Competitions for the new year in the family circle. New Year's contests for the whole family. Surprises from a New Year's bag

Winter is coming, which means it's time to think about how to properly prepare for the New Year. And it is important, in addition to the menu and outfits, to think over contests for the new year, and entertainment, because they will revive the company, will not let you get bored, fill the holiday with joy and laughter.

In every house a bustle will soon begin, someone will hasten to choose gifts for loved ones, someone will go for a forest beauty to then decorate it with all kinds of ribbons, balls, bows, firecrackers and garlands, and someone will make a menu for the New Year's table. You also need to buy in advance for loved ones and friends.

All this is important, because the holidays are not bypassed:

  • without a fun feast, where there are so many exquisite dishes on the table that it is simply impossible not to try something;
  • without beautiful outfits, where everyone wants to emphasize the sophistication of their personalized dress or costume;
  • no champagne, sparklers, heaps of gifts.

But what else is needed in order for the atmosphere to be cheerful, perky, so that all guests and family members have a high spirits? Everything is simple - these are contests, entertainment, jokes, jokes, riddles, songs and other attributes of a good mood.
We will tell the reader how you can create a holiday at home, how to organize relay races, games, quizzes and other entertainments that will certainly appeal to both adults and children.

Take a look with step by step photos.

New Year's games and entertainment for the New Year

Let's reveal a little secret. On a fabulous winter night, any adult, even the strictest and most severe, dreams of returning to childhood, if not for a long time, and feeling like a child. And since the night is magical, then this dream can also come true. We bring to your attention funny entertainment for adults. Before we start having fun, we need to prepare a few useful things.

Attributes that come in handy for holiday contests and games

- Balloons (many).
- Garlands, firecrackers, fireworks, sparklers.
- White sheets of paper and small stickers.
- Pencils, markers, markers, pens.
- Drawing of a snow castle (for a children's competition).
- Plastic cups.
- Large felt boots.
- Sweets, fruits, sweets.
- Small gifts and souvenirs, preferably with the Rooster symbol of the year.
- Prepared poems, riddles, tongue twisters, songs and dances.
- Good mood.
When everything is collected and prepared, you can start playing and winning.

Games, various contests on New Year's Eve for seniors

1. Games with the family

Both children and adults of different ages and generations can participate in the proposed games.

Competition "Forest Fairy or Christmas Tree"

When everyone had eaten on New Year's Eve, we relaxed. We drank, it's time to start games and entertainment, so that the guests do not get bored. We call two people who want to participate in the game. Everyone stands on a stool and tries to depict a Christmas tree. Two more volunteers begin to decorate the tree, not with toys, but with whatever catches the eye first. The winner is the one who dresses up more beautifully and more original. By the way, it is allowed to take attributes from guests, it can be anything - ties, clips, watches, hairpins, cufflinks, scarves, scarves, etc.

Offer your friends an entertaining game "New Year's drawing"

All ages can participate here. Two heroes who had their hands tied beforehand, standing with their backs to the stand with a sheet of paper, are invited to draw a symbol next year- The dog. You can use pencils, markers. Participants have the right to prompt - to the left, to the right, and so on.

A game for big and small "Merry Caterpillar"

A funny and mischievous game for the New Year's feast. All participants line up in a train, that is, everyone grabs the waist of the one in front. The main presenter begins to tell that his caterpillar is trained and fulfills any commands.

If she needs to dance, she dances beautifully, if she needs to sing, she sings, and if the caterpillar wants to sleep, she falls on its side, squeezes her legs and snores. And so, the presenter begins to put on disco music, to which everyone starts, without letting go of the waist of a neighbor - to dance, then you can sing in karaoke or even to the TV, and then sleep. The game is funny to tears, where everyone shows himself in all his talents. Noise and hubbub is provided.

2. Competitions for adults at the festive table

When the guests get tired of running and jumping, sit down to rest, we invite them to play without getting up.

Contest "Piggy bank"

Choosing a presenter. He finds a jar, or any empty container. Launches it in a circle, where everyone puts a coin or big money. After the presenter secretly calculates how much is in the jar and offers to guess how much money is in the piggy bank. The guesser gets the content at his disposal.

By the way, you can tell fortunes on a fabulous evening. Therefore, the following entertainment is for adults:

Game "Fortune Telling"

To do this, we will prepare in advance many air, multi-colored balloons and put various humorous prophecies in them. For example, "Your constellation is under the influence of Queen Cleopatra, so all the years you will be charmingly beautiful" or "The President of New Guinea will come to visit you" and so on.

Each participant chooses a ball for himself, pops it and reads his own humorous note to those present. Everyone has fun, we celebrate the New Year 2018 with games and entertainment, it will be remembered by everyone.

Funny adjectives game

Here, the presenter calls all the participants pre-prepared adjectives, or writes them down on a piece of paper so that everyone can see. And after the word, in the sequence in which they are called by those sitting at the table, it is placed in a specially prepared text. Words are added in the order in which they were pronounced. Here's a sample.

Adjectives - weird, ardent, unnecessary, stingy, drunk, wet, tasty, loud, banana, heroic, slippery, harmful.

