How to paint a heating battery: choose a paint and paint it correctly with your own hands. What paint is suitable for radiators? Water-based heating radiator paint

Right choice paints and varnishes for elements of the heating system - an important and crucial stage. The paint for radiators must meet high operational requirements: withstand temperature extremes, be resistant to cracking and peeling, and protect the surface from corrosion and mechanical damage. To ensure a long service life heating radiators, you need to know which heat-resistant formulations are best suited for these purposes.

What is the painting of heating batteries for?

Renovation of the paintwork on heating radiators is carried out in many cases. This is often done as a result of severe wear or damage to old paint, or when the finish has lost its attractive appearance. Before deciding what paint and in what color to paint heating radiators, you need to find out why such a procedure is being carried out.

Heating radiators in an apartment or private house are painted in the following cases:

  • If the shade of the coating has changed. This is due to possible fading and thinning of the protective paint.
  • If there are irregularities in the coating - bubbles, chips, cracks and other paint defects.
  • When carrying out a major overhaul of heating elements.
  • To update the interior and exterior of the radiators.

Of great importance is not only the decorative component, but also the operational characteristics of the protective coating - resistance to temperature extremes, high humidity.

Colors for heating radiators

The white cast iron radiator is a classic version of the heater located under the window. Painting in the color of a white window sill and window frames- the simplest and most affordable solution.

Batteries presented in black and brown colors are becoming quite popular. There is an opinion that a battery painted in a dark color heats up faster and gives off heat longer. Batteries in dark color will be appropriate in industrial-style interiors.

The most successful and original solution for country houses and apartments - batteries painted in the color of the walls. Such a move does not require complete hiding or masking of the heating system elements. All that is needed is to successfully fit the heating devices into the general style of the room.

Many homeowners decide on a more daring step - to paint the batteries in a color that contrasts with the walls. This design option will be relevant for the interior in the style of minimalism, modernism, colonial, rustic and art deco.

The original version of coloring the battery using gradients or ombre technique. For the outer section, a neutral color is chosen, each subsequent one becomes more and more bright and saturated with the addition of light graduated shades.

Painting of heating radiators in different colours- a good solution for children's bedrooms and playrooms. Here you can embody the most unexpected ideas: apply patterns, drawings and painting. Decorate batteries beautifully as rainbows, colored pencils or fairy tale characters.

Is it possible to paint hot radiators

When painting heating radiators and pipes, take into account the surface temperature. It is definitely not worth painting devices in winter, and especially during the heating season. Applying paints and varnishes to a hot surface can lead to accelerated drying of the coating, the appearance of small defects in the form of sagging and stains.

In addition, when processing a hot radiator, it is possible to increase the sharp smell of paint, and airing the room in winter period fraught with heat loss.

The most suitable time for repair work is a warm period, when the batteries remain cold, and it is also possible to ventilate the room well.

If it is impossible to postpone the painting of the radiator with the beginning of the heating season, then you need to competently approach the choice of working equipment and materials. For work, it is better to use a can, which allows you to quickly and evenly apply a heat-resistant compound to the surface to be treated. The lower part of the structure and pipes should be brushed.

When choosing paint and varnish products, it is important to take into account its quality and performance. For example, it is better to paint a hot radiator with alkyd enamel.

A more affordable and safer option to paint an included radiator is to use a quick-drying acrylic compound. Such a coating is resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity.

The choice of paint for radiators. comparison table

To paint the elements of the heating system, high-quality paint for heating radiators is used, which meets the high requirements. It must be safe, resistant to overheating, cracking and fading. Experts recommend choosing the following types of paints for heating pipes and radiators:

Types of paintwork materials (paints and varnishes) Types of surfaces Benefits of paints Disadvantages of paints
Oil paints Cast iron Affordable cost, wide range of colors Long drying time, strong odor, susceptibility to yellowing, cracking and chipping
Acrylic enamels Virtually no pungent odor, high drying rate, attractive glossy shine, rich color gamut High demands on the surface to be treated: thorough cleaning and pre-priming
Alkyd enamels on water based Cast iron, steel, bimetallic Subtle chemical odor, color fastness The presence of titanium white for resistance to high temperatures, which increases the cost of production
Solvent-based alkyd enamels (organic) Cast iron, steel, bimetallic Withstand high temperatures, wide color gamut, affordable cost Persistent chemical odor, tendency to yellowing
Alkyd hammer enamels Cast iron, steel, bimetallic High protection of surfaces from damage, resistance to high temperatures, durability, affordable cost The presence of a mild chemical odor that disappears upon drying
Powder paints Cast iron, steel, bimetallic High strength and durability, resistance to temperature effects The powder composition is applied by professional equipment in a special chamber
Silicone paints Cast iron Increased heat resistance, durability, wear resistance High cost, pungent odor
Water-based paints All kinds No pungent odor, wide range of colors, high environmental friendliness and safety High requirements for surface preparation - obligatory degreasing and priming
Serebryanka Cast iron High temperature resistance, low cost Persistent chemical odor
Aerosol paints All kinds Wide range of colors, ease of application, affordable cost Bad smell

How to clean the surface of the old coating

Surface preparation of radiators and pipes begins with the removal of the old paintwork. There are two easy ways cleaning radiators:

  • The mechanical method involves the use of a brush with metal bristles or an electric drill attachment. Dismantling the coating is carried out to the metal, therefore it takes a lot of time and physical effort. The only drawback is the complexity of processing small parts or hard-to-reach places. A special drill attachment simplifies the cleaning process, moreover, it allows you to better process the entire area of ​​the device, even in hard-to-reach places.
  • The chemical method requires the use of special chemical compositions based on acids and solvents that reduce the adhesion of the coating to the base. The surface is carefully processed with the selected composition according to the instructions until the paint is completely softened. Next, the old coating is removed with a spatula, grinder or brush.

