea should be drunk warm, in small sips, 2 glasses a day.
  • Anise infusion. Add 1 tsp to a glass of boiling water. fruits of anise and leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink 1/4 cup half an hour before meals.
  • Pain soothing tea... To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. marjoram with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink as needed, adding honey to taste.
  • Carrot juice... It relieves swelling and inflammation of the larynx. At one time you need to drink 1/2 glass of juice with the addition of honey.

Gargling for sore throat

The procedure clears the throat of bacteria and viruses, and also prevents the development of the disease. It is recommended to carry out it every 2 hours. You can use different rinsing solutions, even regular salted water. The most effective will be funds that help relieve inflammation and healing.

  • Beet juice... A good remedy for sore throat is a mixture of beetroot juice and. It is necessary to add a spoonful of any vinegar to a glass of juice.
  • Tincture of calendula... has an antiseptic effect, therefore it is suitable for getting rid of sore throat. For rinsing, a solution from the tincture of this plant is suitable - 1 tsp. calendula 150 ml. water,
  • A solution with the addition of iodine. Gives a good effect and relieves even purulent sore throat. Add 1 tsp to a glass of warm water. salt and soda and 5 drops of iodine. After rinsing for 1/4 hour, do not drink or eat.

Compresses for sore throat

Compresses have worked well for sore throats. They are able to speed up blood circulation, relieve pain, and fight infection. The easiest recipe for a sore throat is an alcohol compress. It can be made from alcohol diluted in equal proportions with water, or you can add components to it, for example, aloe juice and camphor oil. The procedure cannot be done at elevated body temperature, as well as with purulent forms of the disease.

Inhalation for sore throat

Inhalation is one of the most popular remedies for colds and sore throats. Inhalation of hot steam with the addition of medicines quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms, swelling and inflammation. Suitable for inhalation essential oils lavender, sage, fir and eucalyptus. It is recommended to do the procedure within 6 minutes, over a solution with a temperature of 80 ° C.

  • Onion-garlic inhalation... It has an antimicrobial effect and helps relieve inflammation. To prepare a solution for inhalation, you will need garlic and onion juice. 1 part of juice is mixed with 10 parts of water.
  • Herbal inhalation... The solution is made from decoctions of herbs: chamomile, lavender, sage, mint, oak, birch, cedar, juniper and pine. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use at least 3 components.

Colds are usually accompanied by a sore throat, which brings a lot of suffering to a person. Inflammation of the larynx provokes a rise in temperature, tickling, coughing begins, it becomes painful to swallow food. These symptoms can be relieved with medications and folk remedies. Many people prefer medicinal decoctions and tinctures and do absolutely right, because it is harmless and effective method throat treatment.

It should be borne in mind that only those infusions that are prepared according to a proven recipe help. In order not to be mistaken and to heal the larynx faster, it is necessary to have knowledge of the properties of plants and products that are always available in your home and can relieve a sore throat.

Causes of pain

Pain in the larynx occurs for various reasons, it can be infectious diseases of viral or bacterial origin, as well as the inflammatory process accompanying tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis. Sometimes painful sensations appear due to pathology in nearby organs or due to dust ingress, harmful substances and foreign bodies on the laryngeal mucosa.

At the same time, the patient complains of painful swallowing, shortness of breath, rawness, tickling, coughing. The doctor conducts a visual examination, pharyngoscopy and determines the diagnosis, only after that he prescribes treatment. Along with medications, the doctor usually recommends rinsing and other treatments. folk remedies whose recipes you should know. The value of herbal rinses, inhalations, decoctions and infusions can hardly be overestimated, they help to heal faster, and most importantly, prevent serious complications of the disease.

Treating sore throat with gargles

Gargling is the first aid you can give yourself for pain. You need to start using folk remedies for sore throat as early as possible. Gargle as soon as you feel sore throat and discomfort in the larynx. If these symptoms become pronounced, this means that you have already missed the moment, therefore, it will be more difficult for you to relieve pain and cope with the disease. Nevertheless, it is never too late to start treatment with folk remedies. In the stage of developing a cold or infection, they enhance the effect of drugs and alleviate the patient's condition.