Text:“Good night, most (wonderful) friends. On this (ardent) day, I and my (unnecessary) granddaughter Snegurka send you a (avaricious) greeting and congratulations on the Year of the Rooster. The year that was left behind was (drunk) and (wet), but the next one will certainly turn out to be (tasty) and (loud). I want to wish everyone (banana) health and (heroic) happiness, I will give (slippery) gifts at our meeting. Always your (harmful) Grandfather Frost. " Something like this. With a slightly tipsy company, the game will be a success, believe me!

The game will be called "Racer"

Great fun for the New Year. So, we borrow toy cars from the kids. On each of them we put a glass filled to the top with sparkling sparkling wine. The machines must be pulled gently by the string, being careful not to spill a drop. To whom the machine arrives first, and who is the first to drain the glass to the bottom, is the winner.

The holiday is in full swing and you can try to move on to daring games for the most not complex participants.

3. Moving contests for adults

Eat, drank, it's time to move. We light up and play.

Competition "Clockwork Cockerel"

We call two participants to the tree. We tie our hands behind our backs, and put some kind of fruit on the dish, for example, a tangerine or an apple, a banana. The task is to peel the fruit and eat it without touching it with your hands. Whoever did it faster won. We present the winner with a souvenir.

Clothespins competition

Two wonderful participants are needed here. We blindfold the young ladies and, to the music, force them to remove all the clothespins that were previously put on him from Santa Claus. We count the removed clothespins in chorus, whoever has more of them won. Clothespins can be attached to the most unexpected places. But keep in mind, this game is not for shy girls.

Game "Hat"

Anyone can participate. What is the essence of the game: pass the hat to each other, without hands, and the one who drops it tries to put it on the neighbor's head, also without using his hands.

Game "Sobriety Test"

We continue the list of New Year's contests and entertainment, and a funny game is next in line. Two participants must pick up the matchbox with matches that are clamped in their hands. Or another test. We give each leaf with a tongue twister written on it. The winner is the one who pronounces the verse faster and more clearly. An incentive souvenir is a must.

See more that will amuse your friends and little guests.

Games and contests for small children and for schoolchildren

Children come in different ages, so we have specially prepared entertainment for both toddlers and children and older children, school age, so that everything is exciting and interesting on this magical New Year's Eve. By the way, you can dress up children in the costumes of fairy-tale characters and hold a contest for the best costume or a “Guess” contest. If there are many children, let each participant guess the costume of the previous one. Distribute sweets and fruits to everyone.

Contests and games for the little ones

    • 1. Snow Queen competition.
      Prepare for it in advance, prepare a small drawing of a snow castle and a lot of plastic cups. We show the children the drawing, let them remember it well, then we hide it. The task itself: from plastic cups to create the castle of the Snow Queen, such as was shown in the picture. The fastest and most accurate child wins a prize.
    • 2. Game "Forest Beauty and Santa Claus"
      Children make a circle, holding the handles and tell what kind of Christmas trees are. After that, each one depicts what he has told.
    • 3. We play New Year's theater
      If the children came in carnival costumes, then let everyone play the role of the one in whose appearance they came. Cannot - ask to sing a song or tell a rhyme. A gift for every child is required.
    • 4. The game "Guess". The leader of the children begins to pronounce synonyms meaning fairytale hero or the first words of his name, for example, Snow ..., Ugly ..., Santa Claus red ..., Princess ..., Koschey ..., Ivan ..., Nightingale ..., A man in his prime ... and so on, and the children continue. It will be even more interesting if children can portray these characters.

New Year's contests for schoolchildren

Older kids love to have fun, and they also like to receive gifts and delicious sweets. Play these fun games with them, reward everyone with a commemorative prize.

  • 1. Game "Valenki". We put large felt boots under the tree. The winner is the one who quickly runs around the coniferous tree and fits into the felt boots.
  • 2. The game "With signs". When a child or an adult enters the house, we attach a paper on his back with the inscription - giraffe, hippo, proud eagle, bulldozer, cucumber, tomato, rolling pin, bread slicer, washcloth, candy, Velcro and more. Each guest walks around and sees what is written on the back of the other, but does not see what is written on him. What is the task, to find out, without asking a direct question, what is written on the back, only "yes" and "no".
  • 3. Harvesting game. Put clean fruits, sweets and other goodies in a vase. We give a start, the children run around and grab sweets from the vase with their mouths, whoever coaches more is the winner.
  • 4. Competition "New Year's Song". Children remember New Year's songs from cartoons and films, whoever remembers more won.

- do not miss the opportunity to do something unusual and original with your own hands, please your loved ones!

New Year's contests for adults and children at the table

Competition "Whose ball is bigger"

This competition will be interesting for both adults and children. Guests need to distribute balloon and as soon as the signal is given, everyone should start inflating it. Whoever bursts forward, that player leaves the game. The winner is the one who eventually has the most ball.


This competition will appeal to the older generation as well. For an organized competition, you need a presenter who will throw a stick in a circle. This needs to be done to the music, on whom it ends is the one who sings the ditty. Who will perform the most interesting and funny ditty awaits a prize.

I love - I do not love

This entertainment will bring you laughter and joy. All participants should say what they like and dislike from their neighbor at the table. For example: I love my neighbor's left cheeks, and I do not like his hands. And this participant must kiss what he loves and bite what he does not like.