Calculation of paint for pipes and batteries

Another important step is the correct calculation of the required volume of materials used to paint batteries, pipes and other elements of the heating system.

The initial data are used for the calculation:

  • The area of ​​the treated surface.
  • Consumption rate of a specific type of paint per 1 sq. m.

The consumption of paintwork materials is calculated and indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Each element of the system has its own area, which is taken into account when calculating the volume of paint. Similar information is contained in technical characteristics each heater. If painting of pipes is required, it is necessary to additionally calculate the area of ​​each of them by multiplying the length of the pipe by its diameter and P.

The obtained values ​​(area of ​​the device) and paint consumption per 1 sq. m are multiplied to obtain the exact volume of paint in calculated units - liters. This volume is taken into account for the application of one layer. If it is required to paint in several layers, the paint consumption for one layer is multiplied by the total number of layers.

Self-painting heating devices

The workflow for painting batteries and pipes with heat-resistant compounds includes several stages:

  1. Preparation of the treated surface.
  2. Application of the coloring composition.

To carry out the work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Brush with a metal base.
  • Painting brushes - regular and radiator brushes.
  • Coarse sandpaper.
  • Cleaning brush.
  • Spatula with metal tip.
  • Metal primer.
  • Battery paint.
  • Degreasing or solvent composition.

Preparation of surfaces for painting

To perform a quality painting heating appliances do it yourself, you need to properly prepare the surface. Preparatory work include the following activities: cleaning from the old coating, removing corrosion, degreasing and priming.

  1. The surface is thoroughly cleaned: the old coating is removed, the places damaged by corrosion are sanded to a shine. Contamination is removed with a brush, and paint - with a spatula or special chemicals.
  2. After removing the paint, the surface is sanded with a brush with metal bristles, a special drill attachment or a grinder. When working with surface cleaning, personal protective equipment is used.
  3. The cleaned surface is skinned sandpaper, degreased with any available solution.
  4. A primer with anti-corrosion properties is applied to the prepared surface for maximum protection against corrosion and to increase the adhesion of the paint composition to the base.

Features of painting surfaces

Most modern formulations are applied to a cold surface, therefore, the hot battery must be cooled before painting. In order to obtain a high-quality coating, it is recommended to paint the batteries, observing a certain technology.

Liquid formulations

If an oil, water, water-based and other liquid composition is used in the work, it is necessary to properly prepare workplace and protect the surrounding surfaces with a clean cloth.

  1. For painting, use a brush with a curved handle or a soft sponge. The coloring agent is poured into a wide container. Hands are protected with gloves.
  2. The composition is applied in a thin layer to the inner surfaces and in hard-to-reach places, then the outer part of the heating device is processed. Smooth strokes are carried out from top to bottom, which will allow the enamel to be evenly applied to the surface.

Important! If, after staining, visual defects appear, it is necessary to re-paint.

Aerosol formulations

If odorless balloon paint is used for painting, then the principle of surface treatment is as follows:

  1. First processed hard-to-reach places, then the outer parts of the central and other heating elements.
  2. Smooth movements are performed in a zigzag pattern from top to bottom.
  3. The surface is processed in two layers to obtain an even coating.

If enamel for radiators is applied with a spray gun, then the principle of surface treatment is similar to balloon painting.

Before doing home painting of heating radiators, you should carefully study the features of the technological process, because compliance with all stages will ensure high performance and a long service life of the devices.

The requirements for paints for heating radiators are clear: they must withstand heating temperatures - preferably up to 80-90 o C, protect the surface from corrosion and not change colors. These characteristics are fully possessed by special paints for metal for radiators. Many universal paints and enamels have similar properties, only temperature regime they have lower - up to 60 o C. But in many of our networks the batteries never heat up to such temperatures.

It is worth considering that ordinary paints and enamels, although they are used to paint radiators, can crack and turn yellow quickly: they are not designed for heating.

In order for the battery to look "excellent" after painting, a special paint for heating systems is required

Work order

If the old coating is even, without damage, there are no more than three layers, you can simply walk over the entire surface with fine-grain sandpaper. This is how Better conditions for adhesion to a new layer of paint. Then we wipe all surfaces with a "degreaser" - pure gasoline or acetone. We clean it several times, thoroughly. Now you can paint.

Having finished removing the old paint, we clean the remnants "to metal". You can use a drill with a wire cord brush. Then we thoroughly degrease everything, cover it with a primer. If we talk about a primer, then it is recommended to use GF-021 for heating systems, and it is better for a car: protection will be more reliable. In general, you can use any composition for metal with anti-corrosion properties. After the primer has dried, the battery can be painted.