Common recipes for rinsing

1. If you do not have at home at the time of illness medicinal herbs, from which you can prepare an elixir, then you need to use salt, soda and iodine.

Salt - 1 tsp
Soda - 1 tsp
Iodine - 4 drops.
Water - 200 ml.

In a glass of warm boiled water, salt and soda should be diluted until they dissolve, then add drops of iodine and stir everything again with a spoon. Rinsing is done as often as possible, it contributes to disinfection, softening and exfoliation of the inflamed epithelial tissues, which are then more easily coughed up and removed from the larynx.

2. Aloe juice among folk remedies for sore throat takes one of the first places. It has excellent anti-inflammatory, healing and disinfecting effects. To prepare a rinse, you must mix the thick, gel-like sap of the plant with water in equal amounts. It is necessary to process the larynx at least three times a day and do not forget that the solution must be warm.

3. A miraculous folk remedy for getting rid of inflammation in the throat is sage infusion.

Dried sage herb - 2 tbsp l.
Boiling water - 200 ml.
Salt - 1 tsp

Dried raw materials are poured with boiling water, brewed like tea, only instead of sugar they put salt in it. The herb brewing time is at least ten minutes, then the infusion must be carefully drained through a strainer, defended for five minutes and then drained again. The infusion should be transparent so that small particles do not enter the larynx when rinsing, as they can cause a coughing fit. Sage not only has anti-inflammatory properties, but also pain relievers.

4. Infusions of chamomile, thyme, mother and stepmother, calendula and other medicinal herbs for gargling are made in the same way as sage elixir, only without salt. To prepare a medicinal solution for a sore throat, use herbs that act as antiseptics, analgesics, and have antibacterial properties.

What teas help when your throat hurts

At the first painful symptoms in the throat, each of us remembers about tea with raspberries, honey, lemon, herbs. During colds, such teas are a boon, as they help fight it. But not all of them save you from a sore throat. For this purpose, teas with garlic, anise, marjoram are suitable.

1. Garlic tea is a powerful folk remedy for preventing bacteria growth. Finely chopped garlic, combined with apple juice, detoxifies the throat and relieves pain.

Garlic - 1 head.
Apple juice - 200 ml.

Grind each clove with a knife, pour the resulting mass with apple juice and cook it on the stove for five minutes. Cover the saucepan while boiling. Then remove from heat and cool slightly. The drink should not burn the throat; it should be consumed warm. Drink tea in small sips, slowly, letting the liquid envelop the larynx, do not rush to swallow it immediately, then the effect will be more effective.

2. Anise tea is brewed from fresh fruit, which is finely chopped and infused in a glass. One teaspoon is enough for chopped anise. Anise infusion is made for twenty minutes, then the water is poured from above into a separate bowl and consumed in a quarter of a glass before meals for 30 minutes.

3. Tea for pain from marjoram is easy to brew. A tablespoon of this dried spice is poured into a glass and brewed for 10-12 minutes. You can drink the drink to quench your thirst; when using it, it is advisable to add a little honey.

Compresses for sore throat based on folk remedies

Doctors recommend treating the throat with compresses, they help increase blood circulation and relieve pain, helping like a heating pad. But at the same time, the outer tissues around the larynx are impregnated with healing substances and provide a higher efficiency of the treatment process.

Common ingredients in compresses are the following solutions and sweep:

  • alcohol,
  • aloe,
  • camphor oil.

They are used in various combinations, but the main one is alcohol diluted by 50% with water, which can be replaced with vodka.

1. The most popular compress on the throat contains a gruel of mustard powder with the addition of flour, diluted with water heated to 50 degrees. This mixture is applied to the fabric, wrapped around the neck and wrapped on top with a warm scarf. It is better to wrap for the whole night.

2. An excellent folk remedy for sore throat is a cabbage leaf compress with honey. It has a resorbing and anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates swelling in the throat area, helps relieve pain.