Ball of desires

We write desires and tasks on the pieces of paper in advance. During the feast, everyone chooses a ball for themselves, and must burst it without the help of hands. What the participant got, he must do. Fun also depends on imagination.

A cheerful and joyful mood depends on cheerful, cheerful people. Fortune-telling will also be fun on New Year's Eve.

We guess on paper

We take strips of paper, write down the questions that interest you, your desires. We put everything in a wide bowl and pour water. The piece of paper that pops up and will be a positive answer or a fulfillment of desire.

Think up, play, have fun - and your holiday will remain in memory for a long time, and the new year 2020 will bring you good luck!

The old year is coming to an end
Nice good year.
We will not be sad
After all, the New is coming to us ...
Please accept the wishes,
You can't live without them,
Be healthy and happy!
Congratulations to everyone
Greetings to all,
Long live the jokes
Fun and laughter! (at these words the firecracker shoots)

You need to have fun at the holiday.
Let the face bloom with a smile
The songs sound cheerful.
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored.

Warm up before competitions

(small prizes are awarded for correct answers, for example, sweets, Christmas decorations)

  1. Where do Siberian cats come from? (From South Asia)
  2. It begins with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (Raven hedgehog)
  3. Who has the longest tongue? (At the anteater)
  4. The informer of Santa Claus. (Staff)
  5. An object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus? (Window)
  6. Santa Claus nickname? (Frost-Red nose)
  7. What is the supposed historical name of Santa Claus? (Nikolay)

Contest "Take a Prize!"

A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Participants of the competition are around the chair. The presenter reads the poem "One, two, three!" Those who try to grab the prize in a timely manner are eliminated from the competition.

I'll tell you a story
In a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!
Once we caught a pike,
Gutted, but inside
Small fish were counted
And not one, but TWO.
Dreams of a hardened boy
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don't be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better FIVE!
Recently train at the train station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn't you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Competition "Theatrical"

Candidates who wish are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like:

  1. a woman with heavy bags;
  2. a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
  3. a sentry guarding a food warehouse;
  4. an infant who has just learned to walk;
  5. Alla Pugacheva performing a song.

"Merry Nonsense"

The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter walks around the tables, playing alternately "blindly" pulling out a question, (read aloud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you read other people's letters?
  2. Do you sleep well?
  3. Do you listen to other people's conversations?
  4. Do you hit the dishes out of anger?
  5. Can you put a pig on a buddy?
  6. Are you writing anonymously?
  7. Do you spread gossip?
  8. Are you in the habit of promising more of your capabilities?
  9. Would you like to marry for convenience?
  10. Are you obsessive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:

  1. This is my favorite pastime;
  2. Occasionally, for a joke;
  3. Only on summer nights;
  4. When the wallet is empty;
  5. Only without witnesses;
  6. Only if it is not associated with material costs;
  7. Especially in someone else's house;
  8. This is my old dream;
  9. No, I'm a very shy person;
  10. I never refuse such an opportunity.

Christmas tree jokes

All participants take off their own pieces of paper (painted in certain colors) from the tree. Jokes can be taken as a prediction or as a joke.

  1. Dear parents! Would you like grandchildren?
  2. "Closer to the mother-in-law - the stomach is fuller, further from the mother-in-law - the love for her is stronger ..."
  3. There can be only 2 opinions in a family: one is the wife's, the other is wrong!
  4. It is best to give useful gifts. Wife to husband - handkerchiefs, and he to her - a mink coat.
  5. A compliment doubles a woman's productivity.
  6. I will take on a difficult task -
    I will spend my family budget sparingly.
  7. There are no secrets from me in cooking, I will cook both dinner and lunch!
  8. Between worries, between cases.
    I will diligently lie on the sofa.
  9. We all, sometimes, go somewhere,
    We go, we float, we fly like birds,
    Where there is an unfamiliar coast ...
    The road abroad is waiting for you.
  10. And this month you will devote to art -
    Go to the theater, ballet and opera!
  11. You will be a beauty tomorrow in the morning with an asterisk, a berry, a sour, a fish, but as if you give me a beer, you will again become a wife.

"Candy" on a string

A string with "sweets" hanging on it is stretched across the room. Each blindfolded participant cuts off five "sweets" for himself. If the gifts are "at the wrong address", then it is possible, with the consent of both participants, to change.

  1. Should be happy in excess
    From the lottery you are now -
    Three wonderful postcards
    Have been disseminated for you.
  2. To always be beautiful, hurry to get the cream.
  3. Listen to the advice: fruit is the best diet.
  4. And here is an elegant, fragrant, tasty, chocolate cheese for you.
  5. If suddenly the child cries, you must (you must) calm him down. With a rattle, you will jump and silence.
  6. To always be neat to be toothpaste, hurry to get it.
  7. Your winnings are original a little - you got a baby nipple.
  8. If you suddenly ask what year has now come, we will not answer you a word and will give you a rooster.
  9. You got Grand Prize, receive and share (chocolate).
  10. Every day you get younger, so you look in the mirror more often.
  11. Never be discouraged with such a companion, and wipe any place with a washcloth in a hot bath.
  12. By chance, you got this tea on your ticket.
  13. So that your face and your sock are clean, a piece of fragrant soap got on the ticket.
  14. Get an air balloon, fly into space to the stars.
  15. You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and your prize was not in vain - a comb.
  16. Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing dishes)
  17. Mercedes car. (Children's car)
  18. The garbage bin is cotton. (Handkerchief)
  19. You win quite rare, you got a spruce branch; it will make you, no doubt, participate in landscaping.
  20. Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook: write poetry.