The choice of paint: which ones and why

When choosing a paint, pay attention to the label: the phrase "paint for radiators" should be there. Sometimes it is written in large print, sometimes in small print in the "scope" section. If there is no such phrase, it is better to refrain from buying.

And one more thing: the manufacturer must be indicated. Some craftsmen almost one-on-one copy the design of well-known companies. But, naturally, they “forget” to write the name of the company. If the manufacturer is not specified, better paint do not buy. Otherwise, you risk getting a very persistent odor that lasts for weeks. Some, after such a coloring, saved themselves with a wash, which also does not smell like roses. They removed the newly applied layers, and only then did the smell go away.

Matte or glossy

Which paints are better for radiators: glossy or matte? There are two sides to this. On the one hand, when painting an imperfect surface with a glossy paint (for example), all the flaws "come out". When they are bright, they become very noticeable. If you use matte, appearance getting better.

On an ideal surface, it is better to use glossy or semi-gloss paints - they do not gray out over time

But matte enamels turn gray. This is due to the fact that the surface is slightly porous (due to the mattness of the coating), and the pores are clogged with dust. Therefore, it is usually recommended to take a glossy or semi-gloss paint for radiators.

Cast iron radiator paint

If you paint cast-iron radiators such as glossy enamel, all surface irregularities are visible: the gloss enhances them even more. If you take a matte finish, it will turn gray. Dead end? But no. There are several options for solving the problem. Choose the most suitable one:

  • Paint with colored paint. In general, from a design point of view, white radiators only work well on white or very light walls. In all other cases, they are recommended to be tinted to match the walls (or a couple of tones lighter / darker). So, if your walls are not white, you can paint the cast-iron radiator with colored matte paint, and not be afraid that it will turn gray over time. Consider using hammer paint as one option (see below): the resulting pattern will not show defects. O
  • If you still need white paint, you can paint it matte, but put up with the fact that after a couple of years you will have to repaint.
  • Another way is to level the most noticeable pits with a putty. For this, epoxy or polyester car putties are used. They are applied to cleaned, degreased and primed metal. After drying, they are cleaned with a sandpaper, well cleaned from dust with a dry clean cloth, and then painted. In this case, cast iron will look good even with gloss or semi-gloss. However, such processing will take a lot of time: a painstaking task. But the result is worth it.

Now paint for cast iron batteries will not be a problem for you - choose what you like best.

Cast iron battery paint is not an easy choice

Radiator paint

Now let's move on to the types of paint. Special paints for heating systems are alkyd and acrylic, there are also varieties of them - they are made on different bases.

Alkyd enamels

This group has a very wide range of shades, there is a smell, but not very strong, after a few hours it disappears. You can safely use them: they will not turn yellow or fade. But alkyd enamels for radiators are on a different basis:

  • With organic solvent base. They give a glossy surface, but have a pronounced characteristic odor. An example is PF-115 of a good plant. Often they use "Pesto" for radiators, but it must be tinted - add a bluish pigment, otherwise it will turn yellow over time.
  • Organosilicon compounds give a matte color. There are mainly heat-resistant paints that can withstand temperatures up to 600 o C. There are options in aerosols - for easier application.
  • Water-based acrylic alkyd enamels can be different. Read the scope carefully. To paint batteries, heat-resistant paints are required specifically for metals. Moreover, the composition should not contain chalk - it will darken over time. If you choose white paint, then titanium pigment is desirable. It is expensive, and it is the price that you can navigate. Cheaper options turn yellow after a while.

Acrylic enamels

Acrylic enamels, after drying, resemble a plastic coating. The effect is complete: both in appearance and in touch. This paint holds very well and washes well. But there are several types, with different properties. They are water-based, they are practically odorless. Also called "acrylate enamels". But you need to look for heating systems intended for painting.

A good option is VD-AK-1179. But this paint must be applied to a primed or previously painted metal. The drying time before applying the next layer is 2 hours, complete drying is 24 hours (the cost per liter can is about 600 rubles).

Odorless, but includes anticorrosive additives "Thermacrill" of the ALP ENAMEL campaign. The declared temperature is up to +120 o C, has anti-corrosion properties, is suitable for painting any steel, including stainless, low-carbon and galvanized, aluminum and titanium alloys. Can be tinted in any shade. Drying time before applying the next layer at 20 o C - 20-30 minutes, complete drying - 2 days.

There are many other enamels of this class with different characteristics. Choose the option that suits you best.

Oil paints

Few people use them for radiators today. They crack quickly, lose their shine and change color.

Hammer enamels

This is a very interesting version of alkyd enamels that allows you to achieve non-uniform coloration when using only one paint. Depending on the type of pigment, the surface can have the appearance of embossing, hammering and other effects. Inhomogeneity of color very well hides defects and unevenness of the base. Substrate preparation is standard: removal of rust, old paint, cleaning to metal, degreasing to a "clean rag". When applied to smooth and glossy surfaces, it is necessary to create a rough base (sandpaper).