What to do inhalation at home

Inhalation is considered the most promising way to relieve pain. This is a direct effect on the problem area in the form of therapeutic vapors that soften and nourish the diseased tissue with healing components. Such close contact with the affected mucosa contributes to its rapid and effective healing.

For inhalation at home, you can use onions, garlic, eucalyptus, essential oils, hot decoctions of medicinal herbs, oak bark, pine needles and so on. The temperature of the solution poured into the inhaler should be about eighty degrees, you need to breathe healing vapors for 6-8 minutes.

In addition to the listed methods, throat lubrication with ointments made from propolis, honey, aloe juice, streptocide sprinkling of the throat, treatment of the inflamed area with hydrogen peroxide of 3% concentration is actively used. You can chew the leaves of Kalanchoe, plantain and swallow the juice that comes out of them. Mint lozenges can help relieve sore throat.

Folk recipes that help with diseases of the larynx are very diverse, in your arsenal there are many opportunities to help yourself, use them and be healthy.

Sore throat is most often due to a viral infection. But the cause of a sore throat can also be: low temperature air, bacteria, allergens, irritants, too dry air. Pain in the throat is usually accompanied by hoarseness, redness and swelling of the tonsils, the formation of plaque on the mucous membrane, and an increase in body temperature.

You can cure your throat with antiseptic drugs, lozenges, solutions, inhalations, special nebulizers. If your body temperature is elevated, you should definitely consult a doctor. But, if the sore throat is not very strong, and you are sure that it appeared due to the usual cooling, you can try using folk remedies that will help overcome this unpleasant ailment.

For a long time, people have treated the throat with what was at hand: onions, garlic, honey, hot herbal infusions and compresses. Let's remember these folk remedies for sore throat. Perhaps the recipes that were described in the article will be useful to you.

Onion for sore throat

Onions are powerful antimicrobial agents. In the old days, they took a medium onion, grated it and added one grated apple to this gruel. The crushed mass was squeezed through cheesecloth. The resulting juice was used to treat the throat. During the day, you need to ingest such a remedy, 2 teaspoons every three hours. Sore throat will go away on the third day.

One large onion should be finely chopped, placed in a jar and covered with sugar. (You will need half a glass.) After about a day, the onion will start juicing. This syrup should be drunk with a sore throat three times a day, one tablespoon.

You can make onion juice, add a little honey and lemon juice to it. Such a healing agent is taken every 2 hours for a tablespoon.

White onion juice is consumed three times a day, three tablespoons. After taking such a medicine, you should refrain from eating and drinking for at least two hours.

You can also cure a sore throat at home with onion peels. Pour a handful of onion husks with 500 milliliters of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 3 minutes. When the broth is infused (1 hour is enough), it should be filtered. The finished broth is used for irrigation and gargling. Such procedures are carried out at least twice a day. The broth has powerful antiseptic and analgesic properties. The swelling of the tonsils also passes very quickly.

The healing properties of fried onions are also known. It is necessary to cut the onion into rings and fry it in butter until light golden brown. Eating such onions during the day will help get rid of a sore throat with sore throat and tonsillitis.

Infusions and decoctions of herbs

Sage infusion will help get rid of a sore throat. It is a good disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. It is very simple to prepare the infusion: 1 tablespoon of the herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for at least 2 hours. Next, the infusion is filtered and used to rinse the mouth and sore throat.

In the old days, the throat was treated with such an infusion. We took a leaf of plantain, sage, mint, calendula flowers and chamomile in equal parts. One spoon of the collection was poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and filtered. If you have a sore throat, you should rinse your mouth with infusion as often as possible. Usually, the pain subsides after 2 days and recovery occurs.

As an antiseptic, thyme works well for sore throat. One spoon (tablespoon) of herbs and plant flowers is poured into ½ cup hot water, let it brew and gargle.

Often in the old days, for angina and pharyngitis, a well-known spice was used - anise. It provided a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect... Anise seeds were boiled with boiling water and gargled with a sore throat several times a day.