Guess the proverb

The moderator reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and invites you to name it itself.

  1. They don't discuss the gift, accept what they give ... (They don't look a gift horse in the mouth.)
  2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
  3. If you started some business, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it! (Took up the tug, don't say you're not hefty!)
  4. Trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, there it breaks.)
  5. As you yourself treat another, so they will treat you. (As it comes around, it will respond.)
  6. Do not take on unfamiliar business. (Not knowing the ford, do not poke your nose into the water.)

What is it?

The same thing, but with animals.

  1. "Repetition is the mother of learning!" - parrot
  2. "Hold your pocket wider!" - kangaroo
  3. "Tears of sorrow will not help!" - crocodile
  4. "There is safety in numbers!" - locusts
  5. "Go toe-to-toe" - caterpillar

"Field of Dreams"

The facilitator reads the question and names the number of letters in the word. For each guessed word, players receive a prize (small answer symbol).

  1. Name and surname of an elderly man. Ladies' man dressed in the Winter 2005 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
  2. A dairy product that maintains the temperature of winter, but is more often consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
  3. A tree whose absence of leaves speaks of its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: tree.
  4. A fashion model with a fair-haired braid, always participating in the winter holidays. Always appears accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
  5. A place to host a long-awaited joy for people who have lived to see winter. It has always been a symbol under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: a bag.
  6. A liquid that is used internally with great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.

And finally ...

A poster is posted with phrases to be continued. Everyone participates.

  1. There would be no price for Santa Claus if ... (he came every day)
  2. A bad snowdrift that does not dream of becoming ... (ice cream)
  3. A real tree about artificial ... ("Solid silicone, and nothing else.")
  4. If Santa Claus is burning at work, then ... (means the Snow Maiden is on maternity leave.)
  5. Do not close your mouth to those who ... (are not worthy of this.)
  6. In terms of the number of paper per capita, we occupy one of the last places in the world and the first ... (in terms of the number of genius literary works.)

Evgeniya Trussenkova

Family New Year: games for children and adults, contests, script, free materials for printing.

Family new year

For our family, the New Year is not only a feast under the tree, but also pleasant moments of communication with each other. And without interesting contests, riddles and various unexpected magical surprises and notions, New Year's holidays lose their charm. And in creativity the family unites and inspiration and new ideas are born!

We usually prepare the holiday very quickly - literally in a few hours on the last New Year's Eve days. We cook along the way, discussing it on the way to the store or in transport, as well as at night, so that no one hears anything from our surprises. And costumes are born from various improvised things. Baba Yaga appears from an ordinary robe, a scarf on her head and a broom or mop in her hands. The snowman is made of a sheet stretched over a gymnastic hoop on which snowflakes are sewn. Koschey - from a tracksuit, a swimming cap on his head and a couple of lines of makeup on his face. Such characters are not frightening and very funny, they amuse everyone.

This is not an artistic scenario, this is a hearty humorous family holiday with a family or with guests. It is performed without rehearsals and is based on improvisation.

Family New Year Scenario # 1.

We played out this scenario in the coming 2015 New Year. But you can use it not only on New Year's Eve, but also on any day when guests with children come to your house.

We start the action like this.

Action 1. New Year's letter from Koschei.

When the new year comes and the time comes to find gifts under the tree, guests find a very beautiful festive envelope under the tree. Joyful, they open the envelope and read the message. And there!!! No, there is not a Happy New Year! Instead of congratulations, the envelope contains a letter from Koshchei the Immortal!

Here is: “Happy New Year! Hahaha! Wanted gifts ?! Ha! You will not have a happy new year! I stole Santa Claus and hid New Year's happiness in a hot country. Soon Santa Claus will melt! You will never find it! Koschey ". (You can download this letter by clicking on the link and print it on a printer on a sheet of A4 paper) -

Action 2. New Year's trip around the countries.

We need to go to save Santa Claus and we go on a journey to look for a hot country, Santa Claus and New Year's happiness. On the way, we find ourselves in different countries and in the games we learn a lot of interesting and funny things about them.

The first game. First, we all play together in "Guess-ku". Questions are asked about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries. In the game, you need to guess whether this is true or not. If this is a lie, then you need to correct it for the truth. Similar questions can be asked about Christmas.

Examples of tasks for the game:

- In Italy, there is a tradition at the very last minute before the New Year to throw out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture from the window. Is it true or not?

- In Germany, Santa Claus comes to the children on an elephant. Is it true or not? If not an elephant, then what? Guess :-).

Tasks for this game at the holiday (questions and correct answers to them) You can download for free

With little children, during this game, you can depict how we are flying on an airplane, then we go by train, then we sail on a ship from one country to another. And the adults will guess. So we will keep both children and adults engaged in this game.

Second game. Nonsense. In the game you have to guess the meanings of words. As a linguodidact by my profession (that is, a person involved in the methodology of teaching a language), I could not help but include humorous language tasks for adults in the script. Almost all adult guests asked to give them tasks from this game in order to play later with their guests :). Therefore, be prepared - and print several copies of the tasks for the game in advance.