Powder paints

It is a modern painting method, which is used to paint, and steel radiators. It is difficult to implement at home. It's about technology. Powder paint - dry and sprayed from a special gun. It costs about $ 40-60, but you can find an organization that leases equipment.

The part to be painted (prepared and cleaned) is given a negative potential, the powder - a positive one. To "charge" the part, a diesel engine is needed, which can produce fractions of an ampere at a voltage of 25-30 KV.

Due to the potential difference during spraying, the powder is evenly distributed over the surface of the part. Then the applied coating requires polymerization: creating conditions under which the applied powder turns into a single rigid coating.

Most often, this condition is heating to certain temperatures. The heating temperature can be different from 170-200 o C to 350 o C. At a low polymerization temperature, heating the part with an ash cannon may be enough, but at a high temperature, the part is placed in a special oven (a used one costs about $ 60), where it is gradually heated ... There are also compounds that polymerize when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Everything is simpler here: in an enclosed space, they turn on an ultraviolet lamp and hold the part for a certain period of time.

In any case, it is quite difficult to create such conditions at home. If there is a need for powder painting, you can contact a specialized auto repair shop, maybe they have such equipment, and they will agree to paint your radiators.

As you can see, the choice of paints is quite wide. The only type that is not advised is oil paints. They, in fact, have already outlived their usefulness. But if they are nicer to you, you can use them.

Odorless radiator paint

These are odorless water-based acrylic paints / enamels. Rather, the smell is present, but not pronounced, and different from the one we are used to. But you only need to buy a special composition for radiators (or in the field of application it should be indicated that it is suitable for painting pipes and radiators, and the temperature regime should also be indicated) and nothing else.

You can even paint new batteries - if the color doesn't suit you

The advantages include a high drying rate, as well as ease of application - they lie flat, do not turn yellow or crack, since the coating is elastic. There are glossy and semi-glossy types.

All water-based paints necessarily require a preliminary priming of the surface primer. If you apply it on "clean" metal, rust will "come out" very quickly.

A good paint of this type is Master Lux Aqua 40 Dulux, it costs about 2,000 rubles for a can of 2.5 kg. For the first layer, dilute with water 1 * 10 (one part of water for 10 parts of paint). All subsequent layers do not require dilution.

Element (Eskaro), Aqua-Heizkorperlack (Dufa) also performed well, there are odorless acrylics "Composite", "Dufa" - "DufaRetail" Thermo, Triora, etc.

Read how to prepare the radiator surface for painting here.

Washer for radiators

When painting old radiators, the old coating must be removed first. It is very tedious and time-consuming to do it by hand with a sandpaper, using a drill and a special nozzle is faster, but very dusty. Moreover, with this method, the internal surfaces can be cleaned only by disassembling the radiator into sections.

In order not to suffer with the assembly, or if this is impossible (panel or tubular radiators, for example), you can use chemical compositions, which are also called "old paint remover". They are more often available in the form of a gel-like paste. Apply with a brush (natural bristle), wooden or metal spatula. You cannot use synthetic instruments - they can dissolve. There are aerosol removers. Close adjacent walls, floor and windowsill before spraying.

Apply the gel or paste in an even layer, wait a while (indicated on the package). During this time, the paint softens and can be cleaned off with a metal or wooden spatula.

Although chemically reactive, paint remover formulations do not harm metals, wood surfaces and natural leather. However, it is best to work with gloves. After the paint is removed, you can rinse off the residues with plain water.

If we talk about manufacturers, the B-52 and SP-6 “work” well, there are also many analogues of domestic and imported production. They differ in intensity of impact and price.


The choice of paints for heating radiators is quite wide. You just need to decide on the type of surface (gloss, semi-gloss or matte), color. Next, choose what paint to paint the batteries. Most often, you need to decide whether acrylic or alkyd enamel is best for you. Then all that remains is to decide on the manufacturer.

From time to time it is necessary to bring the radiators back to normal. This is due not only to aesthetics, but also in order to extend the service life. There are many types of paints and varnishes on sale. But odorless paint for heating radiators is the most successful. It has many advantages. It comes from a variety of manufacturers.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the composition and it is better to choose well-known brands. The material from which the radiator is made is of great importance. It is necessary to take into account what material it was covered with earlier before the repair. Some types of paints cannot be applied without preliminary surface treatment.

Painted heating radiator in the interior of the room

Types of paints

Radiator paints are produced in in different ways... They are designed for painting different metals. Some are suitable for external use, others only for internal use. Which means is better, worse, for a beginner who for the first time decided to make repairs with his own hands does not immediately understand.

There is a basic classification of paints. Heating radiator paint is:

  • in the form of enamel;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • special.


This type is very rarely used for painting pipes. Cons are as follows:

  • cannot be used at high temperatures;
  • they smell unpleasant, and the smell is corrosive, you have to ventilate the room for several days.

There are a number of advantages:

  • the assortment is rich;
  • affordable price.

It is better not to use enamels for painting batteries. They are more often used for outdoor work, wall painting.


Such paint for radiators is widely used. Its peculiarity is that after drying, the surface resembles plastic.

The main difference is that the material is odorless. The advantage is that it dries very quickly. After 1.5-2 hours, the surface of the pipes will already be dry. But you need to apply such paint on a prepared surface. First, the radiator must be primed. The surface is painted in several layers.