Expert opinion

A sore throat can indicate many pathologies: angina, diphtheria, SARS, a foreign body. Therefore, the appearance of any discomfort in this area should be a signal to visit a family doctor or an ENT specialist. Often, the treatment of pain syndrome does not require the use of pharmacological drugs - it is enough to use folk remedies.

For example, rinsing with decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, thyme) perfectly relieve inflammation, thereby relieving pain. Eating garlic and onions helps kill pathogens and stimulates the immune system.

Effective folk remedies for throat treatment

An absolutely safe, but effective remedy is gargling with a honey-soda solution. Put a teaspoon of honey and baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water. The ingredients are mixed until completely dissolved and rinsed. This procedure should be carried out as often as possible.

It is very useful to carry out the following inhalation. Take 7 drops of anise oil in a glass of boiling water, 7 drops of eucalyptus oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of geranium oil and 5 drops of rosemary oil. This aromatic mixture should be inhaled for 15 minutes.

It is useful for sore throat to drink tea with anise, thyme, chamomile and calendula.

The throat can be treated with compresses: vodka or oil-vodka. Soak a linen cloth in vodka or a mixture of vodka and sea buckthorn oil (5: 1), put it on the throat, and wrap it with a towel or a warm handkerchief on top.

The pain and swelling in the throat will go away after rinsing it with a solution of ordinary kitchen salt. It is enough to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in 200 ml of warm water. Every two hours, you should rinse your throat thoroughly with this composition.

You can use cabbage juice for treatment. It removes inflammation, heals wounds and has antimicrobial properties. When using cabbage juice, it is recommended to dilute it with water 1 to 1.

Remember, if the sore throat after treatment with folk remedies does not decrease, you should not pull and consult a doctor for advice. He will offer qualified help and prescribe the right treatment that will quickly put you on your feet.

Nobody likes to get sick, but sometimes a cold is just inevitable. A sore throat can be caused not only by a virus, but also by an allergic reaction, overstrain of the ligaments, or something else.

Either way, if you have a sore throat, you want to get rid of that discomfort as soon as possible. In some cases, it is better to see a doctor, but home remedies can also be used - they are simple and completely natural.

Gargle with salt water

Salt rinsing does not taste very good, but this process can effectively get rid of irritants and bacteria. Just dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water and gargle with this mixture three to four times a day. Spit out the water after rinsing. If the salt tastes too unpleasant, add some honey to the water to sweeten it.

Drink garlic tea

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It contains antioxidants that help strengthen immunity and fight infection. To make garlic tea, cut fresh cloves into chunks and place in a mug. Pour boiling water over. While the water is still hot, remove the garlic. Add a bag of your favorite tea to neutralize taste and smell. You can also add honey or another natural sweetener to enhance the flavor. Drink this tea more often.

Use cinnamon

Cinnamon is a great health-promoting agent because it is high in antioxidants. The sweet scent of cinnamon helps open up the sinuses. If you have a sore throat, eating cinnamon will help reduce mucus production and allow you to breathe more easily. As in the previous case, it is best to make tea with cinnamon. Take one or two cinnamon sticks and simmer in water for three minutes. After that, remove the sticks and add your favorite herbal or green tea. Once the drink has cooled down enough to drink, enjoy.

Eat a bowl of chicken soup

The salt in the broth has anti-inflammatory properties, and the soup is great for warming. It is easy to prepare and you can get all the nutrients you need, which can be a problem when eating is unpleasant. If you don't eat meat, vegetable soup is fine too.

Drink ginger water

Ginger effectively fights disease and helps to flush mucus from the respiratory system. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and protects against harmful bacteria, as well as improves blood circulation, increases the flow of oxygen into the body and gets rid of toxins. Cut fresh ginger root into small pieces, mash with a kitchen hammer, add to boiling water. After five minutes, remove from heat and add honey to the water, you can also use lemon. If you don't like the presence of ginger pieces in the water, you can strain the broth before drinking.

Buy a humidifier

When you have a sore throat, the worst thing you can do is breathe in dry air. A humidifier fills the air with liquid and makes breathing easier and also relieves sore throat. Humidifiers come in a variety of sizes, with some allowing the use of essential oils.