Examples of tasks for this game. Guess what it is?

- What is "toadstool" in translation from the Czech language: a) poisonous mushroom, b) buckwheat, c) an unpleasant incident?

- What is “bun” in translation from Bulgarian: a) homemade cakes, b) fatty, c) bride, d) cake?

Want to know the answers? Then download the questions and answers from the links below:

This game can be played not only during the New Year holidays, but also at any family holiday.

While we are guessing these 12 questions, we are moving through the fairy forest to the fairy hut. The travel map helps us with this. The correct answer to one question of the game of nonsense is one of our steps forward to the hut. Move the chip across the field.

Action number 3. Tasks of Baba - Yaga.

We find ourselves in the hut of Baba - Yaga. Yes, it was she who was drawn on our travel map. We remember how to get into the hut and together we ask the hut to turn "back to the forest, and in front of me."

Baba - Yaga meets us very politely and in a fabulous way: “You are mine, where did you come from? On what boyar and merchant affairs did you pass by my hut? "

She agrees to help us in search of Santa Claus and New Year's happiness, but only if we complete her tasks.

Baba Yaga gives a separate task for adults and children.

The task for children is riddles - trickery. They are constructed in such a way that some of the riddles require an answer in rhyme, and some - not in rhyme. You need to be careful and not be mistaken! Deceptions are gladly guessed not only by children, but also by their mothers and even fathers. And adults make mistakes as often as children!

You can give chips for correct answers in this game (if even 7 people answered correctly at the same time, we give each of them a chip). At the end of the game, we count the chips and give out small surprises to everyone who has at least one chip.

Riddles - Rhyming tricks alternate with common riddles to confuse the players. You can deliberately pronounce out loud the first syllable of the wrong word in trompe l'oeil.


"Night. Winter. There are stars in the sky.
The kids are asleep, it's too late
The month in the sky is a horn
White fell ... (snow)

Well, the dresses are all needles -
They wear it constantly ... (Christmas trees)

Many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is Day ... (this is New Year's holiday)

Prickly needles
At the smart ... (Christmas tree)

With grandpa down the street
Rides in a sleigh ... (Snow Maiden)

Who is he, with a white beard,
Himself ruddy and gray,
He is the best and kinder!
Have you guessed? - ... Barma ... (Lei ?!) (No. Santa Claus)

Who came from afar

Is it slightly covered with snow?

Who brought us gifts?

All the guys like

Green beauty.

Balls, needles

January begins
Need a new ... (calendar)

Come to our ball!
So that no one recognizes you,
Let your mothers sew you
Carnival ... Pi - ...? ladies? (no, costumes!)

We looked out the window
Already, my eyes can’t believe it!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ... (blizzard)

Bright shine of silver
Sparkled ... (tinsel)

Forget about whims
Everyone - sweets, everyone - surprises!
No need to cry on New Years
There, under the tree, ... an old bast shoe? !!! (no, gifts!)

Comes to visit us,
He leads round dances,
New year celebrates
He helps his grandfather.
Slim figure -
Granddaughter - (Snow Maiden).

To make the night light
We need to help Grandpa.
All children say on holiday
In chorus: "Herringbone ... go out?" (no, herringbone, burn!)

Bang! Papers, like from a cannon,
Fly out of ... (crackers)

I love to skate on ice.
Hooray! Winter is getting closer!
I'll go to the skating rink with my friends
And I'll put on ... skis? (no, skates)

Flew, circled,

I fell on the path

And sparkles like a piece of ice

Soars up with a crash
Multicolored ... (fireworks)

We will be able to without error
List all winter months.
Let's call it first.
Surely this is the month ... May? (no, December)

New Year! No better than the day
For Bengali ... (fire)

The snow woman has a funny nose,
It's long, bright vegetable!
Now you need to think together,
What kind of vegetable we need to choose.
Who guessed - well done!
Surely it's ... a cucumber? (no, carrot)

Near the Christmas tree in the New Year
Children lead ... (round dance)

Become a round dance

Santa Claus is coming soon!

He walks on a quiet street

With my granddaughter ... (Snow Maiden)

Are you my friend or not my friend?
Get into a circle quickly!
Holding hands, kids
Drive amicably ...? by the nose of the bear? (no, they have a round dance)

We made a snowball
They made a hat on it,
The nose was attached and in a moment
It turned out ... (Snowman)

We will arrange a "war" in winter,
Let's build a snow fortress!
What are we going to "fight" with?
Every "warrior" should know!
Guess soon, friend,
Round ball - ... (snowball)

Santa Claus came to us,
He brought a young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is ... a Mermaid ?! (no, this is the Snow Maiden).

Who is Santa Claus's assistant?
Who's with a carrot for a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin? (No, Snowman)

Look through the door slit -
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches up to the ceiling.
From stand to crown
Hanging on the branches ... (Toys.)

Here she is, beauty,
Everything shimmers!
They brought her from the frost,
This tree is ... Birch? (no, tree)

Houses and parks are covered with snow

Everything has become white and white

There is a snowball outside the window

The river hid under ... (ice)

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These horses are red,
And their names are ... (skis)

We eat this fruit for the new year,

The magic smell comes to the house with him.