The plus is that when applied, the paint does not reach for the brush. It resembles sour cream in consistency. It does not spread. The good material is that if a beginner decided to do the work with his own hands, then it will not be difficult for him.

For a note! The acrylic paint material is good that it can be applied even to a hot pipe. The quality of the painting will not be reflected in any way. But you need to pay attention, the surface must be dry. Moisture is unacceptable.

Like all materials, it has its drawbacks. This is poor adhesion. After 2-3 years, the paint begins to crumble, but this material is better suited for radiators than enamel.


This type is acceptable for radiators. Heat-resistant paint. After drying, an even, pleasant gloss is formed. The composition contains white alcohol, so it smells unpleasant. The smell is stable and will last for several days.

Is different high quality... The service life is long. It perfectly tolerates both high and low temperatures.

We must remember! If overheated, even when the ink material dries completely, the odor may reappear.



Designed for a specific type of surface. Each type has specific characteristics. Made for radiators, it does not smell and dries quickly. The applied layer instantly adheres to the pipe surface. The disadvantage is the high cost. But all the advantages of paint will cover this disadvantage.

Choice of paint

Colored materials are selected depending on what the radiators are made of. Various metals and alloys are used for their manufacture. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. For cast iron pipes enamels are good. Before starting painting, the heating must be turned off. This is done because, at high temperatures, the ink dries quickly, but will instantly begin to wrinkle. In addition, spots form on the surface of the pipes. If for some reason it is not possible to turn off the heating, then apply the paint in a very thin layer. It is better to use a thinner.
  2. Aluminum, steel, bimetallic radiators are produced already with a treated surface. It is coated with a protective powder. This makes it very difficult to paint again. Before applying paint, you will need to clean the surface grinder... You should choose alkyd enamel or acrylic.

Radiator painting

Even if the paint for the radiators is selected correctly, the material is of high quality, but if the painting is done without observing the basic technological requirements, the radiator will not look at a high level. It is especially important to study technological rules for those who are planning to paint with their own hands for the first time.

First you need to prepare the radiator for painting. To do this, do the following:

  1. Prepare the radiator for painting. Wash well with a soft cloth, a brush and always with a detergent.
  2. Degrease. Remove any irregularities from the surface with sandpaper.
  3. Remove old coating and treat corroded areas with a special compound.

When the radiator is ready, you can start painting. How to paint a radiator is described below. It runs as follows:

  • turn off the heating, if it does not work, then dilute the paint so that it can be applied in a thin layer;
  • apply paint from top to bottom so that there are no unwanted smudges;
  • be sure to paint over all labor-consuming places, where you cannot get a regular brush, you need to use a special one for pipes. It has a curved shape;
  • it is better to apply two or three thin layers, but before starting to apply the next layer, you need to wait for the first one to dry well.

Sometimes spray cans and rollers are used to paint pipes. They can be used when hard-to-reach places have already been painted over. For convenience, you can remove the radiator from the hinges and paint. If possible.

Important! Even if odorless paint is used for the coating, the windows still need to be opened. All work must be done with gloves.

When choosing a paint, one must take into account the type of room. If the place is public, an office, then cheap materials can be used. When repairs are made in a city apartment, odorless paint is definitely needed, and this is especially important if renovation work planned in the children's room.

Many people use ordinary paint materials for painting pipes, which are designed to work on floors, walls, and ceilings. This is not the best option. They are not suitable for use at high temperatures, therefore they spread quickly and acquire a yellowish tint on the surface.

If you have to choose between glossy and matte paint materials, then you need to take into account the fact that a shiny coating always attracts attention and all the defects, irregularities and other imperfections of the radiator will be visible. The matt light finish will quickly turn gray as dirt builds up in the porous structures.

Preparatory activities for heating season start with inspecting and checking the condition of batteries, pipes, valves and all couplings. If there are no problems, and all the elements of the battery fittings are in order, you can proceed to cleaning and, if necessary, painting the heating radiators. In the old days, steel radiators and cast iron radiators were painted with what was in the store. Today, the assortment and selection of paints and varnishes is simply huge, so deciding what paint to paint radiators with is not as easy as it might seem. But we know one thing for sure, it should be odorless paint.

How to choose the right radiator cover

Any specialist who repairs pipes and radiators, when asked which paint is better to paint radiators, will answer:

  • The paintwork must be thin and with maximum thermal conductivity of the paint layer in order to ensure good heat transfer to the room air;
  • The paint should provide protection for the metal surface;
  • The coating must withstand heating temperatures up to 150 ° C for high-pressure radiators and 120-130 ° C for conventional steel or cast iron batteries.

For your information! Paint for cast-iron radiators, in addition to all the listed conditions, must have high fluidity and low viscosity.

Even after priming, the cast iron surface remains sufficiently rough and porous, therefore, for cast iron the best choice there will be aerosol forms. The radiator is painted in several passes, each layer must be thoroughly dried and smudges removed. As a rule, heat-resistant aerosol paint for batteries has a very faint smell, but it is necessary to paint installed radiators only with open windows, in dry warm weather.