Try apple cider vinegar

This is not the most delicious way, but it is effective. Apple cider vinegar is high in acid, which can effectively kill bacteria. Add honey and your throat will quickly feel better. Simply mix a tablespoon of vinegar and honey in a cup of hot water and drink.

Make a warm throat compress

Try making a warm compress, you can use a bottle of hot water or an important warm cloth. The main thing is to be careful not to burn yourself.

Try a spoonful of honey

The antibacterial properties of honey allow it to speed up recovery. Just eat a spoonful of honey - this is the easiest and most delicious way!

Make ice cream

Dairy can make your throat worse, so make a coconut milk ice cream for sore throat relief with honey, some salt, and vanilla extract. Freeze the mixture in the molds and within a few hours you will have a delicious medicine.

Listen to yourself

Remember that there are many recipes, but only you know your body well. Try to listen to him, and if the discomfort persists, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible. This may help you recover faster.

Angina is a type of acute inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils). This inflammation is caused by various microbes, more often streptococci, which enter a person's throat when in contact with patients with sore throat, when using his dishes or unwashed products. Pharyngitis is called chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the back wall of the pharynx, pharynx. And laryngitis is an inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. With laryngitis, the vocal cords lose the ability to vibrate, as a result of which a person's voice either becomes hoarse or completely lost.

Below are tested and effective advice how to treat throat with folk remedies.

1. Decoction from sore throat

Peel and finely chop the head of garlic, add a glass of apple juice and put on fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, covering the dish with a lid. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

You need to drink the broth hot, in small sips. You need to drink this broth per day from 1 to 3 glasses. And after a couple of days you can forget about the sore throat.

2. Apple, onion and honey for sore throat

Three grated medium onion and apple. Add two tables. spoons of honey. You need to take the mass three times a day, a dessert spoon, this throat treatment with folk remedies should be carried out until complete recovery.

3. Pepper and honey for tonsillitis

How to treat a throat with folk remedies using these products? We describe. We fold the sheet in half, and wrap it on the side twice on both sides. Pour half a glass of honey into the resulting bag and put a medium-sized red hot pepper pod there. Then we take two wax candles, put them in a glass and light them, and the patient needs to hold a bag of honey over the candles on the side (no need to be afraid - the compress paper will not catch fire). After boiling the honey, pour it into a glass, and take out the pepper from there. You need to drink hot after meals twice a day, without drinking anything. This should be treated for 10 days. After this treatment, the disease will not recur. Small children can be treated in the same way.

4. Treatment of the throat with folk remedies using turpentine-potato inhalations (with angina)

Cook the potatoes in their uniforms and, without draining the water, drip a few drops of turpentine directly into the pan. After that, we breathe over the steam, covered with a towel. The procedure must be repeated three times, after which the sore throat will completely disappear.

5. Gargling with sore throat

A) Prepare the solution: dissolve a teaspoon of soda and salt and five drops of iodine in a glass of boiled water (warm). We rinse the throat after 2 hours, after rinsing it is impossible for 15 minutes. nothing to drink and eat. The effect is amazing, even a purulent sore throat will disappear in a couple of days.

B) Very effective remedy is a tincture of propolis (sold at the pharmacy). We dilute a tablespoon of the tincture in a glass of water (while the water turns white) and gargle every 3 hours.

C) You can also mix honey with lemon juice in equal amounts. With this mixture, rinse your throat three times a day for several minutes.

D) To cure a sore throat, you can take 1 part of chamomile, eucalyptus and grind everything and mix well. We take a tablespoon of the mixture for about 1.5 stack. boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes, insist for half an hour, wrap it up, and filter. You need to rinse in the morning and evening.

E) Rub the beets on a fine grater. We squeeze out a glass of juice, pour in the table. a spoonful of table vinegar (not acetic acid). Gargle with a solution 5 times a day.

E) In case of a cold sore throat, mix Kalanchoe juice in half with water and rinse several times a day.

6. Propolis - a sore throat helper

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