Santa Claus eats with appetite

Orange and round ... apricot? (mandarin)

Bouquets of roses on the window
Draws to us ...
(Father Frost)

Gray beard
Good old …
(Father Frost)

Paints the nose red
All the guys ...
(Father Frost)

Pulled girls to tears
For pigtails ...
(not Santa Claus, but a bully)

The shawl is silvery on the birch branches,
This outfit presented ...
(Father Frost)

Who brought us gifts?
Well, of course, …
(Father Frost)

Electric locomotive in New Year
Gave me ...
(Father Frost)

He grew up in hot Africa
Black ...
(не Дед Мороз, а негр)

Nipped us all in earnest
On a winter morning ...
(Father Frost)

I did not freeze in the cold,
I'm just glad ...
(Father Frost)

There is a whole cart in the school of "twos"
Earned ...
(not Santa Claus, but ...)

On women's day, a bouquet of mimosa
Gives mom ...
(not Santa Claus, but dad or son) "

The task for adults is a question-answer game. You need to tell the whole truth about yourself in this game.

You will need:

- printed tickets with questions and answers to the game (download them from the link below, print them on a printer and cut them so that there is only one question or one answer on one narrow strip),

- two opaque gift bags. Put the questions in one bag and the answers in the other.

How to play:

The first player pulls one question strip out of the question bag and reads it aloud to the player to his left. The second player pulls out his answer to this question from the package with answers.

Very funny combinations often turn out. We have this game going through several rounds, because everyone really likes it.

In this game, children can help adults by pulling strips out of bags. Many kids do it with great pleasure.

Action 4. Riddle of Baba - Yaga.

For completing tasks, we receive help from Baba - Yaga. Here's one:

In our case, we hid the letter under the largest flower in the house (rose). Under the flower there is a trolley - a gurney. There was a note under the gurney. Therefore, we came up with this riddle:

“Find the biggest tree in the whole area (meaning in the apartment). There is a magic item under the tree. It contains 4 skewers, 2 sticks and 1 bed. Today he is here and tomorrow he is there. You will find an assistant under this item. "

And you can come up with your own riddle. Here riddle form, in which you can fill in the frame yourself -

Action 5. We get into the hands of an assistant and a hint.

In our appointed place of the apartment (under our cart with a large rose) we find an assistant-hint. There is another mystery in it. And in it is a clue about where Koshchei is hidden Santa Claus and our happiness in the coming year.

The riddle is complex: "On the iron flowerbed, the flowers are blue - they help to cook any food." If the players do not guess, then below there is a riddle - a hint, from which it is immediately clear that a hot country is ... in our kitchen! Near the stove or in the stove! Let's go there!

(My husband and I thought for a long time where to hide the gifts - and decided that the hot country is obviously only a stove, more precisely, an oven. We came up with the riddle ourselves).

Action 6. Save Santa Claus and find New Year's happiness.

We come to the kitchen and find there another sheet with tasks. It turns out that Santa Claus is guarded by a guard. And we need to speak her teeth to save them. We play tongue twisters - "we speak the teeth of the guard", at the same time we find out and discuss what this expression of the Russian language means (to distract the interlocutor with extraneous conversations). You can take any tongue twisters for this game. This year we had such.

After passing through the security, we find ourselves at the stove. And we find in it a bag with a toy Santa Claus and gifts, as well as another bag called "New Year's Happiness".

What is this bag of happiness - I'll tell you more. It contains New Year's wishes. Each wish is printed on a piece of paper. A sheet of paper is wrapped several times (the result is a dense lump 2-3 cm in size) and packed in corrugated colored paper (like in a bag). The bag is tied with a narrow gold ribbon. Everyone pulls out his bag, unties it and reads out what his wishes for the new year are.

The wishes can be different - you can find them on the Internet and change them slightly - rhyme for your family.

For example:

Request 1. "There are many incidents awaiting you
And interesting travels -
On courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where will fate decide! "

Wish 2. “You, my friend, will continue to
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health! "

Wish 3. “Your hairstyle, appearance
We will all be pleasantly surprised.
From then on, you will continue
Everything is prettier and younger! "

Family New Year Scenario # 2.

If you go on a visit, then it will be difficult to completely implement the first scenario without preliminary preparation... But that doesn't mean games are canceled. You can play different games right at the table.

What can be done at a home holiday at a party:

- play game "Question - answer"(see above description and download file).

- And also play the games described above: "Nonsense", "Guess: A Journey Throughout the Countries" and "Riddles - Trompe l'oeil." For the correct answer in each of these games, we give chips to each player who said the correct answer. If five people answered correctly, then we give an incentive chip to each of the five. At the end of the game, count the chips. Whoever collected the most chips gets the right to be the first to take the bag of happiness and read the wish out loud from it so that it comes true.

- play the game Activity (ready-made board - print game).

- play games "Package", "Changes", "Win-win lottery". We played these games last new year, so we didn't repeat ourselves. And you can read about these and other fun games with guests at a family holiday in the article

I wish everyone a Merry New Year and Christmas holidays! And let the games be on family new year holiday bring joy, creative ideas to your home, unite your family and strengthen it!