For conventional steel and aluminum heating radiators, the use of aerosols allows you to apply a thin layer to the most secret places where it is difficult to reach with a brush or roller. In addition, a thin layer of enamel dries 2-3 times faster, which means that even if there is a slight odor, it will disappear in half an hour. The smell from a thick layer of enamel on an organic solvent will stay on the radiator for 5-6 hours, for oil or pentaphthalic paint - several days.

Heat resistance and volatility of paints for heating devices

First of all, it should be noted that odorless paint for heating radiators does not exist in nature. Any enamel has a slight, but pronounced odor. Even paints for heating appliances, wall decoration for indoor spaces based on acrylic polymers or just water-based brands also have an odor.

Ask the seller of a shop or salon of building materials odorless paint for radiators, and he will give you a whole list of heat-resistant enamels with the inscription "odorless" on the label. In fact this is not true. If you take the most seemingly safe water-based paint and paint a heating radiator with a temperature of 30-45 ° C, then the smell will be quite unpleasant.

Imported, for example, Polish, Czech or German paints for internal works and heating radiators may be virtually odorless or have a slight pleasant aroma, such as fresh ice cream or sawn wood. But this does not mean that such odorless paint for a radiator is absolutely safe and cannot affect well-being.

The production technology makes it possible to skillfully mask the real smell of paint, therefore, a special index of the content of volatile organic compounds, or in an abbreviated version - VOC, is used in imported paints and varnishes. Instead of a vague concept of odor, VOC accurately defines the maximum VOC content that must be inhaled when painting a radiator. Even for safe, and practically odorless, acrylic enamel for heating elements, the standard allows no more than 130 g of organic volatile substances per liter of material.

The easiest way is to decide on the heat resistance of the paint and varnish material. The label of a can of enamel for heating systems always indicates the maximum temperature of the radiator at which the coating can be applied, and the upper limit for heating the battery. For central heating systems, the temperature of the coolant rarely exceeds 100 ° C, but in private houses, part of the pipes that hot water from the boiler heat exchanger, it can heat up to 120-130 o C.

Heating paint options

The range of modern paints for heating systems is very large. In order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each paint separately, you will need special knowledge and a lot of free time. In a simplified form, all paints for radiators and heating pipes can be divided into four groups:

  • Alkyd paints and varnishes;
  • Acrylic heat-resistant coatings;
  • Painting materials based on silicone polymers.

For your information! Often, when choosing a suitable paint and varnish material, the question arises whether it is possible to paint the battery water-based paint.

If you ask a specialist a similar question, is it possible to paint batteries with acrylic paint, he will probably answer in the affirmative, but with the proviso that you can paint only with a brand specially developed for heating systems. It is impossible to paint the metal of batteries or heating radiators with ordinary water-based paint, even if there is no smell. The composition of the water emulsion mass includes salt stabilizers of the emulsion and surfactants that provoke metal corrosion. An attempt to paint the clean metal of the batteries will inevitably lead to the formation of microbubbles with an oxidized surface, which also intensify an already unpleasant odor.

Acrylic radiator paints

The main difference between acrylic paint for radiators and conventional water-based emulsion is the presence of a special inhibitor that prevents instant rusting of pure metal in an aqueous medium.

Acrylic resins have low resistance to heat, therefore, special color stabilizers are used for materials designed for use in heating systems. Such acrylic paint has good hiding power, density, does not lose whiteness during the warranty period, and, of course, is practically odorless. More precisely, there is a smell, but it is the smell of a fragrance. Such coatings are applied to the necessarily primed surface of a heating radiator with a brush or spray gun.

After drying, a very even layer with a semi-matt surface forms on pipes and radiators.

Alkyd materials

Alkyd enamels are less used for aluminum radiators and are more often used for steel and cast iron batteries. Alkyd paints and varnishes are able to withstand temperatures up to 150-170 o C, therefore, they cover metal pipes steam heating and systems in which high-boiling antifreeze or antifreeze is used instead of water. The smell of alkyd enamels is much richer and more toxic due to the high content of polar hydrocarbon solvents. Imported samples and the best domestic brands for heating systems can show odor only during the first hours of operation of the radiator heating.

The density and adhesion of alkyd varnishes is much higher than that of acrylic resins. Therefore, despite the smell, they are used to paint old cast iron and steel batteries, in which there is a possibility of fistulas and leaks at the connections.

Silicone and silicone paints

Paints and varnishes based on silicone or organosilicon for painting water heating radiators are rarely used. The organosilicon coating has a high temperature of decomposition and peeling of paint, is not afraid of moisture and sudden changes in temperature. Such a coating has a very weak, but unpleasant odor, which is difficult to erode from the room. Unlike alkyd enamels, silicone, despite the smell, is safer. After drying, the odor does not appear even with very strong heating.

The disadvantages of organosilicon paints for heating radiators include low thermal conductivity. Even a relatively thin layer creates significant thermal resistance, therefore micron-sized metal powders of aluminum, nickel, oxidized copper and bronze can be added to the paint.

How to paint a heating radiator

The thinner the paint layer, the better the heat transfer, therefore, before applying a fresh coat of paintwork, you need to find a way to remove the old paint from the radiators. This will increase heat transfer and improve the adhesion of the new layer to the metal or primer.

Traditionally, three methods are used to remove old coatings:

Firing paint is performed using construction hair dryer... When heated, the old layer softens and easily separates from the base metal. Fine scraping and brushing will be required after firing.

Chemical methods are rarely used due to the high chemical activity of the reagent. The old paint is covered with a gel-like mass of thickened phosphoric acid, and after half an hour the coating can be removed with a spatula. If it is not possible to remove the old coating, then at least the surface layer of 0.1-0.5 mm should be removed with sandpaper.


In any case, the cleaned battery must be degreased, primed, and only then can acrylic or alkyd enamel be applied. The best option painting is considered a complete disassembly of the case, but such methods are resorted to only when overhaul or replacing the heating system.

The paint for radiators must meet special requirements, withstand temperatures up to 80-90 ˚С, protect the metal from rusting, and at the same time retain color. These requirements are fully met by special paints for metal radiators. Other universal paints and enamels have similar properties, but they can withstand temperatures only up to 60 ˚С. It is worth noting that in many heating systems, batteries practically do not warm up to such a temperature. This article will discuss which paint is best for radiators so that it meets all the requirements.

Please note that simple paints and enamels, although they are used for painting radiators, quite often turn yellow and begin to crack due to high temperatures.

Surface preparation before painting

If old paint remained intact, has no irregularities, and it is laid in no more than three layers, it will be enough to walk over the entire surface with fine-grained sandpaper. This will improve the adhesion of the new paint coat to the surface. After that, the surface is degreased with gasoline or acetone. Everything is thoroughly cleaned again, and proceed to painting.

If the paint layer is old enough and has begun to deteriorate, you first need to clean the heating battery. It is necessary to remove all its layers until only one metal remains. This can be done with sandpaper, a drill with a special nozzle or a special remover for fired paint.

After all the old coating is removed, the remnants are cleaned. A drill with a cord brush is suitable for this. Next, we thoroughly degrease the surfaces and hide them with a primer mixture. It is best to take the GF-021 brand as a primer for heating systems. For the best protection, it is best to use mixtures that are made for cars. But, by and large, you can use any tool for metal that has anti-corrosion properties. The batteries are painted over after the primer is completely dry.

We select paint for radiators - which is better to paint

When deciding on paint for radiators, study the label: it should contain the phrase "paint for heating radiators." The font may differ in some cases, sometimes you can see it in small letters in the "area of ​​application" section. If you do not find such a phrase, then it is better not to purchase this product.

Among other things, the name of the manufacturer must be on the label. It is not uncommon for special craftsmen to copy the design of well-known brands almost 100%, while, as it were, “forget” to indicate the name of the manufacturer. It is better not to pay attention to such enamel for radiators, since, most likely, you will receive a low-quality product, and odorless paint for heating batteries is out of the question. Batteries painted with this composition will stink for more than one week. There were times when it was necessary to remove a layer of such paint with a washer and start all over again, only this time using a quality product.

Matte and glossy paints

Some may wonder what kind of paint to paint radiators, matte or glossy. In this case, there is no definite answer. All flaws are visible on the glossy surface, and when a bright light falls on it, you will clearly see them all. With a matte finish, things look less frustrating.

However, matte enamel loses color over time. This happens because, due to the porosity of the layer, dust is clogged into it. In this regard, experts recommend using white paint for radiators in glossy or semi-gloss colors.

Cast iron radiator paint

If you decide to cover the MC-140 cast iron radiators with glossy paint, then on their surface you will be able to see all the roughness, which, due to the gloss, will become even more pronounced. Matte paint will make the batteries appear grayer. It may seem that there is no way out, but this problem can be solved.

There are several options for solving this nuance:

  • Choose multi-colored acrylic enamel for radiators. The fact is that white looks organically only on light or completely white surfaces. But in all other cases, designers advise to paint radiators in a shade close to the color of the walls. Therefore for cast iron radiators you can freely use matte enamel without fear that it will turn gray and lose color. Hammer paint performed well with textured pattern- after staining, defects are invisible on the surface.
  • Of course, there are times when the only solution is white heating paint. However, be prepared for radiators to require re-painting after about 2-3 years.
  • Alternatively, surface defects of radiators can be pre-leveled with a putty - polyester for cars or epoxy. Before puttingtying, the surface is degreased and primed. Then the radiator is sanded, the dust is removed with a dry cloth and painted. With this approach, both glossy and semi-gloss shades of paint will look equally beautiful. However, be prepared for long, painstaking work. Although the end result will please you.

Thanks to the options presented, you can more freely approach the choice of a suitable paint for heating radiators.

Varieties of battery paints

Coloring compositions for heating radiators can be acrylic, alkyd, as well as their options on various bases.

Alkyd enamel

Alkyd enamel for heating radiators is available in a wide range of colors. Although it has a slight odor, it fades away quickly. In addition, such dyes are characterized by color fastness.