A complete collection of games for a family holiday, medals, certificates, tokens for game winners, masks for dramatization can be found in the book

You will find more games for the family new year in the article on the site


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Preparations for the main holiday of the year are gaining momentum. Gifts have been planned, recipes have been chosen, a letter to Santa Claus has been written, and even with a script for the New Year you have already decided. To make the first night of 2013 truly memorable for all your guests, we suggest organizing contests. We have selected 10 of the most fun and exciting family contests for you!

Hold the snowflake

Inventory: Cotton wool.
Preparation: lumps are made of cotton, resembling a snowflake.
Host - Santa Claus.
Game: at the signal of the presenter, the participants begin to blow from below on the ball so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is to prevent the “snowflake” from falling.
Winner: the participant who kept the “snowflake” in the air for the longest time.

We answer in chorus

A game of mindfulness. The answer is yes or no. It turns out pretty funny.
Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?
Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He'll bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good at our tree, right?
It was felled with a double-barreled gun, right?
What's growing on the tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbreads, right?
What, our tree is beautiful, right?
Red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the answers are given to the questions
You all know about Santa Claus.
And that means the time has come
All the kids are waiting for it.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Christmas bags

2 players receive an elegant bag and stand by coffee table, on which in a box are scraps of tinsel, Christmas tree shatterproof toys, as well as small gizmos that are not related to the New Year's holiday. To the cheerful music, the blindfolded players put the contents of the box into bags. As soon as the music dies down, players are untied their eyes and they look at the collected items. The winner is the one with the most New Year items. The game can be played 2 times with different players.

Dress up the Christmas tree

Children form 2 teams. The presenter has a box with unbreakable Christmas tree toys near each team. At a distance from the teams, there is a small decorated artificial Christmas tree. The first players take one toy from the box, run to their team's Christmas tree, hang up the toy and come back - and so on until the last player. The first team to dress up the Christmas tree wins.

Collect the potatoes

Required: baskets by the number of participants, cubes, balls, balls - an odd number. Place cubes, balls and balls on the floor - this will be the potato.
Each player is given a basket and blindfolded.
The task is to blindly collect as many "potatoes" as possible and put them in a basket.
The participant who has collected the most "potatoes" wins.

Dance or freeze

This competition is a team competition, it is best to hold it with a large number of participants. Divide the children into two teams and place them in a line opposite each other. Music is played for each team in turn. The players' task is to dance. But the whole team must make one definite movement, and as synchronously as possible. When the music ends, they put on a piece of music for the second team, which dances its movements. Team movements must not be repeated.
The game continues until one of the teams "freezes", failing to come up with another movement. The “frozen” team is considered to be the loser. The winners are awarded a prize (for example, sweets or tangerines), and the losing team is put on music again to dance and warm up.

Find a spruce

This competition is for children who have already gone to school. If there are many children, divide them into several teams, if not, let each one play for himself. Each team or player is given a pen and a piece of paper. In the allotted time, you need to come up with as many words as possible that contain the syllable "spruce": April, drops, blizzard, flute ... Five to ten minutes will be enough, if you give more time, children may get bored.
The catch of the game is that most players will only remember words that end in "spruce", especially if you give them just such an example at the beginning. And only the most ingenious will understand that the syllable "spruce" can stand at the beginning or in the middle of a word, for example: a gorge, a dolphin, a spruce forest, a loafer, a businesslike ...
A team (or player) is awarded one point for each word they come up with. The winner is the one with the most points. This player (or team) is awarded a sweet prize.

A selection for a fun adult company for your feast. Suitable for children and the whole family, a fun adult company and retirees!

Twenty great contests for an adult audience that can be held at the 2020 New Year's corporate party of the White Rat. Contests are somehow connected with the symbol of the year.

Eighteen fun contests, games and a quiz for the Year of the Mouse for kids of different ages... Can be carried out at home, at school and kindergarten.

We have put together a super collection of New Year of the Rat quizzes that will help you create an interesting scenario. There are many questions with answers to the mouse-rat theme ...

Many quizzes with questions and answers, contests, quests for adults and children on the topic pigs... There is a culinary quiz about Peppa pig, an intellectual one, an actor competition with Winnie and Piglet, a pig test, a funny grunt, a quiz of proverbs, films, interesting questions about pigs, wild boars, piglets, etc. all on the theme of the symbol of the year - the pig.

10 fun contests for adults and children. Everyone is connected in one way or another with the dog's new year. "Dog Duel", "Guess What?", "Dog Song", "True Friends", "Snoopers", "Torn Boot", "Snow Dog or Dog", "Like a Cat and a Dog", "Multi-Remote", " Canine professions ”.

If you need a warm-up after a hearty feast, the host conducts contests on stage: Baby Boom, Dance with a Ball, Ball Football, Rhino; contests with clothespins: " Christmas tree№1 and №2 "," Brave "; contests with sweets: “Both for me and for you”, “For a candy”; paper contests: "Drawing", "Dorisulki"; contests with mittens.

Three multiple choice quizzes for adults or high school students about Santa Claus, country, city, famous personalities, historical facts and myths.

Eight unusual entertainments for adult guests: "New Year's Treat", "New Year's Wish", "New Year's Song or Poems", " Christmas tree"," New Year's Gift "," Snow Maiden "," Guess the Melody "," Dances of Heroes ".

We offer 10 fun contests for holding in a cafe or at home using alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that are on the table, for example: "The Last Hero".

Comic contests related to close contact. This could be kissing, hugging, or close contact. Suitable for couples or lovers.

Sweets and chocolates are the best accessories for carrying out merry New Year's entertainment. Sweets go to the winners!

At a corporate party, you can play games using toilet paper. It's a lot of fun!

Funny fun with cotton wool snowballs or paper snowflakes. Can be spent with colleagues or with family.

Funny games for adults that will be remembered by guests forever!

Your choice: "Mandarin", "Wish contest", "New Year's wish", "Make a woman blind", "Dance with a ball", "Variety star", "Situations", "Chain", "Sharpshooter", "Masquerade" ...

Cure for boredom: the best contests-games on New Year's Eve: "Alarm clock", "Decorate the Christmas tree", "Lottery", "Understand me", "Five clothespins."

At home, we have fun with new contests and tasks for family and guests: "Song, go over the edge", "Compliment", "Mouth of olives", "Symbol of the year".

Contests about the most important characters of the New Year's holiday: D. Moroz and Snegurochka, as well as everything related to them: "Gifts from Santa Claus", "Compliments for the Snow Maiden", "Blind the woman of dreams from the snow", "Alphabet", "Fool -Snegurochka "," Ded Moroz "," Ded Moroz and sclerosis ".

Comic contests for adults on NG Rooster: "Cockerel on a stick", "Decorate the Christmas tree", "Lady from the Snow", "Song of the Year", "Masquerade", "Contest with clothespins", "Neon show", "Golden eggs".

We offer 5 comic contests for the year of the monkey: "The symbol of the year is the macaque", "Monkey's tail", "Monkey's tricks", "Smile", "Cheerful banana".

Five humorous contests associated with the year of the goat: "Kochanchiki", "Nickname", "Milk the goat", "Bell", "Drawings with a goat".

Multiple-choice questions on horse subjects, from books, fairy tales, life.

New Year's contests for children

Collection of entertainment for children. For matinees, at a holiday at the Christmas tree, at home, in a kindergarten, school.

We offer fresh games for children for the year of the pig. Entertainment can be included in any festive New Year's program, fun at the Christmas tree, in a recreation center, at home, at school or in a kindergarten.

Interesting home contests: "New Year's Chain", "Pass the Orange", "Snowflake", "Dress Up the Christmas Tree", "Snowman", "Homework".

Quiz "You are the coolest", contests "Christmas tree for speed", "Santa Claus blindly", "Snow intuition", "Snowball", "Fashion show".

Good indoor contests for children: "Snowball", "New Year's Song", "Tangerine Slices", "Snowflakes from matches", "Snowmen".

Contests for first and second graders: "Guess", "Cinderella", "Cabbage prize", "Harvest", from Masha and the Bear, "Tapka".

If there are a lot of children at the holiday, contests are needed that will not disregard anyone: "Elephant", "Announcement Contest", "Centipede", "Growing Round Dance", "Helpers of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden".

At home for families with children, you can spend the following entertainment: "Wardrobe", "What's in my name for you?"

If you want to arrange a holiday in themed style, then by the year of the snake we recommend contests: "Tongues", "Dance of the snakes", "Feed the snake", "Find the snake", "What the snake eats".

New Year Games

Funny children's games for the New Year party: "Who is Baba YAGA?"

Nine comic games for an adult company: "Who is Who?", "Competition for the best drawing", "More eloquent than Pushkin", "Fanta", "Competition for bartenders", games with cards: Blitz-tale, Wordplay, Crossword, Twister ...

Unusual versions of games for the family in the home circle: "Gift", "Electric impulse", "With closed eyes", "Quiz", "New Year's summer".

The year of the dog is coming, and we have prepared fun activities for you with children, so as not to get bored at the holiday. Suitable for both kindergarten and school.

Seven interesting ideas for seeing off the Year of the Goat and meeting the Monkey: "Get to know the goat", "Pantomime", "Dog and the monkey", "Samovar", "Fairy Bazaar", "We are entering the New Year".

Riddles for the New Year

Riddles in verse for children with answers (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Snow, Sledge, Ice, Skates, Skis, Snowballs, Gifts).

Children's riddles about forest animals and pets, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, a snowman, a Christmas tree, New Year's items: icicles, cones, mittens, fairy tale characters and more.

Funny riddles with answers for a noisy group of adult guests. About: champagne, Coca-Cola, Olivier, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, corporate party, tinsel, etc.

Continuing the previous page, collected adult riddles with answers, about pyrotechnics, hangovers, ice, alcohol, confetti, etc.

25 dog-themed riddles: bone, kennel, puppy, cat, dog, wolf, muzzle, leash, dachshund, husky, poodle, diver, tail, scent, etc.

In the year of the rooster, riddles about: a rooster and a hen, chickens, eggs, feathers, a nest, New Year, a comb, as well as comic riddles-fables and a trick will be relevant.

In the year of the goat, riddles for children about a goat, horns, kids, milk, bell, grass, wolves will come in handy ...

Adult riddles for a fun company of jokers: about the year of the goat, more suitable for corporate gatherings.

Many riddles for the year of the snake for your holiday. Adults will love the hidden meaning and humor in riddles.

Children's selection of riddles on the dragon theme. In the new year with the symbol of the year "Dragon" will come in handy.

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