Depending on the basis, a distinction is made between:

  • Solvent based alkyd enamel for radiators... Such enamel has a very strong pungent odor, although the surface is beautiful and glossy. Most often, PF-115 enamel is purchased. Sometimes they choose enamel "Pesto" - its disadvantage is that it needs to be tinted with blue pigment in order to avoid yellowing.
  • Organosilicon enamel is matte... As a rule, this group contains heat-resistant paints with a temperature threshold of up to 600 ℃. Sometimes they produce spray paints for heating radiators from this category - they are much easier to apply.
  • Water Based Radiator Paint... These paints differ in their area of ​​application. In particular, heat-resistant types of such enamel are used for radiators so that over time it does not darken. In white enamel, a titanium pigment is desirable. The main guideline when choosing a quality paint is its price.

Acrylic paints

The surface texture of dried acrylic enamel is similar to plastic, both in visual and tactile sensations. The advantages of acrylic paint for heating radiators are that it adheres well to the surface and is easy to clean. Some varieties of such enamel are practically odorless, since they are water-based. However, the choice should be made of heat-resistant acrylic paint for batteries.

For these purposes, you can purchase paint brand VD-AK-1179. True, it requires a preliminary priming of the painted surface. This enamel dries 2 hours between layers and 24 hours completely.

Another type of acrylic enamel for heating radiators is "Thermacrill" from ALP ENAMEL. This paint has a specific odor, however, it contains anti-corrosion additives. Can withstand temperatures up to 120 ℃, can be used for surfaces made of any metal, in particular, low carbon and of stainless steel, titanium and aluminum alloys, protects them from oxidation. Has a wide palette of shades. Partial drying for re-painting occurs after 20-30 minutes at 20 ℃, and the paint is completely dry after 2 days.

Options acrylic enamels quite a lot, so that everyone can choose a paint to their liking.

Oil based paint

Since such compositions quickly lose their original appearance - the color changes, the shine disappears, cracks appear - they are almost never used for painting heating devices.

Hammer enamel

Hammer paint for painting radiators is a type of alkyd enamel that allows you to create a textured surface and mask defects only with paint. Various pigments can create embossed textures, hammer blows and other interesting solutions.

Before painting, the surface is prepared in the usual way - it is cleaned, polished, primed, degreased. If the work surface is smooth, it is sanded to obtain small irregularities.

Powder dyes

These dyes are used to paint steel, bimetallic and aluminum batteries under production conditions. For home staining, it is used very rarely due to the need for a special tool - a spray gun. Although some services lease such equipment.

According to the technology of the cleaned part, a negative charge is transferred, and a positive charge is transferred to the powder paint. This requires diesel generator, delivering at a voltage of 25-30 kV a current with a strength of a fraction of an ampere.

The potential difference allows the powder to be sprayed evenly over the entire painted surface. In the next step, the dye is polymerized to make it hard. It is performed by heating the product to a certain temperature... Its range is from 170-200 ℃ to 350 ℃.

The lower temperature threshold can be created with a heat gun, but in order to inject high temperature indicators, an oven will be required, which will gradually warm the product. Alternatively, you can use paint, the polymerization of which occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Then in a closed room it is enough to turn on a special lamp for a specified time.

Be that as it may, such a technology at home is difficult to implement. You may be able to paint the radiator in an equipped auto repair shop.

Thus, of all the options for radiator paints, everyone can choose the most suitable and most affordable one. Even if it is oil paint, this is not an actual choice, but it has a right to exist.

Odorless radiator paints

There is a separate category of paints and varnishes - odorless dispersion acrylic paint for radiators. And although it cannot be said that she has no smell at all, it is not harsh and almost invisible. Please note that it is necessary to purchase paint specially designed for radiators, designed for use at high temperatures - these indicators are indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

It is worth noting that odorless battery paint is quick-drying, it is applied conveniently and lays down in an even layer, does not fade or crack. You can choose from semi-gloss and glossy shades.

Before painting the surface with water-based paints, it must be primed so that rust does not seep through the pigment.

In addition, you can purchase Element paints from Eskaro, Aqua-Heizkorperlack from Dufa, as well as odorless materials Triora, Thermo, Dufa Retail and others.

Radiator paint thinner

Of course, the new one will fit tightly and evenly only if the old coating from the radiators is completely removed. In order not to waste time scraping metal by hand or peeling it off with a drill and a brush, you can use special gel washes. Such a composition is applied to the surface of the radiator and left for a certain time. When the paint has softened, it is simply scraped off with a spatula.

You can apply paint remover with an old natural bristle brush or a metal or wood spatula. Among different options washes there are aerosol types of washes. In order not to damage adjacent surfaces, before spraying the composition, all nearby objects are covered with a film.

Manufacturers indicate the exposure time of various formulations on the packaging. After a predetermined period of time, the old coating becomes so soft that it can be removed without difficulty.

Although the wash contains chemically active ingredients, they do not damage metal, wood or skin. But still, when working, it is better to use gloves. Remains of the composition from the radiator can be washed off with plain water.

Such wash brands as B-52 or SP-6 have shown themselves well. Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce many analogs of such substances, different in price and penetration depth.


As it became clear, the range of types and colors of dyes for radiators is very extensive. When buying, you will need to choose the color and type of paint - matte, semi-gloss or gloss. In addition, it is important to decide what kind of paint you want to buy - alkyd enamel or acrylic. The final step is to select a manufacturer.

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